
Comments of chapter undefined of The Fourth Mistress


Graham death shocked me the most. bt story is just start to blooming and I can't wait to read more.... what's gonna author plot next is excited me most......plzzz update Ash🥺


First thing first, thank you for the TFM Update, Ash matato. It was worth the wait that soften and pains everyone's heart. 🤎😢 I have a feeling Graham is gonna be Louise's guardian angel through her future journey. It's so sweet these two wanted to be there for each other but as of now... I am sad for Louise and Alison... I really can't wait what happens in the next update. Patience is the key 🔑😇 This chapter reminds me the movie Ghost:


So I guess no one can see Graham… is he real or her imagination?


Thank you for the update Ash. I have been waiting since long for the updates. But I can understand it's too hard to keep up with 2 books. I'm happy with what we got now. Hope you won't tire yourself up. I wonder how a love story between a ghost and a human who are spouses are gonna develop as it is a rare occurence. May be both of their deep feelings are holding him up from passing through the threshold to the next realm or should I say step into the afterlife!!! Anyway I'm glad they are back together. Can't wait to read more. I will wait even if you take more than a year to update next chapter. Thank you once again Ash. Take care of yourself.


Thank you again for this update, Ash. 💞 😞Sigh...still there's the pain, sadness, and hurt I feel for Graham and Louise. They could "have been" but "wasn't able to get past through getting there." I wonder how will the officers' report findings will turn out; so Alison and her family and Louise with Gilbert and Camille are the only ones remaining in the Reeds family. Plus Graham's ghost; who will serve as Louise's "protector"? 💭💭💭🙄👀 So devastating news for Alison, too. Let's see what's in store in the future for Louise and Graham.


so it was planned by graham. Feel so sorry for Louis. Now patiently waiting for next update ❤️


I patiently waited to bing read TFM. I’m Glad it paid off !! I dunno how to feel about grahams gosh hovering around Louise. She’s Been through so much. I believe she will need some time alone to sort her feelings. She and graham were starting to develop deeper feelings for each Other n now he’s A ghost. 😔 On second thought, why is he unable to move on? 🧐 The mystery continues…


I am so excited about this update!! Oh graham! I’m still disappointed that he is gone!


I hope Graham comes back some how! It’s crazy Lou didn’t even get to ENJOY her husband, lol. I’m not surprised that Graham was attracted to Lou from the start and “arrange” their initial meeting.


Can we get a update for this book please 🥺pretty please😘 💗???...I know you might be taking rest because of illness 🤒 or might be busy with something ..but still if possible please post an update for this book as well...🥰....I don't know ,I have become a curious cat for this book..just can't stop thinking about the story 😄


I can’t my heart mind is refusing to accept his death. 😭😭😭😭


Thank you Ash, ,, sigh I still can't accept the death of Graham 😓


Oh Ash…. What kind of crazy ride are you taking us on? I know everyone is getting major Ghost vibes…. We shall see where you take us and these characters we have grown to love!! I don’t know how you do it, even one story let alone two at once… But I’m here hanging on every word!!


Thanks Ash for the long awaited update . I’m still sad about Graham dying. Now he doesn’t want to leave Louise really . What does he think he will accomplish being a ghost and staying around Louise ??? Ash you got me and your readers scratching our head trying to figure out where you’re going with this . 😞😞❤️


Ty you for The Update I know it hard To wright two book i proud of you you are a great writer


AWESOME CHAPTER!!! Totally worth the wait! 😘😘


Is there any way we can turn him into a vampire because me here crying every day to imagine his ghost.


Thanks for the update Ash! I’m totally curious as to why Graham is still around! I’m super sad that she did not get her happy ever after with him! It’s no wonder he instigated their first meeting. He was intrigued by her and wanted to meet her! He must have fallen for her quickly! Is Graham going to be her angel or is he going to be the next Emily? Not able to see anyone else with Louise?


I think he is going to stick around her for awhile 😆 🤣 😂


I am sad Graham died, but I want Louise to find a new man. 😂 I feel like Graham wasn’t good enough for her, she deserves more.


I want Graham...ALIVE!!! But should i settle for his ghost?!