
Comments of chapter undefined of Life in DXD


6 year kids are talking about dating...


Dont get irina man! She is not that interesting or beautiful as a character is fine as friends but as lovers is like meh :/! Besides she herself choose isse dont let her join the MC! Even asia is better than her and she is in the almost the same category!


this is bull****...childish argument and the MC is thinking of killing people...retarded...rewrite


wtf is this second pickers????she kinda said without words " go **** yourself" i like isseii to her first friend and now you accept her???i know they are 5 year old but **** you never **** with your first frind, i know my 3 best frinds since kindergarden and we never put others before us not even the girl in the group....


Girls like irina who just abandoned the mc that easy don't wroth the mc time and feelings, btw issei is a little piece of ****.


They are still kids plus relationship takes time plus don’t make him friends with saji and isse I hate those both


When the hell did kids get so smart? Irina basically already had her first heartbreak, Miyuki acts like a teenager and don’t even get me started on Kurumi lusting over a fucking child! Ever heard of timeskips author?


Both Tatsuya and Saiki Kusuo are kind of emotionless, so MC is at least supposed to have a poker face, even if it is fake.


They are children, but she betrayed him already as a child. So what could happen in the future? When she meets mc and Issei again during the Kokabiel events, will the Issei dragon aura not affect her and in the end she is just NTR mc, brrr vile. Do not forget that the dragon aura attracts powerful allies, opponents and women. I don’t know, I think that nobody except Koneko’s (ORC) is worth attention. And of course Rossweisse (but she doesn't have to give way to ORC).


Their kids lol,why everyone serious 🤣


Chill people. She's just a kid. We all made of mistakes as a child. So, I think she deserves another chance.


This book just went full blown retard kids don't have feelings like that kids are ****.ing retarded and why does the MC want to kill iseie he is just f,uckin 6 wtf


Let mc have all the harem of issei


Oh man that 6 year old made me so angry I want to kill him. Such maturity from a reincarnated person. Does the mc think that Issei is also reincarnated or some ****? LOL


Just rewrite this **** already. lol


You know throwing around the word Kill will lessen the impact of the word it will ruin the story's dynamic


what? this girl just throw him away, and now he is angry and want to kill... author screw it the moment the girl choose to play with iseei..


You are too strict on them. Especially for children. I read the comments about Issei. Horror. So many people do not like him. But he is a good person and a charismatic character. Yes, it’s very difficult to read the original ranobe and it didn’t work for me because of his constant thoughts about boobs. But if you look at his actions without the prism of hostility, he is really not bad. However, I completely agree that the pervert should not be important in this story, and therefore should not have a harem or Rias. It would be best to take the mechanism from him and allow him to live an ordinary life. In the end, the main character is not here. And to do this precisely because this story is not about a pervert, and not because he is bad. As for Sanji, I really don't like him. His arrogance is very annoying, when he got crumbs of power he already considered the rest as ****, while the dog wagged his tail in front of his mistress. He can also be justified, but my hostility to him is stronger than to Issei. But! Here, too, we can say that this is fan fiction and his personality can be changed. In any case, I liked this work. I really hope that Reinar, the same fallen angel of Amano Yuma, will not be killed by the hero and will become one of his girls. Damn it, I am biased and I really like this "bad" character, whose actions can be easily justified, despite the complex nature. Especially in the womb, not the aniba, where she wears a BDSM costume for a foolish reason. Oh ... I'm carried away. Haha And yes, I hope the hero will have a big harem, especially such characters as Nukta, Lavinia and Ingvild, who are often forgotten. Hehe.


Thanks for the chapter


idk why some guys are hurt like someone are you guys Soo insecure that a little misunderstanding of a person feelings is enough to turn you off. what kind of EQ some of you guys have.


Why are you doing all this stupid haren at age 5-6 at least wait until teenagers