
Comments of chapter undefined of Dark Wind, Icy Snow - RyuTar, YinYuan [BL]


Oooo... unknowingly someone has fallen in love....

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First off I don't like FeiWan cause when it comes to ZaiWin he one of the villans in his life however I find myself feeling abit sorry for him right now, to always be on guard and not able to fully trust not even your own family he can never just take a step back and be him. This chapter has made me realise a fact I already knew and that is every character has a back story and I shouldn't judge so quickly ( although I probably still will 🤦‍♀️) Aww he's missing his hubby I kind off wish CalRimRan would off told him abit more so maybe he could of reconsidered and left with him And maybe he could of been abit happy and alittle more at ease in his chaotic life ( and one less drama for ZaiWin aswell, I can't help it my emotions favour ZaiWin more no matter the others backstory 🤷‍♀️) Our white haired beauty knows more than most of whats happening and whats to come maybe he might have a role in the grand scheme of things despite his passive behaviour, he took the initiative to give FeiWan the choice to leave with him maybe he just might go against his do not get involved in things behaviour and make a choice to help his wifey in the future. Good luck FeiWan life's a b*tch BUT If or When you go for ZaiWin.... I hope you burn in hell with cold fire. ✊ Thanks for the chapter. 😁

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Without him knowing, FeiWan really in love with CalRim. Though it's good that he is suffering and I love his gloomy situation 😂😂😂

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FeiWan has the hots for CalRimRan and nobody takes it from my mind! 🤭🤭🤭 I really, really think FeiWan in pitiful. It's not easy on him; he has many things to worry about: his status, his power, who's scheming against him, what he must do next... It's overwhelming just to think about it! Worst of all: there's no warmth in his family. His mother sees him as a way to have power, his father doesn't seem to care about him. Sigh 😣😣😣 Thank you so much for the chapter! 🥰

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yes Feiwan you should've listened to CalDay and went with him when he asked you🤧🤧🤧🤧


thanks for the chapter and I am looking forward to this new story of couple like how fei was going to make him his 😈😈😈😈😁😁😁😳😳😳😳😋😋😋[img=recommend]