
Comments of chapter undefined of The Oracle Paths


thanks for the chapter Ark!


Arkinslive, I for one would like to thank you for your commitment to this story. I recently read a comment regarding your drop in chapters recently and I was utterly infuriated. I guess no one read the section about your grandmother dying and I would just like to say that I'm sorry for your families loss and I hope she has peace now. With that being said even though you haven't had time to grieve yet, you still made it a priority to release chapters and I thank you whole heartedly because I truly enjoy your book and wherever your going with it, just write it they way you see fit. Dont be swayed by the whining of some.. I can't speak for the rest of the readers but I'm here until the end of the ride. And thank you once again for your dedication.

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It appears it ends here boys. This novel was a fun ride. It's probably me, I'm like a curse. Every book I'm fond of always end up dropped by the translator, or worse, the author.


Hello darkness my old friend we have lost another book again 😭



In case you guys don't know Ark said he'll be back to work tomorrow on the discord. Happy days!

Author liked the comment.


I doubt that you are currently reading the comments Maybe you abandoned this side/novel But when you decide to come back, I'll be here and start reading again. I'm not trying to stress you, you can take as long as you want You can abandon this novel But when/if you start writing again, I'll start reading again I really like the idea of your novel and definitely hope that it continues one day But pressuring you into continuing it definitely isn't the right choice I know that this comment will still put some pressure on you if you read it but I still wanted to say the things I said I hope that you are well and also hope that you won't force yourself to continue writing even if you don't want to, after seeing all the comments we posted If you want to stop that's okay (at least in my and many others opinion XD) don't force yourself Hopefully my words don't look rude or something and make sense English is not my first language and I tried my best but I probably still made some mistakes I wish everyone reading this (and especially the author) a good day, night, any other time and life!


I completely understand that author of this novel is going through personal things. But it is the constant promise of a steady release and the instant disappearing that has disappointed me. It had he not made those promises to get back on and make steady chapters I would never have anything planned out because I know life happens. What's a break a promise to your readers......


J+33 : The leftover chapters are rare, i don’t know if i sill survive. We have lost contact with the HQ ans the line of supplies hab been cut off ...💀


Would be fun if they all die and fail the ordeal?


Author I don't know about others but I am having a very hard time without further release of chapters. I think I have already re read the whole book till now upto 2,3 times to keep me entertained. Hoping you will start releasing soon at a steady rate again,, and also make up for the many missing chapters. Best Wishes loyal reader


So were at 11 days since a chapter, and pretty sure he had missed 10 days before that aswell. I figure we had 4 chapters in 30 days here, and webnovel still saying 5 ch a week on average. Like everything else here, its broken and can be bought off.


Yooo Author ... please give some update weather the novel is dropped for the time Being or you will write again soon ... My saved up Passes are like sitting ducks in a pond waiting to be lost....


Arkinslive, thanks for the great story so far.. are you well? hope you get better both in physical and mentally, as although the chapter release is almost non-existent for now i am guessing you have matters to attend, although i am disappointed in the lack of release but i am still eager waiting for the next chapter. if possible let us know of any delay in releasing the chapters and we will understand and await with bated breath. [img=update][img=recommend]


My father died this march, but I still started working 2 week after that. Pull yourself together.


Hello Ark. I really enjoyed your story and will keep it in my library if you ever start consistently releasing chapters again. I absolutely love this novel but checking day after day and not getting any news is too hard on me.


So I checked his discord, he hasnt posted in over 2 weeks, but he did have this as his last statement. A new book. So this could be dropped?


Just finished the marathon to get here and i just want to say thankyou author for this awesome novel I wish you and your family all the best, i pray you dont give up on this masterpiece of a novel


One day... in the far distant future I hope my great-grandchildren may be able to fulfill one of my lifelong dreams... Read this novel to completion đŸ„ș


Any news from this discord server about why our Author stopped uploading chapters?