
Comments of chapter undefined of Haven Online


No... BL?


.....i- i don't know what to say but... well, at least, there a good story to read😶


No bl? Sho ai?? Ahhh😭😭


If there's no BL, I at least hope that there's not going to be straight romance for the MC...


Eulogy Ladies and Gentlemen, We gather here today to lay to rest a story filled with the heart and soul of its creators. Today we watch as another wonderful world gets cast off into the merciless void known as Internet. We shall mourn, each of us in our own ways, this story. The unfortunate part about written stories is the unknown. As readers our deepest desires are these unknowable questions; what happened in the past, what is going to happen in the future, what was the meaning of that obscure detail that could be foreshadowing, why was it done like that, why wasn't it done like this, and finally all the possibilities we could ever hope to imagine. Some stories are never written because of obstacles such as "I'm not sure its ready yet" or "I have it in my head and it's beautiful but when I put pen to paper it never ends up the way I thought it would" and the worse story death possible the "Atlas Death" meaning when a story is killed by us the viewers when we build mountains out of mole hills growing it slowly with our perceived inadequacies, contrived comments, and our ability to make a writer believe that their hopes and dreams for a story, for their world, can be snuffed out by our criticism or a lacking of commendations. Similarly a writers unexpected death can cause stories to be left unwritten gladly we as viewers can hold out hope as this is not our reality. As viewers we can never lose hope, never stop imagining all the possibilities of what could be... Today we pay our respects to Haven Online a unwritten story that we hope Rest In Pieces(RIP Pun intended) in between the pages of everything unseen. Feel free to have your own memories as I share some of mine. I have read many stories and many more dead unwritten stories such as Swamp Boy. However the memories and dreams that are born through our interaction can only be forgotten not replaced. My favorite memory is DEV M who I still believe is his class instructor Melvin. For the author, you may think of this as an end for this story but truly it is just a new beginning. Hone your craft and remember nothing is written in stone till you make it so. You say that you got rid of characters but you didn't they still exist having adventures that have yet to be recorded collecting stories and riches and having experiences that change and shape them. Don't give up on this world. If you so choose you could say that Drifting Cloud asked Melvin for a business loan that he could pay back with interest or shares of his business also you could say that Christopher from the Forest returned to the lost city of man and beasts and met Wandering Sound and Wei and found out Drifting Cloud was starting out and might not have enough funds even after saving him and so many others. What I am trying to convey is that just because you can't think of a way everything works out doesn't mean that it won't. Viewers, I should write a reply to this to help the author realize that they don't have to start over to make this story great it was already great they just need inspiration on how the world moves forward the way they want it to. I should refrain from making it about me a reader because I'm not writing it I'm just viewing the world through someone else's written account.


Seriously why would you put authors note and ask us to pay for it😭😭 I barely gather fast passes that are enough to get chapters that have stories in them😢


Im excited to see that you are still writing! Cant wait to read it!


So are you rewrighting haven online but with different names


Cant wait to start reading it!


would there be resources and items hording??(whose value going to rise up like after updated or item needs in next dungeon have no prior value before that) auction house bidding?? Op Mc??


I can’t wait for when “haven online remastered” is done and i got when i saw neather sky was done first as i was worried that it was the replacement for a little bit.




There wasn’t any BL in heaven online since you dropped it. And there was no farming as well, only preparation for farming.


the book is dead now...


why did I read the whole wine part? I didn't have to but I did now so know more about wine I guess?


yea and nice wine🍷


Yeah for wine?




If it’s an author note, why would you lock it? 🤦‍♀️


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


will the story ever continue?