
Comments of chapter undefined of Warrior Princess; Her Quest to the throne


Been MIA for a couple of days and it seems author went over an exciting bend. Loving it.

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As I read the chapter today, one analogy kept popping up (after the twist reveal).. This simulation is supposed to be as close to reality as possible and in life, you don't get to prepare for every situation or circumstances, most of the time you have to 'wing it out' with whatever limited knowledge or resources u have.. 😅 I absolutely loved that twist, makes it more realistic... (As the next Queen, she needs to be ready for anything). 🤘😎🥰👏👏 Thank you author, for all the hard work n detailing u put in.. 💜🙌😘😍🤗 Loved: 1. Title: The test continues.. (Author, u totally missed the pt 😥 (are v losing our connection? My neutral stance didn't have anything to do with the test bt color. 😭😭) 2. Life lessons: 😎😏 * Yash seeing a different side of Mrigs (sometimes people close to us miss the big picture, u gotta take a step back to see the painting)... 😎 * Keeping Ish close coz she's precious. Her presence itself is invaluable but as Mrigs said she would make an excellent communication official for her.. 🤘🙌💜 * I loved how she took the audience as her partners rather than just a prop. 👏👏👏 * Every positive will have some negative. Every resource has +ve n -ve component, it's how u utilize it, it's all that matters👍😉 3. Bread crumb or Big reveal: 🤷‍♀️🙈😜 * So Indrani is the mole... (duh 😉😜) And she did something to the Queen's drink (I don't think the queen was supposed to be here, remember the milk, earlier?). * Now we know the role of Mithilesh (why he is still here). The Qs is why?? Getting the queen sick, for what? Is he working alone or with Vindhya's father?? 🤔🤔🤔

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Hellooooo lovelies! How was the weekend? I am all excited about the week. Are you? Waiting to hear your conspiracy theories, some sarcastic comments and some rants! And that surprise which I spoke about, that's raring to come out too... oh, so much to hold onto, my stomach hurts😂

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Lost for words as the story is moving forward .you like to keep us poor readers on tenterhooks dear author .I think now onwards we should be prepared for more and more revelations. keep up the hard work

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OMG! So good! I love how Mriga involved her people in the simulation. Vash sees the more mature Mriga. Awe!! I’m still on team Veer. I did not see Indrami being the mole. Did she know about Bella and Prithvi? I love the decoy, Prithvi is so smart!

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So Prithvi has gone away with a substitute in place, part of his strategy with rani? Loved the twist today.

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The chapter was awesome, full of details and twist. Happy monday everyone


Thank you for the chapter.