
Comments of chapter undefined of A Bend in Time

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It doesn't make him a peodophile. He is still a monster. It would be like making child soldiers. Train them when they are young to be loyal. He could be like the father com and ng back into a childs life after a dozen years of absence. The child just wants to know the father even when everyone else has warned of what he is like. Imagine if all your life you were treated like a monster because when you were younger someone gave you a disease and then someone else who has the same disease as you came in and treated you kindly, listened to your life story and just treated you like a normal person, gave you friends and a place you could belong. It would probably twist anyone's mind. And the ministry has declared them magical creatures which means they aren't aloud to carry wands. They also are not aloud back into the muggle world because they could break the statue of secrecy, they are not aloud into wizarding settlements because they fear being turned. In the books it was Voldemort who told the werewolf tribes that he would give them equal freedoms as wizards if they fight for him. It is incredible that Lupin even turned out as well as he did in the books.


Yeah lol, I only started reading this book recently.

Ulvr_Laoch:unfortunately you are a year too late 🤣

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I think it might be more that a child who disowned or ostracised for the werewolf disease is more easy to manipulate while growing up. My research on him however is pretty minimal, but that's kind of the vibe I get.

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Uh-oh! Someone's going to die proving something.

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I wouldn't say strictly a pedophile, since that's sexual attraction to children, but most certainly a deranged person with obsession over little boys, much the same way some serial killers prefer blondes while others those with blue toenails

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I wonder what would be Rowan's teleportation limit when maxed out: just the planet, the solar system, galaxy or further?

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hehehe I'm laughing and you have no idea why MWAHAHA

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thanks again

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Thanks for the chapter!!

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Pedo or misunderstood werewolf....i still just kind of think Greyback's a tool.


People saying he's not a pedophile lol pedophilia isn't just sexual his unnatural attention to turning kids is already a case of abnormal attraction