
Comments of chapter undefined of Married to the Devil's Son


Poor zarin Ok so first off he did tell her he didnt want To say and he was fine, and i truly think when heaven asked him to marry her he was in love then ( Thats why he was willing to sleep On her coucH and Not try her) but didnt want her to ask him for bussiness Or af all i think he nee how heaven felt not wanting to marry so he was afraid to ask her or come out aBout how he felt i mean lets jusg step back take take zamiel out Of the picture a second how would it be if he wasnt involved maybe thats all It took for zarin to not care about rejection and to dinally speak up im just saying i do want zarin to fight for her but i think he Will be hurt like his mom but i think if heaven wanted they would make a great couple they been friends fof ever and thats a good foundation i will say i think Zamiel is better for helping her lead as s ruler and in love hes experienced and i think that he deserves a happy ending! He does noW if we can sPin it so both guys can have happy endings id love thAt!


100% Agree you got my point girl i like zameil i want Him to get a happy ending but i ownt be mad if hes sn helps him find it and isnt it because she ends up with zarin and if not then i hope zarin finds someone to love him and put him back together fro mrje heArt break like his momma did i also feel like ifs normal for him to offer The ill help u fond someone whdn 1 he knew she didnt want it and 2 he could have bought peopel he knew shd wouldnt like acting liek he was trying to help but really trying to make hiself look like the better option so when He finally got the balls to say something she would be for it and see his way idk i just want her to be happy and both Men to have happy endings too

Amy_Bishop_8224:completely and totally agree with you! I've seen many comments bashing Zarin and I'm pretty confused as to why. he is meant to be in his early 20s I believe, I know grown men in their 30s and 40s who don't have their shit together. I think most people are expecting to be somehow far more evolved then his age and experience will allow. Zamiel has literally had hundreds of years to evolve past that and had chances to make mistakes in his youth and even had a family and looses them. Zamiel might be better suited for Heaven but I wouldn't cut out Zarin as a possibility just yet.

There is a big difference in loving someone, even deeply, and being in love with someone. I think Zarin is confusing the two. Naturally after growing up so close together they have a strong bond and dearly love one another. However he didnt claim her when Louis was trying to bite her. Nor did she claim to be his, because that is not the kind of love they share. I think he is jealous because their friendship is changing. And he was fine helping her find a mate before. It wasnt until their friendship began to change as she began to grow that he started becoming insecure in their friendship, and as he associates this change with Zamiel he is jealous of the influence Zamiel has on her. Im sure he is struggling with his feelings after hearing her say she belongs to Zamiel, and after failing to protect her where Zamiel succeeded. He does need some space to work through his own feelings and then i am confident he will come around! So proud of Heavens approach to ruling, Zamiel is good at guiding her while still letting her find her way. Again his maturity and wisdom impress. Although I hope going to negotiate with this king doesnt backfire as he had ideas of marrying her himself. My last thought is that she needs to realize she can marry and still rule! And Zammy cakes is just the man to help her do that!❤️


Anyone else not able to continue???


NOOOOOO ZARIN THAT IS WRONG!!!! In every way. it is wrong... I Dont want you hurt and i dont want your friendship to get ruined like this because of this messed up feelings! And god how i loved how Zamiel cared for Heaven and didnt left her alone. and god how i loved Heaven finally sat down with them and talked like a true future queen she really is. HEAVEN! WE SUPPORT YOU! LOVE YOU! Thank you dear author for never failing to bless my night with yiur greatness.


Zarin wasn't interested till heaven found her true mate, he should bow out be a true friend and let heaven be happy with Zamiel.


OMG , this chapter is very short I read it in 2 min I need more


Another amazing chapter!!!! Im so glad that Heaven is taking control and being the bad ass woman I know she can be😁😁 However, at the end of the day, if Zarin truly loves Heaven as he claims then who are we to say what he should/shouldn’t do! Whether it is confused feelings or not, he needs space from Heaven to at least deal with his feelings without her constantly being around him, especially if Zamiel is there. We are being too harsh, all of us can in some way relate to him saying “we cant be friends” - it is too painful. Whether we have said or thought it ourselves or have been on the receiving end at one point, friendships and feelings do not mix well. Poor Zarin, I feel for him! ☹️💗


I saw this coming but enjoyed reading it all the same. Lol. I agree that be missed his chance. Maybe he did love Heaven when she asked him to marry her, but he wanted her to love him romantically instead of just strategically. Or maybe he didn’t realize his feelings until Heaven started becoming more confident and purposeful. Either way, Zamiel is better for her. I just hope she remembers that instead of trying to keep both happy.


I am unable to keep reading, for some reason it stops me her and I cant keep going...is there a fix for this? I have unlocked all chapters..


Why my stuck at this page whenit says 195 pgs? Anyone else stuck at this page ? This app is disappointing ! Definitely deleting after this story ends


Well, Heaven better not yell or hurt him because she asked him. He did not want to tell her. Also, it makes sense. Why should he be around someone when everytime you them, it hurts you? Zarin needs some time away from Heaven so that he can find out who he wants to be. So, no hate on Zarin.


I recently discovered this series via a Facebook advertisement. I read all 171 Chapters in three days, but where is the rest of the story? I am new to the app and I don’t understand.


Zarin seems like a spoiled brat. Heaven isnt his mate. He also isnt ready to be a committed man. She has seen him with so many girls. Yuck! Im sure he cares about her but its not that “mark me” kind of Love. There is something soooo sexy about a man who can protect you and treat You like a princess. Im loving Zamiel’s character.


Anyone else not able to read on from chapter 48. i have coins but its not letting me move forward


Why can’t I go on to next page? This is really making me wonder why I even started this book! It will be the last!


Oh lord he finally said it!


Zamiel is very wise and a great influence in Heaven's life💕In a very good way that is.All her visions and wants in life changed. And she's falling for him deeper, the more they spend time together. I so love how Zammy cakes control himself round her. They're perfect for each other.♥️They'd be great rulers in the future😊 As for Zarin,I like that he finally admitted it..he must've wanted to voice it out for a long time (only that he can't find the perfect moment) although this ain't a perfect moment too.At least it's all out.But that confession can result to awkwardness,confusion,rejection and more separation.Is it really love though,or just because another man is filling Heaven's heart that he just wanted to say it? Zarin had the opportunity to be one with Heaven back then, but he rejected her then,and lost that chance now. I'm still hoping that their friendship will remain the same.I feel he has this soft spot really for Heaven,so I'm sure he'd come around soon and be accepting of things. thanks for the chap💕


I understand how Zarin is feeling. He is unable to see her with another man and is unable to protect her. previously, i think he kept his feelings to himself because being with heaven meant being King, which he isnt cut out to do. I think he just needs me time and then they can get back to being friends. he also isnt mature enough yet


oh dear Zarin I feel for you


He is following in his mother’s footsteps.


Anyone else check in multiple times a day, Everyday? Lol Pretty sure ive checked for an update three times the past hour........[img=update]