
Comments of chapter undefined of Queen of the Castaway Isle


The story writing has become more and more incoherent...like I get the concept of creative writing. Expressions through showing rather then telling. However, this chapter was becoming increasingly difficult to read as it progressed. What even happened at the end? I don’t know and at this point I’m not sure I really care. The actual plot has barely progressed. What is evening happening? Where is this story going? Instead of being all artsy with the writing (and the grammer mistakes makes it harder to understand) can we have some coherent plot and dialogue...I really do love this story, in fact its the only story thats keeping me from deleting webnovel altogether. Therefore, don’t give up on this story as it really has so much potential. I am still looking forward to what happens in future.

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This story. Sophie's story. The siblings. Leon. Anyone in the island. All of 'em makes one realize the deepest, darkest and fears of a person. Every wish, regrets and hopes, even coping mechanism of a human being makes you realize what you truly desire. To live, fight or give up. Author, I dont know if your studying psych or anything related but this story is really an addictive one.

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Why the cliffhanger?! *sobs* Evil author...

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what's up with this meta cliffhanger (ノಥ,_」ಥ)ノ彡┻━┻

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Thanks for the chapter worth the wait as always and you cant do this to us a cliffhanger in a novel updated every 2 weeks or so i need to know what happens welp

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QC updates. *me makes happy noises* Truly our Sophie's more broken and battered than we know. These chapters really give a lot more insight into her psyche. Moving on to our cat Leon. I hope he's okay and not harmed. it'll be fun to have him together with the siblings .

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Well, can't give power stones anymore until there are more than 15k words. Just know they are with you in spirit, author-sama.


patiently waiting for the next chapter.

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Please tell me Leon didn't disappear. I kind of understand where he is coming from, the future (Sophie experienced) Leon. I really wish for that kid to not disappear but I also don't want him to be subjected to whatever is going to happen or currently happening on the island. Maybe he gained the power of invisibility. When June was cooking up ideas to "clean" Leon, for a moment I wondered how is it that June is worried about cleanliness and not Mattie. I really love how you described Sophie's cold as wanting to deep throat a cactus. That might have been the closest one could go to describe the feeling. Also, I've never heard or read it being described that way. Sandeep might be one of the only people who didn't sexually approach Sophie, isn't he? Her voice of reason sounds a lot like him means she really considered him as one of her aides, if he can be described as one. Or we could call him an advisor. The beginning of the chapter about hunting and pigs could have turned me vegetarian or even vegan of I hadn't visited a slaughterhouse or butcher's shop. That didn't turn me off. Does that mean my internal Sophie is not deep inside? Maybe she's lurking under the surface of my skin or a few layers deeper. Something flashed in my mind during the vending machine chapter but it was a fleeting thought. It now hits with full force.Thinking about this. She brought back meds from her dream, in which she goes to the future. I hope we're on the same wavelength right now. So, what are the expiry dates of the meds? Or the manufacturing dates for that matter. Curiouser and Curiouser.

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When the next chapter? PLEASEA

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Was the red bento box the box where she stores the snake heads? If so, i hope he gets power related to stealth.


Am I the only one having trouble today voting ** for QCI? Weird, it says "This work doesn't support Power Stone" when I tried..

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Thanks so Much for Updating❤️❤️❤️ it’s perfect as always I obviously love each and every chapter no matter how depraved and dark that you put out it’s very… Perfect amazing Truthful

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Dude I need this, it's so good. I look for updates every day. Thank you so much for updating it. It gives me life and I can't find anything like it, could someone recommend something similar to this? So. Gooood. <3


the conversatiom with the psychatrist was interesting ty [img=update]


Omg an update! ❤️


Still super hopeful for more chapters. I bindge read this one and im so fascinated by just the concept The ideas and details are amazing. Any chance of an update soon?


please tell me this book isn't going through the Trial Read thingy
