
Comments of chapter undefined of Sugar and Spice: The CEO’s Feisty Wife


That was so messed up, he disappeared and didn’t take her calls knowing she was hurting and then turned up with a woman to announce his impending marriage … the fourth one at that! And expects her to be happy and grateful . Good grief man.


I don't blame the girl at all. He announces the marriage DAYS before it happens? He says he is marrying her so that she can have a mother? Then wtf are you only introducing her now? Mother is more than just a title, you know. Dumb man.


i think i will not continue reading this story. i am only commenting as a sort of criticism, instead of giving a review which i think it would be negative, which i wouldn't want to do for such a new novel. First the grammar, especially prepositions and sentence structure is not that great. and although this is probably due to the fact that English is probably the author's second language which i get but it gives me a headache when i am reading, because my brain is constantly trying to correct the sentences. second i can't seem to sympathise with the female lead. and this kind of character the author gives her seems more like a plot tool instead of a character itself, it looks superficial imo. because she is arogant obviously her ego will be hurt with somekind of plot, and probably will have a character development and start to be more demure. the father behaviour seems like that of a teenager not a parent. Here is a man whose first wife dies when the girl is 3 yo. he proceeded to marry another 2 awful women. so by now he should have some experience on how to discuss a future marriage of his with his daughter. but no he announces it one week before and expects her to accept it on the spot, although she already had to deal with 2 other bad women from his previous marriages. he may know this new woman and she may as well be the angel descended from the heavens. but the girl doesn't know her it is her first time meeting this woman, nothing can stop her from thinking that she is the same as the previous 2. this fact should be understood by him while he is most likely more than 40 in age. he spoils this daughter rotten and does whatever she wants, but where her opinion matters the most she is supposed to just accept what he says without any comment and starts arguing like a child with harsh words without trying to persuade her in any way shape or form. even i who am not such a spoiled brat would not accept one of my parents future spouse without me being properly introduced way before and getting to know this person. because this person would be in a parent role for me for some time if not my whole life. you might argue that you don't choose your real parents also. well one your real parents will love you unconditionally, with some exceptions that proves the rule, second she is what around 20 yo, at this point in time you already know your parents well enough, but a stranger you don't, you don't know if she has bad intentions, her behaviour, character etc. you could say but she is already old enough at this point he can marry whoever he wants. yes he can marry whoever he wants but he shouldn't force her daughter to accept this total stranger as her mother in an instant. so i would advise the author to put more thinking into the characters to match their age, experiences and traits. because at this point the character's action doesn't match with their backgrounds. so in conclusion i don't want to discourage the author, and think the author can improve with time.


Am I the only one who thinks that she has a reason to be sad or upset about not receiving the award. I just feel like it's not about the scholarship for her, but about receiving recognition and/or being appreciated for all the hard work you've put in. I also don't think her behavior towards her father's fiancee was unreasonable because at the moment she feels hurt and just needs to be comforted. Based on how her previous step-mothers didn't care about her, she probably assumed the same about this one. She just wanted to be comforted not be lectured about how she should treat her future step-mother, who she probably thinks is just like the others.


Im not understanding the flow of this story if he truly loved i don't get how things happened this way and how he would spend dinner after her graduation with the principal im sure this woman and most likely the child that won the award but isolated your precious child on her day. Then treat her this way no matter how spoiled she is he was and is insensitive


How can the dad say he’s marrying to give her a mother...she just graduated & an *****.


I ain’t going to lie ,but I would be mad and also feel discomfort because her father is getting married in a couple days and she can’t say anything about her opinion.

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I think it's interesting


Seriously this papa?? Even me I can't torelate In real life how about she who is in the novel


Its just wrong timing uncle. She had a 'bad' day.


I dont think the father loves his daughter or he doesnt know her. Because he picked a wrong day to introduce his woman. And then he just dumped her on the daughter. He, should have first talked to her. But he is forcing a stepmother down her throat.


This dad is such a dumb man. He should have learned from previous experience! I understand that maybe he really loves this woman and that she loves him in return but AT LEAST inform your daughter about your new relationship! I thought you love your daughter so much? You have probably been dating this new girlfriend of yours for months, even years! Yet you’ve been hiding this from your poor daughter. I get it that she’s spoiled but even if she wasn’t, I think her reaction was normal.


Brat or not days before he's getting married


Must he marry, has he not learned from his previous marriages..😡😡😡😡


Wow just wow for that whole situation


I actually really enjoyed this chapter. I can see both side and empathize with each quite well. When people said she's not spoil, I have to disagree. The first chapter clearly showed her arrogance and disdain for everyone else. Sure, she's lonely, but it doesn't excuse the ugly behavior. Yes, she worked hard for the award but does that not also mean the winner didn't work as hard if not harder? She doesn't need it but it's just another feather on her cap. You don't have to be humble but you should at least have a sense of awareness. She's been up so high that it hurts when she fell. As for her father, I definitely agree that's insane to introduce a marriage that soon. He shouldn't expect her to accept it especially after 2 failed marriages. However, it doesn't mean that he isn't allowed to find love and be loved forever.


what an insensitive dad....he shouldn't break such a big news when his daughter is feeling blue and devastated.


That woman will be his downfall...


Yes Xinying has become spoilt and cold but What her father is doing is also not right🤨🤨


beautiful story