
Comments of chapter undefined of Married to the Devil's Son


Zarin has trust issues big time. If Heaven finds out he’s in BIG trouble


Uh oh! Zarin definitely did NOT send Rose, but WHO?? Rasmus? Lothaire? And what is behind the nightmares?? Something bigger than Zarin is messing with things here...hmmmm....


Zarin trying to go with her might not work out. She’s trying to become independent so it’ll make her look weak to bring a man. It might just make her think oh he wants to be friends again. And when he think his plan is working she’ll get angry that he tried to trick her. He’ll lose her all over again. Or realize that yeah its over bc Zamiel got that girl wrapped around his finger and vice versa. As for that girl that was sent....What did you think? That a demon whose been around a few millennia would be fooled by a 20 something year old??? Zamiel is chillin and Zarin is grasping at straws...smh.


Please let Zarin fall for someone else soon!!!


I feel like in real life, Zarin would be that absolute tool of a guy who peaked in high school and is still attractive, but there's not much to him. He's as deep as a kiddie pool. My love for Zamiel grows every chapter! ❤


Zamiel's nightmares are a concern. I do think someone is messing with his head. If it is lothaire messing with his head he wouldn't be so stupid to send a woman to Zamiel. That move is made by someone inexperienced. I do think it is Zarin since he wanted to find Zamiel's weakness.


Every chapter i love Zamiel and his pUre sass more and more 🥰🥰🥰🥰🤪🤪🤪🤪


It seems like Zarin needs to learn a lot. He's shy speaking about things with his wise father Roshan,accepts some advice from his uncle King but I think it's the interpretation of what he said that he didn't understood well. So it's time for our ancient demon to teach you the lessons(of life), to be learned the hard way hehe...great that he knew of Zarin's plans btw. So be ready Zarin,class is in session. Here comes your ancient teacher,Zamiel do your thing! I'm bothered by Zammy cakes' dreams though..what does it mean? and who's putting it in his head?But at least he had that in him.to believe that Heaven can't so such a thing.He needs to find the root cause of all this and overcome it and fight for his love for Heaven!!! let's brace ourselves in how Zamiel will teach Zarin😉😏Thankies for the chapter dearest Author 😘


I don’t think Zarin sent Rose. I think someone who has an evil agenda towards Zamiel is weaving their web. Starting with his nightmares about Heaven. A witch is my first assumption. And Zarin, I think he loves Heaven but doesn’t really understand what love is. So he thinks he’s in love with her but in reality, it’s just his immaturity and lack of knowledge that’s distorting his true feelings. If he had truly loved her he wld have said yes when she asked him to marry her.


First to read!!😂 That's how much I've been waiting


I swear to god!!! Give me a knife!!! That zarin never learnes! My hope for him just crashed down! I dont think i would like him ever the way i did anymore until the day he let go of being selfish like that. Thank you dearest author! Cant wait to see when Zarin learns!


I do like Zamiel and Heaven to end up together for sure but I why are people hating on Zarin so much? All he did was confessed his love for Heaven and look out for her safety. Yeah he left her at the party after seeing Zamiel having the upperhand on the demons. Zarin was embarrassed he couldn’t protect and jealous assf**k that’s why he left Heaven with Zamiel. Still not excuse though, yes. But hating on him and comparing him to Zamiel it’s ridiculous. Zarin is a baby compare to Zamiel. He’s an ancient for goodness sake. Zarin is younger than Heaven and has a lot to learn still in life and he was pampered since birth. As for the girl who showed up to satisfy Zamiel, it wasn’t confirmed that it was Zarin who paid her to get on with Zamiel. He just assumed it was Zarin. As for Zarin not trusting Zamiel around Heaven, he may have a point there since Zamiel is having these dreams of Heaven killing his family. Maybe that’s the calling for Zarin’s suspicious towards Zamiel. Plus, let’s not forget how Zamiel tricked Heaven in getting him out of the coffin and how he fought Zarin and his family and Lucian and marked Heaven without her consent. Heaven and her family may have forgiven Zamiel for that and they know about his history but Zarin does not know everything. I do wonder if the witch who put Zamiel in the coffin is still around and messing things up for him, though🤔 Someone is surely f**king with his mind!


I do not believe Zarin would do this. If he wants to win her over, he would show that he cares for her. You can’t automatically blame Zarin because that is what the author wants you to think. For instance, my bets is on Lothaire or Rufus. Also, Zarin may try to understand Heaven when he sees her, and if Zamiel hurts him, then he could hurt Heavens feelings and make an enemy with Roshan and Astrid.


now zarin is beginning to irritate me.what does he think despite every advice given to him he hears what he wants to hear and forgets the rest? impossible I wish zamiel can really deal with him like big time.the biggest mistake a guy can make is fight the guy she loves in the guise that you love her.zarin is not smart.


So when does this story continue? I hate When i have wait to finish a book 😩


Where is the rest??


What if zamiel really iS messing with heaven to seeK revenge? Make her fall in love with him and gIve her all these promises only to break her heart because shes a witch? I dont think thats the direction we are headed but its a differing perspective


First, Great chapter. Love the chapter with Ramus came back with that comment about family and Lucian family was priceless. Loved it. Also, the advice about love being just like war was amazing and so on point. But the lady showing up was way out in left feild. Did not See that coming. Zamiel will never hurt Heaven like that . Zarin this will hurt Heaven more to know you tried to come between them and you sent that Lady to him. like what that prove. Smh


I don't think it's Zarin. I feel this is the work of a witch. What if Razia's bloodline vowed to take up where she left off, if Zamiel were to ever awaken? Just a thought I had...


This series is like sitting on the edge of your seat good! Can’t wait for more chapters!!! Until then, I’ll be paitently hangin’ for more!! 🙃


Well done, Jasmine!! Your writing is very creative and chapter always end on beautiful/ mysterious cliff hangers, leaving us guessing our for more. How were your exams? Hope it went well! Eagerly waiting for next chapters.