
Comments of chapter undefined of Run, Girl (If You Can)


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****UNPOPULAR OPINION****I mean honestly I get that he was “protecting” her in his sick messed up way in that last life but five years of absence and leaving her along in their current lives is not nearly enough to make up for the hurt she went through. He freaking abandoned her after she lost their baby and after finding out she can’t have children for crying out loud. No matter how much you want to protect someone out of so called “love” being there for them is infinitely better than neglecting them in their time of need. So no I don’t think he ever or will ever deserve her. That kind of emotional and mental and physical damage is ingrained in bone deep and frankly she’s letting him off too easily. Can’t wait till she finds out that the current Aaron was the old Aaron and this whole thing blows up 👌🏻

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I totally agree with you. Keeley is justified when she says she is over him. He neglected her for over a decade and does not even understands what she wants. She is really living her life now.


He is a new person with may more knowledge and wisdom. I just wish She would figure out he was reborn already. He is obviously very different.


Does he really deserve her forgiveness?

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I hope they fix their problem soon 🥺


Hindsight is a wonderful. This couple embody missed opportunities and timing when two people fail to communicate effectively. A lot of the Relationship centres around the fact thecteo cebtrap Characters come from two differing worlds. I am at heart a sentimentalIst and believe that redemption is possible a d that love can conquer all. I just wish one of them would tell the other about their memory of past lives.


I love this book and cant wait to see how it ends but its kind of starting to drag out a bit.


He don't deserve her

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Great chapter! (///▽///)


I get everything she’s been through sucks. I get that she’s been wronged in horrible ways. BUT GIRL... stop being a victim and allowing it! You have a second chance. Forgive him- not for him but for YOU! That’s the only way you will be free to stop the cycle! Even if he never asks for it himself. You owe that to yourself.


Meatball subs 🤤🤤🤤🤤


That will be interesting to see for sure




Yes he does


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon

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For now, Keeley should take advantage of him as her errand boy.


Keeley and Aaron trying to figure it out reminds of couples thst make the mistake of just fixing it instead of communicating. It can be minor stuff in the beginning but it escalates Like if I notice that my husband makes a face when i make something with broccoli I decide that he doesn’t like broccoli and completely remove from our meals instead of just asking While I don’t want to completely give Aaron a free pass, I can understand how hard it is to not know how to support after a miscarriage There’s not a body to grieve I mean when I miscarried 8 times people just didn’t know what to say It’s not like i blame them I’m grieving hope, possibilities and a future even though they probably don’t mean it to sound bad, People just say stuff like you’re young and it won’t happen next time like the life that died didn’t matter It mattered We just don’t live in a culture that really talks or acknowledges that So We try to move forward without acknowledging anything It can get uncomfortable and drive wedges Aaron in his first life would have moved forward because feelings are difficult Second chance Aaron realizes the missed opportunities He’s trying but he’s so linear thinking love is goal snd not a journey He makes different mistakes


Keeley, you're encouraging him! Make up your mind, do you want him to stay or go?


ok, I need some movement in this story. It's starting to drag. I think Keeley's feelings on Aaron being horrible and all her horrible memories have been beaten to death now. Its been like 6 years now at this point. Neither of them have a love life, they both have a couple friends, and careers goals they are still working to obtain. I need more. At this point they are both gonna be lonely old cat people.