
Comments of chapter undefined of The Villain's Wife


queen bee is also afraid

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We're being served dog food for breakfast people. Courtesy of our Zhuo #LiRen couple. 🤣 I love this interaction. You can feel the sincerity of both of them. From the very beginning, Renren has made it clear that Lily is his world. But he doesn't own her. His life would just revolve around her. 😊 On Lily's end, she has always been vocal that their relationship started off as a business partnership. She was honest with her intentions and didn't promise love as part of the deal. But look at where they are now. 🥰 We're slowly seeing their progress. Imagine when the time comes that Lily is head over heels in love with Renren! 😍 Well isn't she starting to fall already? 😉

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This is a first for sure.. where we are seeing a possessive n jealous Wife while a relying and trusting Male lead! Refreshing.. Since all we get here are Possessive, Jealous Male leads. Well it can be said that our Lily is already at their level while our charming Renren has reached a level beyond!! 😍 And those were some really good relationship-pointers, Author #appreciated. Oh and I actually thoroughly enjoyed Lily's protectiveness in front of those delusional riders. ❤️

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That was thought provoking. Actually in normal life, finding true love is quite a feat. Mostly what we have are regular romances. Hence, finding someone who is protective of you and possessive as well is seen as a sign of a increase in intensity of love. But what Renren said and is doing is at least 3 levels above.. Not only he clearly said that LILY is the CENTRE of HIS WORLD.. He trusts her, relies on her and respects her even more. Lily, is his equal, his better half in truest sense! Aaah..what do we have to do to find our personal Renren?? ❤️

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I think it's really awesome that ZJ is so trusting of Lily. He's not unreasonably paranoid or glaring at every human being of the opposite sex that Lily meets. He knows she has things to do and trusts she will not betray him. Based on her experience with betrayal that's understandable. They have great communication and are open and honest with each other. And most importantly they're SELF aware. They know themselves and their personalities and are upfront about it with each other. Love it

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I really like how the couple communicates... they are in a mature kind of relationship. It takes a lot for Lily to admit she is possessive and for Renren to be able to accept her, it heartwarming... onelovely couple indeed .. 💖

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Yes and so we have noticed that Blips gives relationship advices in her novel. 😂 There were some good ones in her first novel too! #chickensoupforthesoul

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Trust is something that makes or breaks a relationship.. And it doesn't happen in a day, you gotta earn it with your words n actions.👍 I'm glad Lily is slowly getting there, walking beyond her past issues and seeing this relationship in a new light 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Renren you are giving major relationship goals ❤❤❤

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Blips better have a great man in her life. This much common sense can't be wasted on some...boy.

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waaaa i love this convesstion so good in a relationship..... a lesson learned for me

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I’m out of power stones. 😭😭😭 But these two have got to be the most sensible people in noveldom. I’m seriously questioning how some authors would think that an overly possessive person who acts like what he/she says goes and tries to make it sound romantic (I’m not talking about authors from original story because some of their characters may start out that way but their characterizations do mature as the chapters progress which is awesome... I’m talking about authors from translated novels... because honestly, the level of unhealthy relationship from beginning to end makes me want to up tear my hair out... and it’s persistent in a lot of modern setting translated novels too!!! 😤😤😤). So thank you Blips for sharing this wonderful and grounded story!

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Dear Blips, "trust is important in a relationship". I treasure my "personal space" too. It's great that the couple talk... "Trust is a choice, and you can meet me half-way"... Lily likes that, & they are on the right path, for sure.

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Mass release please

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I think blips get so much relationship experience you could be an expert on love

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Same sentinents here. It's enough to feel that your partner will not let others harm you. No need for caveman antics. Respect and trust that we can go old together is more important.

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I wish something happened with the plot.


Lily made Renren giddy. How cuuuteeee. Hihi

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That was deep ...i say

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Dear Author, I completely, 100% agree with you. People from the outside looking in, think it's endearing & even passionate. From personal experience, being in a possessive & controlling relationship is absolutely terrifying.

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Ugh, Renren is the perfevt husband material. And I really love his maturity. 😍😚

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Overly possessive can result to violence(hurt their partner)...its so scary, but not all are same someother are not.