
Comments of chapter undefined of The Oracle Paths


something I'd like to mention is the whole personality change with Jake's rune soul class. a dozen or so chapters after he got it it was never really mentioned again. when I say mentioned I mean like it never had an effect afterwards. he's meant to obsess over small runes to the point where he sometimes forgets about his soundings but outside the 1 time that's happened it's never been brought up since


i really do enjoy this book and I think the author has amazing talent at providing a sense of progression and getting people hyped for Jake's power ups and honestly that's the strong point of this web novel. though as much as the author succeeds in that he also falls a little short on the character side, specifically providing meaningful personalities and consistent behaviour. most characters kinda just feel one note and cookie cutter and the ones that are interesting, like Jake and Lucia, tend to be fairly inconsistent in their behaviours. I know that through the progression of there stats and gaining soul classes that their behaviours and personalities are gonna shift and change but when it happens so often it gets hard to actually relate and like characters because every dozen chapters they are completely different. TLDR: author is great at power ups, fight scenes and providing a general feeling of badassery but needs to work on giving the characters more layers and consistency.


Aurae and other entities as strong as ancient designers descended to personally get the stele ready for Jake. Whatever jake gets has to be some ungodly class. I wonder if we get to see another funny personality override like when he began obsessing over lettering after picking the rune master(?) class. On a side not… Ark, I’m begging you… Status sheet 😭🙏

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Good chapter


nice chapter


Finally the new soul class.


Thank you for the chapter


The class is like a soul aether code will he devour it and probably every single class option Combine them to make a super class ?