
Comments of chapter undefined of Married to the Devil's Son


So heartbreaking! The necklace and Ilyas saved them. So glad Irene will make it. She and Heaven both need to find happiness after all they have been through. It will be interesting to see what the big 3 do. Can't wait to read more.


Lucian told the witches when he became king not to come for him or his family and he wouldn’t come for them. So it’s about to be some smoke. 3 ancient demons and Lucian. These witches done messed all the way up.


Did Ilyas or anyone wlaw go after the witches? Lucian will lose his mind. I need some revenge now! Make it happen, Jasmine!

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Echoing a bit of a comment on the prior chapter: Jasmine, it takes a lot of courage to tackle very difficult topics like pregnancy loss. It’s very hard to read, especially when you have been through it. However, the ability to live through it and strive in spite of the difficulty is part of everyone’s story. IT IS OK TO NOT BE OK. Sending love and a peaceful heart to anyone that needs it.


It's soooo sad!😭😭😭 It first thing in the morning and I'm bawling my eyes out! I'm glad heaven didn't lose her grandmother too.


I am really hoping that Zamiel, Euphorian , and Lothaire will find the witches. These last couple chapters are heartbreaking. Great plot twist, Jasmine! So much room for more chapters now, although I know the story will end soon. This book/these books have been an incredible experience .


Its amazing loving all the updates but also sad as i know its coming to the end. Such an amazing story but such an amazing author


oh this major heartbreak for Heaven and Zamiel 💔😭💔😭 it won't be easily forgotten..never will be..but that consolation that they do have each other in these times of sadness and grief will make them much stronger! The emotional support and encouragement they have from their family is overwhelming..but Heaven and Zamiel needs to heal emotionally too. No blaming, be each other's strength and love each other more.Later it'll all be happiness. but who's the culprit? what's Lucian's say on this?what's the plan now? thank you Jazzy for the updates💕


Heaven’s child can be cared for by Zamiel’s first family


you broke my heart Jazzy😥😭💔 poor Zammy and Heaven lost their child. I so hope they have lots of children....I'm just so glad that Irene will pull through. Thank goodness. My heart would've been more hurt if she didn't survive. Its nice to know that the whole family is alive and safe. This was definately an emotional chapter. Thank you for these chapters Jazzy! ❣


chapter! experience of reading these chapters left me so upset. is it possible the baby is alive? I adore Irene. how much sadness does this poor woman endure? I hope she ends up with Euphorion who talks with her and makes her laugh. she deserves that I can see her living in the water kingdom. she seemed happy there. my heart breaks for Zamiel and Heaven. zamiel is truly a good man for Heaven. I don't know what I will do when this book is finished. its been an amazing read! you are awesome Jasmine Josef!! I can't wait to see what happens next. thank you !


I had to let what happened in these chapters sink before being able to post a comment. It stirred up my emotions! Wow Jasmine! I hope someone in the movies industry gets to read your book, it would make a great movie! So I guess Irene is going back to Euphorion's kingdom to heal faster and better and to stay safe and Lucifer will let her go because he wants her to be safe. Would Zamiel & Heaven join them after the traumatic experience of losing their unborn child? I am waiting for Lucian's reaction and looking forward to see the rest of the story unfold... Get those entitled crazy witches demon hunters!


These chapters were so emotional and moving. I’m so relieved that Irene survived and that both she and Heaven are now safe at home.


I can only hope that since there hasnt been any mention of Ilyas assisting the ancients or being at the castle that he has taken up witch slaying!


Sad chapter... I'm curious though to see what Lucian's reaction to all this is or even Roshan's as well since they both play similar roles in Irene's and Heaven's lives.


Wel….Crying while cooking breakfast Is a new one for me. My heart has been on a roller coaster of emotion and its not even noon. I hope Jazzy make these witches pay. Im not ready for this story to be over💔


Jasmine you stressing us out these last 4 chapters LOL!!!!


Heaven’s child will always be safe and never be forgotten in her memories.


I cry so much of Heaven Loosing her baby I heart break for her


Good chapters, so sad and relieved at the same time. I hope Gina is right. I hope the witches pay big time, and I hope Lucifer let's Irene go for good.


I was already not able to sleep. I avoided reaching out tongrab my phone bc then id really not go to sleep, but went for it anyways. Now im like sPeechlesS. so much happened very quickly and i cant put my feelings into words. No greater loss than that of a chil…. glad they still have each other to go down the healing path together. Irene, poor Irene. she has powerful demons on her side to hold accountable the culprit witches. im just happy of everyones support system honestly. Gosh, so much happened too fast.