
Comments of chapter undefined of Warrior Princess; Her Quest to the throne


And wow! This keeps getting better.


Between Vidyut and Sharada I cant decide who is worse. He has been planning for so long and even Mriga on his target?

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Morning everyone. Some bugs in the system due to which both voting and posting of chapter was affected. It's been rectified now...


That title got me soo excited and It surely lived up to my expectations. 👏👏👏👏 So many reveals and fav moments to cherish n ponder upon.. LOL my weekend is set. Thank You my dear for the chap 💜🤘😍🥳 Loved: 1. Title: Can't wait for part 2 🥳🥳🥳 2. Fav moments: * Prithvi roping in Yash for a mission (so finally he can be trusted).. He did prove his worth by keeping his emotions in check 👍 * Nirbhay n Vandit as medical masseuse (I couldn't stop laughing 🤣🤣🤣🤣) but they make a great team... 🙌😎 (I don't think P intends to kill Sharada). 3. Scene stealer - Vidyut: * One must say everyone was soo focused on Vindhya n Rudradev that no one could guess Vidyut was the "mastermind". All his goody image was a facade. * Frankly I felt really bad for Vindhya. I mean she worshipped her brother as a hero but he turned out to be just a petty villain..😭😭 4. Reveals (questions): * Two zilla heads are prisoners in southern Zila (remember the queen is also hiding there).. Looks like SZ is quite the happening place.. 😜😜😜😜 Qs is whose gonna help Yash?? Will all of them join the incoming army?? 🤔🤔 * So all these elders are just plain corrupt n ambitious but they are still loyal to Chandragarh... (And leaving aside Bela, all the kids are running the show.. 🤣🤣🤣). Qs is whose are the other partners with Vidyut and what is his back-up plan?? (does it involve his fiance? 🙈). * Vindhya looks like she's making plans of her own. Will she rise above her ambitions (hatred for M) and defend her country?? PS: 1. Peeps who haven't voted - the issue has been rectified so go cast ur votes. 2. And those who haven't joined discord yet, use the weekend properly as Monday there is gonna be a SURPRISE waiting for us (heard it from my trusted sources 🤐), so if u don't check in, don't cry later.. U have been warned.. 😎😉


How many more revelations are coming out way ? How many hours for the next chapter ?


The reveals are not ending only. Can not wait for monday now.


I am shocked that Vindya was repulsed by the plan. She is slightly redeeming herself, a little, iN my eyes. So proud of our boys. They dId a great job staying composed. I am stilp trying to figure out who Attacked Ahliya. what female do we know about that would attack her. Did Vindyut know Mriga was a spy when he saved her in her drunken state? Of course she ran off to out man Veer. How would having her on your side Have advanced his plans.


vandit & Nirbhayact has my jaw dropping. &What did Vidyut plan for Mrigs?I hope Mrigs kills him with her own hands.& why was Vidyut beaten up brutally before or was that too an act


Thank you for the chapter author.