
Comments of chapter undefined of A Bend in Time

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I hope you give Rowan credit for the Blood Fruit. So far all her accomplishment have been given to others. I would like for her to be at least known outside of Hogwarts. What better way to get more protection from say death eaters to have the backing and gratitude of the Vampires.

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I forgot who this Luther is. Is he that oldest Vampire that was feeding on other Vampires to live long? Thanks for the awesome chapter, Esli-sama. đŸ‘»

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you have already changed history so much that putting wands on goblins I don't think would be a problem, blacks are the oldest family that has the saying that only being pure can be black has accepted anyone, so I think goblins who use wands don't it would be a problem, giants who go to human schools, vampires who eat fruit, werewolves who wear a leash, dragons well dragons I'm sure something will be thought of to make them slaves of their own free will obviously

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