
Comments of chapter undefined of Married to the Devil's Son


Suspense is building...so many different story archs to tie together.


LOVE grandma's words of wisdom. Love shouldn't mean sacrificing the things that makes you you. Love is about supporting the other, to be their strength and to give them that push when they want to give up. Yes, you might have to prioritize things but not give them up.What is love if you don't have anything aside from it that gives you your identity. I think what formes Heaven into the strong woman she is now, is the fact that she want to be a ruler. I think she recognizes the way it changed her and gave her a purpose i life and she is growing to like it.


Are WE getting closer to them WEDDING BELLS YET?


Heaven and Zamiel complements each other a lot!!They're perfect together. They both need and want each other but at the same time, each one of them knows there are important things to be done other than being together. I love how Heaven came back for Zamiel,knowing he's bothered of something.I love how Zamiel honestly let it out to Heaven,how he even talked about his late wife and child but not forgetting the woman in front of her.That goes to show how important Heaven is to his life now.I love Heaven being considerate of what Zammy's feelings are and not demanding that he only thinks of her. She's become wiser emotionally too.❤️ Both will make great rulers but what matters the most is the love that revolves around them and I feel that these two,would do anything and everything for each other and also for the good of the many. Thanks for the chapter!😊 More than gett


Perfection is always too small to describe how your chapters are dear author. I loved it so much! Loved how she was worried and promised him she will be by his side forever. loved how she didnt act jealous and told him to talk about his past family with her. i just love Heaven and Zamiel so much!!! You cant imagine!!!!!! and i cant wait to find out how Zamiel will comes up with a plan for them to be together!!!! And i so cant wait to see Heaven plans in becoming general gonna be successful. and Irene you are the best grandma ever.


I think i’m more in love with zamiel than heaven is


Am I the only one that feels this chapter was a bit rushed? First when Zamian is talking about her wife, all he mentioned was the market and that was it. Then when she asked the mother to borrow her guards. And also when she's trying to summon the demon...the only part I felt was more elaborated was when she's talking to her grandmother. Still, happy to read another chapter 🙏


Zamiel is THE MAN!!! he WILL find a way 🥰


I think it was very sweet of Heaven to go back and check on Zamiel. He went right into a coma basically right after watching his family die. Even though it was many many years ago...it is fresh to him. That was very sweet of Heaven to open up that line of communication so Zamiel can talk about his wife and kids. He is most likely still grieving in a way and possibly feeling guilt for moving on. I know I just lost my father from a very traumatic situation and I find myself feeling guilty for moving on...but we have to, and our loved ones that have passed would want that for us. I very much love these two together. Touches my heart❤️ And don’t worry Irene, Zamiel wouldn’t make Heaven choose. He is smart...he will figure it out...he’s been around long enough ;) Can’t wait to see what happens next!


I believe Zamiel will make a great ruler along with Heaven. He is wise just like Lucien. And I am sure Lucien is aware of it too. I want them to be happy just like Lucien and Hazel.


Am i the only person who feels like Lothaire is just sitting back hiding waiting & watching in a nepharious manner to strike?????


Thank Your for the update today. this was an awesome chapter. good yo see the grabdma Giving her wise advise


I feel we have a whole new pot getting ready to brew here. I would feel so much better if Zamiel would go with Heaven to meet this “ bald King”. i dont like this idea at all and i think that before any wedding the battle between grandpa and Zamiel over Heaven will occur. thats when Heaven will have to choose becoming a ruler or being Zamiels wife. But this is just my feeling could be way off .


I don't know about anyone else but I find it so difficult not being submerged into the book now I'm caught up just reading snippets isn't the same and it's such a shame, and saving up chapters just isn't working for me 🙈


Wise Grandma! Where there’s will there’s a way.


talking about wisdom coming with age.👍for heaven's grand mum and zamiel ❤️u both.i can just imagine this as a real life story.👍for the creator of this book you deserve an award for so much insight


I think Heaven is just as eager as the rest of us in wanting sweet Zammy Wammy to go ahead and bite her already!! 🤷🏼‍♀️❤️❤️❤️


Love grandma Irene she's the best


So much depth in this chapter, particularly with her grandmother Irene. I’m so pleased to have the confirmation that Irene knows about the whole Zamiel story, and I’m guessing Hazel and Lucian too!! Irene always knows exactly what to say, how and when. Heaven will make an amazing ruler and I sincerely hope that Zamiel can think of a way for them to be together without it affecting her leadership😁 Heaven has come so far in these past dew chapters, I am so proud of her 💗💗


With every chapter I read I fall in love with this story more and more. It literally makes my day when I see that there is a new chapter. This is definitely one of my favourite stories of all time.


Just want to say HAPPY THANKSGIVING everybody! And also that I am thankful today that I was able to get a wonderful dinner cooked and served in time to sit down and read this wonderful chapter when it released! Hope you guys had a blessed day as well!