
Comments of chapter undefined of Married to the Devil's Son


First off i love this book i pray u never end it and either way im here for it every chapter is more exciting and gets me excited liKe were Far from the end i lbod it your doing great

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Well I for one am loving the new direction. I’ve read a lot of comments From readers who are disappointed that there isn’t more romance or more of the older characters but I think the character development and story progression is even better in this one. If the author would’ve made this one a similar romance compared to Hazel/Lucian and Klara/Roshan then her work would start to be repetitive. I think the author is doing a wonderful job. Each generation of women in this family has become more and more independent. It seems only right for Heaven to want to smash the societal norms of only having male leaders. I think that Zamiel is a better match for her considering his progressive ideas of her role as a woman. Many of the readers I see are still rooting for Zarin and Heaven but I don’t feel like Zarin takes Heaven seriously enough. I think Zamiel sees her potential and will make a far better mate for her. Plus I think with his help and her family and friends’ help, she will have the strength of character to resist her grandfather. So, yeah... I’m loving this story.


I see why everyone is cautious saying that Heaven wanting to rule at the same time as Lothaire reappearing is risky or coIncidental (like Zamiel is possibly Lothaire) BUT i dont think so....i still believe Heaven is going to grow strong and learn her leadership skills THEN she along with Zamiel and her family support will defeat the Devil himself!! Heres to hoping....😬🤷🏼‍♀️♥️


Ahh I read that in 5 minutes! 😭😭😭


Zaariiinnn 🥺😫ahhhhh i miss reading about him!!


omg finally some more Roshan and Klara action 💕💕💕💕


Heaven is becoming a all grown up. I cant wait to find out how strong she really is combining her demon and witch powers. I think she would make a great ruler. She has the heart and the fierce attitude. I think Zamiel would make a great partner for her


I can’t access chapter 147 and i paid coint to get there!!! Is anyone having Issues


Who better to protect her from Lothaire than Zamiel. He will be back for her.


Why can’t i move on to chapter 147?

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I see this perspective, but I don’t feel Zamiel needs to be a romantic interest in order for the readers to appreciate how he fosters her potential. In fact, I think it could be more valuable to see her battle the power of the mark and go against it, which is something we havent seen yet. It would be interesting to see how that struggle would take place. I also think it would be beneficial and prove her to be even more powerful to see her turn Zamiel into and allie and friend. They would still have to choose each other, but in a different way ( look at Irene ans Roshan in volume 2 and where his dedication to Irene brought him). Also, On the note of Zarin- we know he truely believes in her, he obviously cares for her. Most relationships we’ve seen have taken off quickly once they met the one, it would be interesting to see how a slower progression and friendship would effect the dynamic fo the relationship if her match really was Zarin. Would the history between them change the effects? Also a little jealousy from him might be nice haha- maybe Zamiel is exactly what he needs to show him his true feelings. Heaven is the only thing we have seen so far that is pushing his character to be more than light, but a little bit of light would aslo be good for Heaven. he was the first one to make her feel less alone. Either way you go, i am fascinated by this series. I read from the first line of volume one to the current chapter in a day. I literally didnt leave the my couch and its been a long time since I left a book with my imagination still chasing threads. No matter how they choose to continue, I’m a captivated reader! What a creative and talented author!


Is anyone having trouble scrolling two chapter 147? I even used points to purchase a fast pass and I can’t get it to work


Thank you author for a second chapter this week!🤗 Soooo... the titLe of the book is “the DEVIL in her dreams”... not “the silver-eyed stranger in her dreams”. For some reason I am thinking Zamiel is not quite what we think he is.. I dont know.... 🤷🏻‍♀️ And WHERE IS ZARIN?!! Geeeez. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Where is Zarin I already miss him.


I cant open chapter 147 148


I was craving the story when love was in the air. We grew to love Roshan and Klara and Lucian and Hazel, but their Lives skipped to having a zarin and HeaveN. we missed out on all the juicy storyline. What made tHis story so wonderful was the romance in the air between characters we loved. Im afraid if romance doesnt start laying on heavy soon you will have a challenge keeping us interested.


I think lotharie is going to wait for Heavan to become a rulker before he trys to convince her to rule his army. Im proud of heaven and i understand her grandmothers worry but i believe with her familys support and zamiel (hopeing he comes back for her) they Together will be able to defeat the devil. i belive in one part zamiel belives that lucian is able to resist the devils whispers which if true will be a huge benefit for them


Queen Heaven look out men


Right!? I kept scrolling down as if more would magically appear 😅


Has anyone been able to read chapters 147-149? I cant scroll past 146. My cache is cleared.


Why Can’t I read the next chapters I have been updated