
Comments of chapter undefined of Married to the Devil's Son


Just binged the last 2 chapters.... Oh the changes in Lothaire - I love where this is headed The growth in Irene is so lovely to see - I cant wait to see her confidence & self worth grow Heaven as always brings us a new surprise 🙂 I’m so glad she spoke her mind to Zarin - he needed a good talkin to I am also curious for him to talk to Lothaire & to see if he will be honest with Zarin about why she is there. But more importantly how he will do with seeing the rest of the family as well!


me after every update


Somethings off with Zarin...he seems to be a changed man and I think he's regretting being at Lothaire's world..he's just letting things be to take responsibility for his actions..at least that's the way I see it. If that's the case,good on him.I hope he'd be able to leave from Lothaire's clutches and help Heaven somehow(while she's still there)..be the same.old.friend that he was to her. I luv how Heaven says all her piece to Zarin,being more honest with each other could end their rift. She's a feisty one on here too.And there Zarin admits he didn't really love Heav's(that kind of love Z cakes have)..it was all jealousy. I hope these two friends more could talk and be more comfortable.with each other. Zarin doesn't want to be heard though..he's probably knew the ways there or he could be helping Heaven secretly. I look forward to Zarin seeing Lucian and Hazel and him meeting Zamiel again🤭😉 thankies for the chap,Jazzy💞


Jasmine is was wondering when you are finished with this book will you release them on Amazon so we can buy them. I love each book you are a awesome writer.


if I were guessing.. the other demons say it's hard to leave the kingdom once you stay there.. Zarin was concerned with how long she has been there. So I think the gold flecks in his eyes along with the concern maybe means that there is more to "leave when you want." I think maybe you get stuck and the flecks of gold are the pull the kingdom has on your soul. I don't think it has to do with his mate.. there's been no indication that eyes change when they mate. it may be a new power but he's had demon powers for a long time so I don't see that path either. 🤔 I think it's the hold the kingdom has on you the longer you are there..


wow thanks for the chapter today author!😍❤ you're the best! I am happy that Heaven got to see Zarin. I sure do miss his annoying self 😂🥴 hopefully he breaks free from Lothaire and heads home. I can't wait for him and Zammy to meet again😆😂 I wonder what will happen...hmm.🤗 I sure do miss Zammy love😥😭🥰😍 until next chapter zammy! 😘😘😘❤


Wonder what grandma has really been up to if she hasn't been seeing Zarin??


I dont think Zarin is actually going to see her parents and Zamiel. Feel like hes being watched by the devil too🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Zarin is still a lost boy. At least, he’s acting more like a friend.


Very thankful for Heaven’s wisdom and that they are starting to patch things up!! 💚 I see a wonderful alliance brewing!!


people change and not to better themselves. Zarin is a lost soul who I think Heaven is going to help him see the good in him.


Whats with the eye colour change? I was thinking maybe he found a mate !??


Glad to see Zarin and Heaven reconnecting, Heaven not cutting him any slack. Will be interesting to see how he follows through with Heaven's request. Wonder what Lucifer's consequences, will be if any...


I wonder if Zarin has caught on to Lothaire’s real plan? The reason I ask is when He finds out Grandma is there he tells her she should just go back home . As far as Zarin acting strangely to Heaven.......well he kinda sold his soul to the devil so its not as easy for him to just go back home. Zarin said he found his place there so maybe he has found his mate or maybe he is just happier there ???? I guess we will find Out soon!!


You’re killing me. I can’t get enough!


I am HOPING Zarin’s CHANGE has to do with him FINDING his MATE ♥️♥️ He did Admit that he was NOT in LOVE with her LIKE THAT and would leave her and Zamiel ALONE. And THERE WAS GOLD FLECKS in his eyes. NOT sure if that is a sign of him finding his soul mate or some newly acquired power 🤷🏽‍♀️ But she could sense his change. COULD ZARIN ACTUALLY BE IN LOVE 😍


Oooh Jazzy! Now what is little Zarin up to? Seems like he might hust try to help our girl out after all! The intrigue is marvelous Jazzy girl! Thanks for the chapter See you Sunday!


I really love these stories, however waiting for updates etc.. makes me crazy, I regret to say I need to find a different reading app. that works with my schedule and can read when I want to. Jasmine is a very creative author. I wish her books were complete and available for purchase.


Cant see the regular ir priveleged update today. ?


Where is The Saturday update or was this It? I want more!!