
Comments of chapter undefined of The Oracle Paths


Author are you horny ?. Even with previous *** scenes it was done a bit better than this. I feel like it's just instigate the horny readers. I am fine with him getting with someone as a reader but this is kinda of stupid. I understand her teasing but goddamn wait till after the ordeal


Homestly i think you are forgetting the bloodlIne effects. even if there was some character development for sarah its not like she is completely a different person so i dont have any issues the way this chapter progressed.

Just_A_Man:Maybe I shouldn't have come off like this. There is plenty proof that some traumatic good short-term effects and pretty bad ones. You gave a hit of her character before. As I reader my opinion was changed about her when she tried to survive and push for survivability as all human beings and I see her more than a slut. But this chapter brought back down. She is a slut. That's what this chapter portrays and that's what I got from it. It seems like all character development was dished out for some sexy scenes. It's dumb and it's stupid. The only I see this working I if Jake sees her more than that and it will help with his and her character development. But Rose who appeared before has better character development than her Sarah it seems.

Ha. Sarah actually has more dimensions as a character than Jake. I'm really starting to forget why he is so antisocial to begin with? Is he just a sociopath?


The only horny person here is Sarah. There hasn't been any *** scenes concerning Jake directly, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. The closest things of a *** scene would be Sarah castrating her wannabe raper before the first Ordeal and the orgy during the first Ordeal, but none of Jake and his friends were involved in this. To be honest, I understand more the readers complaining about the fact he didn't get laid in this chapter. Sarah wasn't subtle in her advances if that's what you're talking about, but it was precisely her intention.


Is the mc gay? Why is he running away from 🐈


beta jake strikes again ( and when she flirts with someone he gets angry......i really cant understand jake )


Lil Machete, bouta drop a rock solid album on Sarah's lap. Good on Jake, staying focused on surviving instead of caving in and listening to lewd base instincts 😌 Author knew what to do here.


Good maN. Buddha is within 😤


Yeah I think Jake is doing this on purpose to Sarah just to make her hella horny, to teach her that she won't get what she wants that easily.


jake the monk


Playful Sarah ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Any chance we get *** in this novel? I mean i wish there are some r18 scenes but at the very least just saying "and they did it" for plausibility. I understand that jack is a driven man but nobody is 100% driven for anything, that would be sociopath, and i dont think anybody is like that. Its one thing to say jack has changed and another altogether to say he can never procrastinate or enjoy anything except getting more aether .


bruh I thought he could breath underwater now.So how did he almost drown?


why include this at all? we all know mc will never get any cuz he acts like a Japanese beta male, I don't understand why you authors make your characters do everything they can to avoid a sexual interaction, it's annoying and doesn't go anywhere


MC became a bitch lol


Mr. Author, once before you said that time zone of your country is changed n now you've been put into quarantine.. I'm actually curious, from which country are you exactly !!!??? 🤔🤔


Ark. well played mate. This is what i call a breather. with all the serious shit happening and even some foreboding in this chapter with the cOld winds and the tempErature drops i liked this chapter. it was a filler aNd a Good comedic one. Even tho sarah grew up And had some character development she is not an entirely new person and i agree how her character could end up pulling something like this after being cooped up for six months. I also agree with jakes play and it doesNot step away from his character either so kudos. Also stay safe duRing covid times!!


C'est vrai que Sarah a été un peu brusque, c'est peut être son sang, les gènes. Je suis sûre qu'elle a quand même les sentiments déjà pour Jake. Va t'on assister a un triangle amoureux Sarah - Jake - Ruby ? Merci pour le chapitre.


Aww, would be nice if the author wasn't a virgin afraid of women. You don't have to describe it, but suggesting the MC has an increased libido twice over just for him to act like a scared school boy is disappointing. He doesn't need to have a harem or anything to just be able to not look like a child.


Let the man train and save the universe


why all the hate for pineapple on pizza. pineapple is top tier pizza topping