
Comments of chapter undefined of Married to the Devil's Son


Are we getting updates any time soon? I mean waiting days for a chapter is AGONY. I can’t take this much longer or I’M deleting the app.


The story is getting really good. In Heaven’s dreams he said they belonged together but now he’s saying he didn’t have a choice. I am dying to know the reason and if he was just luring her to trick her to let him out or not


Can Irenes mom have anything To do with it? Shes a powerful witch after all and if it was a cast that strong she may play a role in him being locked Up that he needed her blood to come back alive just like how irene needed Hazels help breaking the curse


Thank you for the chapter :) It was a good read and keeps me coming back for more. I’m sorry you’ve been going through difficulties lately. Prayers that there is plenty of light ahead for you!


Oooh!! He did mark her! I wonder why he picked heaven to release him!


I was determined to wait until the end of the week to have a little more reading time but I couldn’t help myself. 🤣 best of luck in whatever you have going on in your personal life ♥️


Oh and sadly how fast that went


I like the way he conversed. It's like someone that you have to listen.His words ringing to my ear!!But he was locked up in there by a witch..hmm..which witch...heavens grandmother or her great grandmother?And why too?Is he much of a rebel thats why? But atm he doesn't know what he wants...and why was it heaven that he chose to appear in her dreams? Thank you for the chapter❤️😘We'll just wait for the next ones..no pressure alright🙂


Love how fluid and eloquent he seems to be. This story keeps getting better. Thank you for the new chapter.


I cant read the next chapter anf i cleared the cache in settings . AnyOne know what to do?


This book has been a great escape for me. You have a gift. I have to say I love the fact that God is mentioned multiple times and Lucifer was painted the way he was in the end (not as a savior). As Serious Black would say...We all have light and darkness in us, it’s which we act on that defines who we are. (Harry Potter nerd moment lol). I pray whatever you are going through turns out well. Your life and studies come first. No need to apologize. I want to encourage you in saying what a fantastic job you are doing juggling it all and impacting so many people with your books. Looking forward to the next chapter! P.s. I can see how words can easily be mistyped with this app. I’ve had to fix my typing way too much for this comment lol! It needs automatic spellcheck like texting or Microsoft has. P.s.s. You should absolutely consider making these digital novels into hard copies that can be sold in stores. Alright, that’s all for now. Take care of yourself<3 -Jess


Im not much of a reader but this book! You’ve got me completely enthralled Thank You for such great reads.


We might be anxious to know what is next, but we have to understand we wouldn’t have any story without you. So thank you for your dedication and we will wait.


Awesome!! He doesnt seem to be a really bad guy. Keep up the good work.


Jasmine I really wish you were a published author so i can have your actual books in hand! You are an amazing Author and i love your books!!


It says chapter 15 is available but i can’t access it. I’ve cleared my cache and its still not working. I find this happens a lot! Since I’m new to this app, is it something I’m doing wrong? I’m only on this app for this book. And its frustrating me.


Amazing series. I’m hooked. So Heaven is half witch half demon, so he needed her to break the spell on the coffin for sure. But I’m curious to find out how/why he was placed in the coffin to begin with? Does he need Heaven to finish what he started 1,000 years ago?! Ughhh it’s so hard to wait!


I love the story so far. Don't care for the cliffhangers as it has me waiting for the next update. lol. but that just means it's good!


Awesome so manY questions im totally hooked On this series thank you author looking forward to more of your writing and totally understand life happens


YES I AM FIRST TO COMMENT!!! Wow we got lot of Quetions answered here in this chapter, and What is so killing is that he is confused about his bond wigh Heaven! LIKE COME ON!!! EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT MATES ARE! HOW COULD YOU NOT RECOGNIZE THE ONE THAT WAS MADE FOR YOU! but he will soon. I just pity my Heaven until he will become More noraml? Or human being like shall i say? So she can Relax a bit. It is scary to get kidnapped and not knowing anything and the kidnapper Is so strong you wont even stand a chnace against him. But hey! I say from my reading book Experience the best romance are The ones who start Rough and being kidnapped. believe me those two will nail every romnace any head can imagine AND I CANT JUST WAIT!!!! Thank you dear author for Blessing my night before sleeping! I just so wiSh tO see a dream about this. and it is fine if you couldnt always update according to schedule. take caRe of yourself It is what we all care about the most. it would be cool tho if you couldnt just wrIte an instagram post saying you cant so we Wont be dying waiting. otherwise it is all Good. LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU CANT WAIT!!!