
Comments of chapter undefined of The Fourth Mistress


where is Graham


The curse of being forgotten inflicted by Lisa upon Emily before she was pushed brutally into her eternal slumber. Little did she know that the curse will lead to the merciless slaughter of her entire family one by one. Poor Graham, it would've been too hard for him. And yet again the greater pain is getting reminded of after a few years. It will take a toll on him than anyone else. He will be feeling guilty that a little kindness and care he showed to someone became sole reason for the distruction of his entire family. Hopefully Louise would never leave his hand and will remain as his safe haven.


A lot of factors come into play here. As outsiders, It’s easy for us to say that what they did is wrong and they aren’t different from Emily. But if we put ourselves in their shoes, I think we’ll be torn and caught in a dilemma as well. This is just very sad and disheartening. I hope Graham and Louise can have a deep conversation about what happened and how can they move forward from this…


I really hope we get to read Graham's side to explain his side of the story. The Reed family did a wrong move to kill Emily but what makes a difference if they turn her in to the officer? What if she escape? If she's alive and jail, heard that the 5th wife Louise married to Graham, I'm pretty sure things gets worse than this situation. Emily would get her revenge, plotting one by one of the family members.


So did Emily’s skelton end up in Lisa’s casket? I’d think little miss crazy pants would want her skelton in Lisa’s grave so that when Graham or others went to visit they were actually visiting her?


I'm rendered speechless, too, right now. So there really is a fourth casket for Emily; but Viola had forgotten before it could be buried together with the first three caskets with Graham's three deceased wives in the cemetery in Midville. But where could Emily's remains be right now if only the dress was found underneath the tree in the forest grounds? And still the skeletal remains that was to be identified from Lisa's original casket was even stolen from the investigation office and the personnel involved were even killed there. We'll just have to wait for the next reveal after this. 🤯😳🙄


I might be harsh, but that heifer deserved what she got! She killed all 3 wives with no remorse what so ever and no mercy. I don’t feel the slightest bit sorry for her. I want to know how everyone lost their memories-witch’s spell, voodoo?


Disclaimer: I dont condone killing lives except for self-defence IF NECESSARY coz I love my own life We can analyse n make rational decision to send killers to justice when we r the outsiders. (Thinking w facts) But if the victim(s) r our beloved, the one we loves so much,we r full of hatred n we’ll become ‘crazy’ momentarily (Thinking w emotions) Thats why any of the victim’s family that caught the perpetrator by themselves n bring them to the police, ill RESPECT them LOTS N LOTS coz its heartbreaking facing their evil disgusting face n thinking that they kill our beloved


Wondering if Graham’s memories of Emily and of what happened came back as well like the others even if he was not at the manor. I was relieved to know that when his senses came back, right awat he regretted what they did with Emily but it would seem like Louise has having a hard time accepting it…. I’m looking forward for them to see each other and see how they will handle things. I’m still undecided if Lisa’s curse to Emily helped in the situation or actually made it worse…. One thing i already had decided though, that this book is so good and the story is indeed so brilliant. Good job Ash 🥰💚


I am speechless....


Things are making more sense now, but where is Graham? Hope he makes it home safe, but is he remembering everything too, cuz if the orhers are surly he is too.?


What an interesting concept that Lisa's curse took effect so soon after the murder of Emily. To have completely forgotten about the girl so soon after is astounding. I wonder if that means that Emily's spirit went right back to work in the manor for no one to notice her disappearance, or did they forget her existence completely? I'm curious to see what kind of conversation Louise and Graham have once he gets back.


Just.. O M GOSH!! I freaking LOVE this story!! lol


I just speechless


So did Emily’s skelton end up in Lisa’s casket? I’d think little miss crazy pants would want her skelton in Lisa’s grave so that when Graham or others went to visit they were actually visiting her?


Readers timeline: all the Reed family is suspicious >>> then the innocent maid Emily is the psycho murderer >>> clearing the Reed family from suspicion >>> later knowing that the Reeds are not innocent either as they all took part to murder Emily >>> what's going to happening next?


they forgot about Emily because Liza told Emily before she died that one day the Reeds will forget about her being the forth mistress. i think it is some kind of a curse from a dying hurt person. is her body still under the mud or did she still survive?


Now that the curse has broken and everyone remembers... I really want to read what happens next I'm so excited.. thank you so much Ash!


Wow.... 😳 What a messed up situation and another whole load of questions arises! How they are going to solve this? Is Louise going to speak about it? Will they go to jail now? 🤔 And the most important, where is Emily while they’re talking?! 😱


This story is so good!!! Well done!


Ash- another great chapter. What a ride you are taking ys on. Mind blown, 🤯😳 the suspense is killing me. Can’t wait for the next chapter.