
Comments of chapter undefined of Top Star: Journey to Become a Global Star


Hoping you'll finish this, i love this novel, just ignore those toxic people

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Dude, I can't express in words the relief that I'm feeling with this announcement. This novel has honestly been my favourite among all my favorites in Webnovel. So I gladly welcome this news. Hope you continue on with this story and show us the complete saga. Eagerly awaiting for this story to once again pick up the previous tempo. On a side note, I never sent you any hate reviews.

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OMG! I followed you in Scribblehub then here because I like "Let Me Make You a Star". I am so sorry to hear that you receive and/or receiving hate comments and reviews. However, I hope you do not lose heart, hope do not lose your passion in writing these kinds of stories and be depressed again. As much as there are negative comments, so do positive, encouraging comments, right? So keep on going, I, for one, believes in you and in your capability to write. Fighting! ☺️❤️


and bro your only 16, when you reach college or 20 years of age, you'll feel deppresion in that time you need friends. It's invitable, it better to experience it, then come out stronger out lf it


dude just don't read all the comments. My advice for depression, is if you are bothered by the comment just file a complaint even though, webnovel is an open community. There are still people who are toxic here. Maybe they are child, or people with problems or they might even have a bad attitude at that time and they are pooking for somthing to throw it on. So my advice is be open about it, the key to defeating hatefull comments is by not doing something about, it is by fully accept it then complain if you feel depressed. You're a normal human being so you also need some time to let it out.I help a friend made a thesis about depression, there is no definitive answer, but there is a solution and it by fulling commiting an filing a complaint. And please remembee that hatefull comments does not represent you fans, they are only a miniscule part of it. What about the people who really like the nobel you're reading?, they love it me and other readers are excited by it. P.s if you're piss of just chat who is the one making you feel like that, we will be the one bombarding that person [img=recommend]


bro, just take it easy write what you want and makes you happy dont listen to the hate just do what you want.


It's a very good news... I'm thankful that you come back to finish what you started. Good luck & God bless you dear.

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Welcome back. 😆 wish you always in good health~😍 cheer up 🥰🥰🥰🥰 and thank you for the updated~😋


welcome back


thank youu for comeback. happy to have u here[img=recommend]


I have read so many of yr novel but I really like u to continue the Rebirth of the Entertainment Giant


I understand that you need a break and get well soon. But please don't abandoned this story. I really like it very much... there's very little of showbiz style in which male is the mc. which is why I can wait just promise you will complete this. thank you and have a great day.


Hi, I hope you get to read this. I’ve been finding some novel and I stumbled upon this I’ve read it and I really liked it, i hope you continue to write this and I will await your return! I hope if you come back you will turn a blind eye to all the negative comments just like Xin Ren in the novel. I really hope you continue and I hope you are fine. I also hope you at least put up a notice as there are a lot of fans waiting for your response. Believe me because I am one of them. Hope you get better if you are facing any problems and continue to write if you want to. I personally hope you continue to write this story and give it a complete ending . -your fan ,RyC


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon




Im really glad that you decided to come back. You’re novel has always been on of the best and i will love to read more of it. Youre the best ! 😁