
Comments of chapter undefined of Married to the Devil's Son


See this! I just gifted the story: Balloon


THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR ZARINS POV!!!! I feel like eveyone else will agree on how nice it was to hear from Zarin. I’m so glad that this chapter has been included, especially in relation to Zamiel. It clearly shows their contrasting natures and also the truth. Like Roshan said, what will you do with that love? By the looks of it nothing. BUT I still cant wait for the Heaven/Irene story line to continue..... 😩😩😩😬😬


Roshan..what wise words!!! 👏👍😊That last line from this chapter could mean a lot of things..its either telling Zarin to find if what he feels for Heaven is true love, it could mean being serious with that love and pursuing her,or being silent with that unrequited love.It's like Roshan's challenge for Zarin to be a man for the one he loves,be a better man as a whole even if Heaven had rejected him,that he could still be a friend if she loves someone else. (would Zarin be up for this challenge and prove himself ?) Gotta love the Father in him,the lover/husband in him(towards klara),the friend in him. And I like it that he didn't stop pursuing on talking to his son.If only Zarin listens intently he'd learn a lot from his Father. And kudos to Zammy cakes for delivering those punchlines..damn funny but true 🤭 Thanks for the chap 💕


Zamiel's been busy! I'm excited for he and Heaven to spend more time together so that he can show her what he's up to and how many backup plans he has to woo her haha. So cute that he invited Zarin to tea, even though it turned out unpleasant. Also, he's not backing down if Zarin hops in the ring! Really wish Zarin would just look at Zamiel straight on and admit that he can provide for Heaven in several ways that Zarin just can't. Zamiel also speaks his mind sincerely but it's measured and mature and he has the countenance to match.


I love the exchange between Zarin and Zamiel. And the glimpse of what Zamiel is doing in his private time. Roshan really nailed it! Great question there dad! If he really loved her, that way, he wouldnt even hesitate. And he is STILL hesitating! But Zamiel isnt!!!❤️ Ooh, ooh, ooh! Good chapter!🎉


Roshan get super daddy points . . . .also anyone having flash back to how Klara wanted Lucian but he found Hazel then Klara let go and found Roshan ?? anyone ? no . . . .just me ? lol


Ah, the wisdom with age. Roshen is such a good father.


Roshan you are man of word. And i love you so much. no offense to team Zarin but now i know why you guys just cant get anything. turns out your bais in the story is just like you guys. i love Zarin and hope he will grow up. and try to understand things like someone wise and not like a child. AND ZAMIEL YOU KILLED IT BRAVO MY BOY! Or my man.


Zamiel is sUch a character. He can diss you and you would sit there wonderIng what was happening, Lol! Zarin has a lot of growing up to do. He doesnt really know why he lovEs her. His reasoning was more what you would say about a frIend, not The love of you’re life.


I Know it was last chapter, but i just want to rehash how much I adore Irene. And while I’m at it, Zarin reminds me of an ex, but you know what? I married a man like Zamiel. Take the man Heaven


I wonder what if Zarins mom told him about what happened between her and heavens dad 🧐


you need some ice for those burns Zarin XD


Roshan <3 <3 <3 Now if only Zarin would listen. I loved hearing from Zarin but he is showing just how immature he really is. He knows he was a jerk and still expects Heaven to apologize? What? He has turned out to be one whole heck of a red flag.


Zarin is just a jealous type a guy,,,, he just doesn't want to share her with zamiel,,, he simply wants all her attention like the way it was before zamiel came to the picture,,,, and now he thinks he is in love with her😂😂which ain't true,,,,,,,


Thank you Roshann! The boy needs some perspective, and Zamiel always charming 💕


AHHH I LOVE YOU JASMINE THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! I giggled nonstop! Ugh Zamiel is Forever my KING!!! Love him so much! and the tea is not something for a child just had me Rolling!!! 😂😂😂


Zarin, You just don’t want anyone else to have your best friends attention.


Aaahhhh💙💙💙Roshan😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 you are my favourite 💙 love you❤


I don’t know about the last sentence of the chapter. It makes me nervous thinking if Zarin took it in the wrong meaning and did something more stupid than he hasn’t done already!


Zarin just a child still thats guys For you Always the last to grow up 🥴 , They Have been friends for to long to fall out truly. He just needs to swallow a we bit pride and admit he was in the wrong . And heaven will gladly welcome him back into her life as feind. Theres that we saying pride comes before a fall! Zameil knows how to open the cage let the we bird fly free and if she comes back it was ment to be . Giving her room to grow


I can’t get the next chapter to open! Any suggestions ?