
Comments of chapter undefined of Dark Lord Dumbledore


I dont exactly know what kind of character you were trying to build here but so far he’s progressed rapidly from a decent Dumbledoor basher and anti-hero into a full on mind rapist and human slaver with Dr.Mengele level tendencies and a cold blooded psychopaths mind. The only reason i can see that he hasn’t progressed into a physical rapist is because he’s physically incapable of doing the deed for now. This isn’t meant to be intended as a bad or good comment, but just my observation so far. Though i gotta ask how much dying at the whims of a ROB ****ed him up psychologically and if this is a result of him knowingly reincarnating into what he thinks is a fictional world or if he was just a psychopathic closet rapist before he was reincarnated and thIs just brought out his darker impulses?


Where are you dude? 🤔 🤔

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The money god ehhh I like that conviction at the end hmm I am surprised you haven’t copied any martial artists n downloaded it to the elves n yourself along with tactics n weapon skills

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Hail Chado Sama!!!!!


Yeah, he is already morally bankrupt so there's no real reason for him to be squeamish about brainwashing muggles.


it is all for the greater good. The Wizards are sheeps in HP and sheeps must be controled^^ or they are gooing down the false path and muggels are not better. Slavery for the win. (Sarcasm end and out)


The idea that normal people wouldn't be scum was a bad call there. Most people are self centered shits. Then give them beauty and brains and they'll likely be the worlds biggest cunts. Should have known better than to leave them to their own devices. Brain washing is always the way to go. Countries have been using schools to do it for the better part of the past century. No need to feel bad about it. Everyone gets a mandatory brain washing through their formative years, so there's no moral ground for anyone to really blame you on. Brain washing is what makes the world the way it is today. That and slavery. Work your entire life to try to own a home and then when you die watch as it's divided up, taxed and left to your kids to repeat the same sort of labor you did in life. Remember retirement age is because you're too useless in the work place, not because it's a job well done. Once again brain washing and slavery at their best.

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I think Magic is warping Chads mind more than he thinks. Or was he always this easy corrupted lol? He also needs to remember that muggles can be just as scary as wizards when they want to cause trouble. Great chapter .


Surprised no one from the magical side is investigating all these disappearances. Pretty sure I'm going to start hating this MC who is just brainwashing his way to power.


The main character becomes a piece of shit

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Thanks for the chapter!!! If headed to the money god, then our favorite DL needs to make magic things to sell to the muggles. Also used before, have house elves pop around to find old sh it that can be repaired and sell it for a sh it ton of money. aka anything on antique road show, a simple reparo and there we go a perfect 1600 tea set worth 4.4m pounds. Also i kinda agree with the more magic part, but more like new magic. After the muggle borns are slaves set up a class to teach them how to really learn and occlumency to pump out more efficient magic or whatever. Plus nukes can probably kill off the wizarding world. I wouldnt be surprised if the satellites can see Hogwarts and whatnot. I would say the higher ups are aware of the magicial world just dont have an in. muggle borns dont go join the MI5. But back to point, current magic shields wont stand up to automatic gun fire for long and purebloods are too stupid and get killed fast if a war broke out. So make wards to protect from all types of bombs and new magic shields that will bounce back the bullets at the muggles. Ransack the ravenclaws to learn how to do it. And as always thanks for the chapter!!! Keep up the great work!!!


Next thing we know he will have a harem full of brainwashed muggles and females mages as slaves with not one actually wanting to be there.


Thanks for the chapter.


Meh, filler chapter. Perhaps to OP usage of magic starting to show up. Soon he will snap his fingers and the entire world will know Dumbledoor is a dark lord.

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splendid chapter




Thanks for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter


Thanks for the chapter!


I would have thrown a few crucio curses before rewriting her mind

