
Comments of chapter undefined of Demon's Virtue


has this novel dropped?


Omg a new chapter! It was so good too, I look forward to next chapter :)


yay, New Chapter. It will be nice to see how Eiro reacts once he gets to a point that he knows all recorded knowledge of 2 full elemental planes.


I love this story and I can see it ending in a year or two if dicevr slows down the story. Don't scream at me hear me out. eiro is stronger than any human on the continent he has so many projects we here about the monster town every 50 chapters it feels. eiro should stop encountering new things. (like dimensions and cannibal students) and start tying things up. beating the devil finally, letting the kids move out, get the hero to come over, preparing to fight the monster king. Erio has gotten so strong that compared to other beings in the world he's plateaud He has to beat a crafty monster and a kid before he fights the big bad boss. No one challenges eiro anymore. if he starts to prepare for the end we should have just as much content as before. However the goals will be set up to be complete and the story can end correctly. Dice you have built a world so deep and beautiful I don't think anyone wants it to end but eiro is close to the summit but it doesn't feel that way because the side missions are incomplete. I feel a year of tying up loose ends will do the story more justice than starting a new story branch over and over again. This story isn't getting updated as much. If the ending is near why doesn't feel that way. please dice don't drop the ball yet. a smooth ending is within grasp.



Is this novel coming back?


Seems Eiro has a new plan