
Comments of chapter undefined of Child of Destiny


now give him godlike title


also I'm confused is this really a romance? it says it has it but the female characters have had like a total of 10 minutes of book time. I don't even know who the FL is and I'm over 400 chapters in. I'm guessing it's Cloe but if it is that's just garbage writing considering she just showed up 250 chapters in out of nowhere. I thought it would be Alice (I believe that's her name right?) but all the sudden after like chapter 100 you just got rid of her. and when he met her in the game I'm like, ok! they become rivals then freinds and then start growing feelings for each other and 1 day they meet up in the real world and start dating. I'm like that sounds awesome and a great romance but...she just disappeared and that's the last time I saw her, then you add Cloe and it's felt extremely forced she forces him to go on a date with him when he doesn't even like her apparently. Idk maybe you have future planes with Alice (I think that's her name) I don't mind Cloe but it would be terrible writing if she's the FL.


also I'm confused is this really a romance? it says it has it but the female characters have had like a total of 10 minutes of book time. I don't even know who the FL is and I'm over 400 chapters in. I'm guessing it's Cloe but if it is that's just garbage writing considering she just showed up 250 chapters in out of nowhere. I thought it would be Alice (I believe that's her name right?) but all the sudden after like chapter 100 you just got rid of her. and when he met her in the game I'm like, ok! they become rivals then freinds and then start growing feelings for each other and 1 day they meet up in the real world and start dating. I'm like that sounds awesome and a great romance but...she just disappeared and that's the last time I saw her, then you add Cloe and it's felt extremely forced she forces him to go on a date with him when he doesn't even like her apparently. Idk maybe you have future planes with Alice (I think that's her name) I don't mind Cloe but it would be terrible writing if she's the FL.

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Honestly good riddance the guy was toxic.