
Comments of chapter undefined of Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?


So after getting queer baited for near 800 chapters. Gotta say, way to go Reili. Now for 200 more chapters of stalker pedo being shoe horned into a basic nice guy romance plot with Shiro. I swear if nan tian ends up being anymore than a friend imma drop this series. It's forced enough as is.


lol just get good


Well darn that ship has sunk. To bad i wanted there to be a super awkward moment when they meet again and shiro tells her “by the way im datIng your daughter!” but alas it is what it is.


Honestly, despite me saying to give the guy (I mean Nan Tian here) a chance, it's feeling rather forced at this point. . . . *sigh* I feel very disappointed at the romance in this story. I thought it would be more smooth instead of just in your face, and I'd hoped that they could develop more of their characters and personalities through better interaction and communication. But with all the other MORE interesting things going on with the story there is no room for this or maybe our dear author is just not cut out for writing romance and integrating it in a story... I get that it's not the priority of this story, that's why adding romance-plotline moments after a hyper tension scene, without a smooth enough transition, just doesn't appeal to me as a reader... Writing or imbuing romance just doesn't seem to be our Author-Sama's strong suit... 🤷🏻‍♀️ Maybe you can try to your hand at the romance genre in another book Reili... 🤔 If you can't do it, then don't force it Author-Sama, even if it's for us readers... I feel that when you have a story with a different plot-focus altogether, then it's better to continue to write in that same genre than adding in some half-baked romance, which might also not give you that much of a satisfaction... This is all my own perspective and not meant to be degrading in anyway, so just don't get too harsh with your own opinions, when you read and respond to this comment, fellow readers... 😅 And I hope that you see this or atleast keep my comment in mind Author-Sama, it's just a suggestion and constructive criticism... it's to help you and not meant to be offensive in anyway... 😬 Thanks you for your time to read my little rant...😅🤗 Also thank you for the chapter~😊 Loved the whole interaction with Isilia and all those Nimue and Attie moments 😄


Saw the lyrica ship dieing coming with how hard Nan Tian, the stalker of 13 year olds, is being forced and how lyrica essentially ended up being ignored. Here's hoping Shiro ends up with some new yet revealed character, or really anyone who isn't a creepy stalker.


I hope the author doesn’t forget to make shiro interacte with her daughters in a motherly way too


Fun fact: dark matter is basically something that we dont know what it is or how to study it. the only reaaon this term even exists is because we were able to measure its influence on gravity. according to tests and calculation we found out that the universe is actually “missing” 85% of the matter, meaning the gravitational forces active inside and outside the galaxis are actually way stronger then the mass we calculated based on observations is supposed to have. thus scientist termed the missing matter as “dark matter”, dark cause it doesnt interact with light hence we cant observe it. Thats how a lot of scientific theories start. we cant detect/prove it yet with current technology and understending, but we can almost be sure it exists due to the “aftermath” of its existance, so lets give it a name and start studying it.


I'm ignoring the Shiro in denial and I'm going to revel myself in these wonderful Shiro-Isilia moments! They were both awesome and adorable! Well Nimue, your mouth cost you your heart. That reminds me; I wonder how effective Attie's cuteness attacks are against the other Queens.


Shiro/Lyrica shippers currently


Well i didn't expect the shiro x Lyrica ship to travel... But i still reject lil' tian


We all seem to hate the idea of nan tian getting with Shiro and Lyrica being the only one, which really goes to show that Reili cant seem to write romance well and that shiros main party were really just a plot device not people we should actually care about Like come on it has been hundreds of chapters at this point where we’ve had a good chapter with the party and all their relegated to now is “OMG your powers even more ridiculous then last time, what a surprise” this gag is old and stale and shows that Reili is out ideas for the party considering he refuses to leave Shiro’s perspective for even a moment despite not being a first person account. I really wish he started being more creative because this book is just becoming a power trip with no real suspense or heart break, 1. Shiro is always injured when no problems arise 2. no one takes any kind of permanent injury despite there being curses. 3. where’s the Black Monarchy sub plot that was started in the first hundred or so chapters that one really disappointing Beast Monarch side plot wasnt interesting and was rather lame. 4. how about taking the time to chill and bit and do something different, its getting exhausting reading as shiro moves from large action set-piece to large action set-piece with small training montage of new powers in-between. im getting burnt out reading it constantly TL;DR I just wish for Reili to something different for a change as to me this has turned into a typical Xuanxia book.


Knew tha Shiro and Lyrica won't be a think it just didn't click enough to work plus while Lyrica's obsesive love is a funny gag it just doesn't work for an actual reletionship. I also doubt that Shiro will end up with Nan Tian as while he may have the chieldhood friend card and is a preatty great guy their reletionships is nothing more then "he flirts and teases her and she reacts strongly" and thats about it Shiro doesn't feel anything to strong about him then "best male friend". I have a theory to who's Shiro future husbando/waifu but that will have to wait untill i get more evidence


Shiro’s age EXPOSED. So I guess the next order of business would be tk make the anchor and move all the spirits over.


LyRo! No!!!!! Don’t sink!!!!! Please!!!!!!!!!!!


still think shiro and lyica make good cuple. oh well we just see what happenslove works in mystiorus ways


shouldn't she go to the 3rd queen before heading to the sect?


oh dear the world must prepare for this duo


that's one queen now for Maddie


hope lover is not nan tian im fine with a random guy coming out of nowhere over him I never liked him from the first yime he appered


Poor Lyrica. :(


Why do all of these queens escaping!?!?!