
Comments of chapter undefined of The Oracle Paths


But how did the hero Myrmid get chained or captured by a digestor if he is the one at the start of the legend of his blood and his body type? Shouldn't he have been too strong?

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I've gotta say, this first ordeal was great, although I indeed suspected that the ordeal worlds were in fact actual worlds, predicting the rest of the ending to the ordeal proved extremely hard (I managed to completely forget about the digestors, even though you kept throwing the answer in our face) In my opinion this ending shows how good the writing in this book is. On a side note, I'm looking forward to meeting princess Lucia and Gerulf again sometime in the future

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I’m going to be the first to admit that before this chapter I was incredibly sceptical about where the ending was going. With this chapter, I take back my scepticism and tip my hat to the author. That was an absolutely phenomenal twist. Good job sir.

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The main plot (the war against the digesters) is by far the most exciting part, but above all it is a strong script justification that creates expectation and excitement. This chapter reminds me why I wanted to read this novel. The test was very well written, but it's the survival and apocalypse aspect, in a world potentially bigger and more open than Colling Dragon, that gives the tests a stronger interest (and it's also what justifies their existence in an intelligent way and makes them coherent). Short and very well-written fights are also a great aspect of this novel (when I think of Second coming of glutonny and how much its filthy and unintelligible fights, or the DBZ episodes when FOUR fucking episodes were necessary to launch a kamehaméha). But most of all, the fact that you didn't make any particular mistake, especially when it comes to the coherence of the universe, makes the reading pleasant and easy. Thank you for these chapters, and keep on going like this Congratulations to the author.

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Nice twist!!!! But yep I'm mainly waiting to see what rewards he gets from this Ordeal and normal world arc so to speak. As for length it was good not too long or too short. If some Ordeal sucks its not to long to semi read/skip if its good its long enaf to be good read. remember to focus on main world too plz!!!!

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Wait!! Are they real worlds? I like!! There are chances to see the princesses again.(? Thanks for the chapter, I love it, I'm curious about the rewards.

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We had like 20 chapters building up to this... how did nobody see that coming? Almost like nobody remembered that there are digestors somewhere. Mr. Author has mastered the art of hiding in plain sight! The profound effect of misdirection 😂 Loving this novel!!!!

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I have to admit I thought of 13 different things that could happen I closet I got was when I guessed they would be surrounded and forced to drink something and become mindless but never did I think it was digesters. I also thought the hero was from outer space and trying to rule the world and eating his own kind to gain extra life spawn but guess he wasn’t.

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So he didn't get the 100 percent pure blood ? AND FUCK YES GERULF IS COMING BACK !!! I LOVE YOU ARKIN. thx for the chap.

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I would love to know not only what rewards jake gets from this ordeal, but how he compares to the rest of existence. Eg. How do his benefits from the first ordeal rank in the universe. 10,000th? 1000th? 10th? Would species with more potential have gained mire than him, hence his rank wouldn’t be too high? Millionth? I know the ranking seems to be a bit arbitrary, and I’m it sure how it could be done. Simply aether gained? But experience and understanding matter too.. Or would stronger species have a world which would be as hard for them as this world is for Jake? Like if one of those predators that are few in number we saw previously appeared in a world similar to jakes first ordeal, they could probably just kill everything in the world and gain unimaginable aether numbers. I guess I’m interested in the balance. I know it’s a lot of questions 💦💦 sorry Anyway. Awesome ordeal! Double thumbs up 👍🏻 👍🏻

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Reeee I feel so vexed. Ark is there no way to save the hero myrmid? I feel so bad for him. Also why can't he get rid of the chains himself and squash that bug of a digestor . The hero seems a lot better than his people . I mean i hate that digester! I want Jake to kill it and then drink its blood and get op! Also i want Livia and lucia to appear again. They will take revenge on these digestora for hurting their dear mother like that as well making their father dissapear and most of all for their hero!!! Please jake i want them to join his team sometime . At least lucia with blood exactly like hero myrmid, livia and gerulf. Those are a must but I dont mind khazus and priscus joining too . That would be a dream. Can you accept my request as a fan request and incorporate it please!!? After all many others in the comments are also wanting to see it happen . I mean i know you will create more awesome ordeals but.... i still want memorable characters like Livia and lucia to join him. It would be jake digestor destroying army. .THEY will become an absolute nightmare for nightmare for digestors. The most lethal force in the mirror universe against digestors. What do you say !? Especially the kind of the one hurting the hero myrmid. I feel so bad for him .


Are we ever going to find out who Myrmid was?

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I want to know what happens after this in this world and what the kid is doing.

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It seems like not only was I underestimating the danger of mirror universe ,But also Author's writing skills

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Lmao imagine if he didn't scan the vat, this guy is lucky. The last chapter felt like something straight out of a horror movie. I guess if I want to see another characters perspective it would be the hero myrmids, but I assume that would reveal future plot... Sooo maybe Servius's or the queens perspective? But I think I'd rather figure things out together with Jake instead.


I meant lucia and gerulf . Shesh my tongue tied. Yes i want lucia and gerulf to appear again and recollect about how things went after he left .


Fun tip: For the people wondering he needs 5120 ether to max out his 7th stat from 20 to 100 so just do 64 * 80 ^_^

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Digestors are back, wonderful...

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Common ark why you blue balling us (;´༎ຶ益༎ຶ`)♡ Anyways thx for the chapter as always XD XD

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See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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Thanks for the chapter