
Comments of chapter undefined of Warrior Princess; Her Quest to the throne


Hello Beauties, thank you for the warm comments yesterday after all the bashing up for days. Phew, I am breathing again. Wishing you a happy day ahead.


Yes but they have received Rama;'s letter now

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I want to know who was On the bed!! Author your leaving me hanging.! I love that Bella is headed to Veer ASAP. He needs her. Who is the spys boss? Hmm Bella is so freaking awesome!!


seems nothing is secret or sacred in the spy world.same is politics


why so much formality between Queen & Indrani.


Today's chapter 🤘 totally rocked n it is forcing me to change my style. 🤭🤭 (my spidey senses are tingling again 😎😏). Hahha anything for u darling.💜😉 It was sucha delight to read 🤗🥳 Thank You 😘. A. Bread crumbs: 1. He was rehired by his bosses (Saptsindu) coz of Charulata. Q1 Do they know of Bela (I think they do now 😱)? Q2 Whose the boss now? (New players?) 2. Prithvi's statement abt going to war tom n QIT's finale happening today, a coincidence? I don't think so.. 😎 3. Ish not in the palace right before all things goes down, her father getting critically sick - another coincidence?? 🤔 B) Cute moments: 1. Prithvi acting like an 18yr old in front of his idol 😍😍😍... (I'm in awe too 💜). 2. Bela's remark about the pickle/shoes/bags.. 😱😱😂😂 (She ruined shopping for me... 😭😭😭😭). 3. P gloating about his secret tunnel n B playing along... (So sweet 🥰🥰🤭). C) Pivotal moments (for me): 1. Ramanujan's eagle finally arrives (pace urself guys 🥺🥺🥺). 2. Bela n Prithvi talking about a breach, suggesting there's a mole. Who is it? 🤔 3. They are aware of Prithvi being the leader n they are also aware of his lair 🙈🙈🙈.. (Hope they are not aware of the secret tunnel - I feel it's gonna play a pivotal role in the upcoming war).


Woo hoo, Bela is def impressive and cruel. Make a pickle out of him. I am still laughing