
Comments of chapter undefined of Wizardry System


Draco is a spineless coward . He only acts tough to impress his friends .


I think your right I think he's a complete coward and little weasel but at the end of the day he represents what the majority of most people would choose and people dislike him because they would like to believe that they would be able to sacrifice everything to fight


I think your chapter was very short and you are using a controversial question and characterization debate to cover just how short it was. As for your question, I think he actually came out a better person (& showed some of his true nature) by the end of the main series. Consider the actual cowardice of his Father and loyalty of his Mother (who did her very best to stand by her husband, but also protect her child). His Mother didn't seem to believe as much of the bigotry that Lucius Malfoy had. . .and Draco put his Father on a pedestal (idealizing him), desperately trying to be like him in order to garner his approval. You are actually shown Lucius's disdain when Draco isn't cruel, arrogant, and "pureblood" behaving enough for him at several points in the books. If you were raised by that kind of parent, taught to consider yourself better than almost everyone around you, not allowed to show any vulnerabilities, and then see relationships that are not only vastly different, but cause you to feel jealousy because you wish you could have the warmth of those connections. . .would you really be surprised that it took Draco years to realize that his Father was s horrible role model and his way of life wasn't what he wanted? Draco literally didn't know any better until he had been at Hogwarts for a while, seeing that there were others ways of life. It took an 11 year old a little while to figure out everything his Father had ever been told and shown him was utter drivel and that the only people to ever show him kindness (his Mother & Snape-before he came to Hogwarts) were in horrific danger. I don't know about you, but I know that if I only had one person (or 2 people) who cared about me and I could save the them by making them run away from whatever danger is threatening them/us because I knew someone else was taking care of taking the danger, I would "peace out" in a split second. That's not a hard decision for most people to make because self-preservation & the will to live, (also known as "fight or flight") is very strong in humans! If anything, Draco knew that the golden trio had it under control. He had gone up against (or watched Voldemort) them/Harry for literally years! He had faith in their abilities. If anyone could handle the problem, it would be the students and staff of Hogwarts, let alone Harry Potter. So: 1. Do I despise Draco for a coward, weasel, or wimp? No, he was the product of his upbringing and was actually able to develop into a better person once exposed to other options. 2. Do I sympathize with him for his decisions? Actually, not really. My nature is very Gryffindor and I would have told my family/friends to run while staying to face the danger. . .unless I knew I couldn't help and then I would have helped get the innocents/civilians/wounded to safety as quickly and efficiently as possible. 3. Do I hate him for his bigotry, arrogance, and attempts to lash out at the people he's envious of? No, I just think he was an ignorant kid whom didn't know any better. Although his character did irritate me for the first several books because I kept wondering when he would grow the F up. 4. Do I like Draco as a character? Eh, he's a neccessary character, needed as a foil for the protagonists to cut their baby teeth on, but I wouldn't say I actually like him as a character. I actually think it would be very interesting if we had a few short stories from Draco and his Mother's point of view, to better show their dynamic/relationship. I think if we got to see things from his head/with his voice and inner monologue, people would see him very different.


Thanks for the chapter !


Thanks for the amazing chapter!!


Thanks for the chapter on a good story


Draco and Lucius Malfoy the characters aren't that well developed they are scum that will go to the winning side that's it as long as they can bribe bully intimidate they don't care which side wins. Lucius Malfoy the point before Voldemort rewoken was the best time of his life he was corrupt he could do pretty much whatever he wanted to with a bribe here he can invoke laws where he could bully intimidate get more money his family is basically the definition of scum they will back who they think will win that's it or they will back the losing side if backing the winning side will cost them too much like they did in the last book


I agree with the coward but also ignorant, he was raised to be so easily controlled in a sense


Have you been able to figure out an update schedule yet?




Thanks for the chapter


Enjoying the story thanks




About Draco, he was raised in a strict manner by his father to despise everyone around him and treat them like insects. He grew up with superiority indoctrinated into him by his father. So it's not his entire fault that he is extremely condescending to others and is Harry's antagonist. He grew up scared of his father. The fact that he joined Voldemort was because he was scared by his father's shadow and Lord Voldemorts threats towards his mother. The only one who showed him any care. Yes I hate him, but that doesn't mean I blame him for his actions. Growing up in a harsh environment despite being priveledged would make many to give up hope quickly and take the safest route. So That's why he left at the end. It's because his family shaped him into a cowardly person.


You’re rather spot on there. I dislike Draco, because he represents some of the worst in us. Cowardice, arrogance, bigotry, etc. All things everyone has in them, but usually to a smaller degree.




Thanks for the chapter


🤔 I agree with your assessment of Draco.


Thanks for the update

