
14 Reasons Why : I Hate This System!

sui*ci*de? A Bullying ? A rap*i*st? Violence? It is something that happens all the time and everywhere. This story focuses on the world of a high school girl who feels like she is being hurt by everyone and cannot stand it. She tried to kill herself and let it all go. But there is one person who can't allow this and tries to prevent it, our MC. He tries to enter the girl's world and tries to protect her from everything that hurts her, as well as playing in it. ===== Focusing on the story 13 Reasons Why Ntflx, MC is a transmigator and the world he currently lives in is a modern world like in his previous life. ------ I don't own anything other than my ideas and MC. All characters, events and conversations in this novel go back to the respected author or owner of this 13 reasons why series.

Kapur_69 · TV
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30 Chs

Chapter 29

Support me on pat_reon.com/kapur69 (Delete "_") and read for 10 chapter ahead

Disclaimer, i own nothing but my own idea and MC, and i will update on monday, Wednesday & friday.


*3rd POV - Present

{Just like that.... From two became three...} Hannah said in a happy voice. As if she moved her lips with a smile on her face. {and before you know it... we became best friends...}

Clay sat on the cafeteria bench with his face looking at one of the tables there, but his gaze seemed to be looking far back.

{there was nothing but two hot chocolates... and alex coffee drink du joir couldn't fix...}

Clay gaze is on the conversation between two people, a man and a woman who seemed to be arguing, seeing who was wrong in this drama. Alex and Jessica.

{in spite of our differences... we were what we each needed at that moment in time...}

{three drinks against the world...} Hannah said with exaggeration. {two hot chocolate and.... Whatever alex was drinking...} and chuckled as she said it.

{I am not good at math... but here's one thing I know for sure... 1 + 1 + 1 is not a simple equation...}

Clay stared at them wondering why the friendship that Hannah said was broken just like that. Maybe if they were still friends, Hannah wouldn't have attempted suicide. Maybe, maybe, maybe... That's what clay had in mind at the moment.

As Clay was still staring at the two of them, Jessica felt Clay's gaze and turned her face away from Alex and looked at Clay. Alex saw this and averted his gaze as well and stared at clay.

Clay's brain was filled with questions and his focus was not on Jessica and Alex. His gaze was on them but in his head there was only Hannah's voice. That's why he didn't take his eyes off Jessica and Alex.

Much to the annoyance of alex and jessica, they both stared at clay for a while and then get up from their seats and left the cafeteria. Clay woke up from his thoughts and this time he see them leave.


*Seth POV - Past

I looked at the message given by hannah, 'that's not gloomy thing... but a hope!' I replied to her with an additional 'that's my painting by the way...'.

After replying, I looked at my laptop and read the email message from mika. 'here... listen to this' and an attachement in the form of a song sent by mika.

I downloaded it and listened to what mika sent. The song sent by mika was 'happier' song sung by Eddie.

I listened to the song for 2 minutes and closed it. Honestly, that's really sucks! Unlike the original song from my previous life.

I replied to mika's email 'that sucks!... tell the team over there, stop fooling around and start making real songs!'

To be honest this made me a little angry because it was beyond my expectations. I just hope that song is more than my previous world, but…


The vibration of my cell phone distracted me and I read the incoming message from Hannah. 'oh yeah? that's really ugly painting!'. This kid! I then typed back 'oh yeah? you know what? That painting almost sold for 2 billion dollars!'

In less than 5 seconds, I got a message back from Hannah '...really?' and I laughed because Hannah believed me. I didn't reply to her and just read her message.

"Now, what am I going to do today?" I was honestly getting bored, I wanted to leave this mission, but I was scared. Fear of the unknown, fear of what might happen beyond my prediction.

Hannah will make a new friend, Alex, a Sarcastic, insecure, cynical but sometimes he is willing to accept responsibility for his actions.

I already know that their friendship will be messy at the end, there is no friendship between a boy and a girl. that's what I believe. If the woman doesn't have feelings more than a friend, then the man will be have that feeling. Or he just want to have sex with her.

If hannah is just friends with jessica davis, then they will most likely be friends for a very long time.

Now do I need to prevent Alex from being friends with Hannah and Jessica? Of course not. I can guarantee that it will ruin my relationship with Hannah.

So I had to be an encouragement to Hannah when she was down. Why? To give her hope again.

I picked up my phone and typed in a message, 'I want to go to a bar tonight, do you want to come?'

I texted someone I'd been in contact with recently. A blonde woman in her 40's who gave me her number earlier.

At first I just wanted to say hello and find out what happened to her family especially to clay. I wanted to know what he did, what steps he took with Hannah and what made him special to Hannah.

So just like that, I contacted her a few times and found out what happened to her family. Yeah she vented to me and told me all about it. About her husband who was calm and a little bit stiff and sometimes made Lainie anxious because he was always calm in the face of all things.

Some people think that's a good thing but it's like a double-edged sword, he can be calm about something and put others at ease but the problems he faces will only get bigger and bigger. It makes him underestimate a lot of things.

Lainie also talked several times about clay, her son who had a mental health disorder and was taking medication to deal with it. she was worried that clay would relapse and have to take his medication again.

I waited for a message from Lainie and a few minutes later, Lainie answered my message '...sure'

'meet me at xxxx bar at 7 PM'

I closed my phone and lit my cigarette, ".... At least I want to have fun with the characters in this series" I said and took a deep drag from my cigarette.


*3rd POV - PAST

Mika looked at the message sent by Seth and sighed at the order given by Seth.

She told her assistant to contact the producer and bring him to her office. Mika waited for a while, and a bald and slender man entered her office.

He looked at mika with a confused face but he seemed to have some guesses as to why he was called into mika's office room. He approached mika's desk to stand in front of her, "What's wrong?" he said, his relationship with mika was quite close, as was his relationship with seth.

He spoke matter-of-factly and looked at Mika. "See this... your boss doesn't like it, record it again..." Mika said and showed the email sent by Seth.

"Huhh.... You expect us to create a good song just from the lyrics sent by him?" The producer said with a sigh. "I admit, the lyrics he sent were pretty good but I didn't get the idea of the song. I didn't feel it!"

"Ugh... why didn't you say that from the beginning before I gave it to Seth?!" Mika said angrily and looked at the bald man who just shrugged his shoulders.

"...Honestly, the song we made is pretty good, isn't it? Have you heard it? And Eddie is quite satisfied with it." The producer said nonchalantly as if the song would remain a viral and teenage hit. "Anyway, just send him to our studio and lead us to make that song! It is his song after all."

"...You already know him, so why are you asking again? He do whatever the hell he wants!" Mika said with a sigh as if giving up on the behavior of her boss. "...Just make another song and bring me the song alright.."

"No I can't do that... it'll just make the song more flop... tell him to send me a note or just make him sing it himself!" After the bald man said that, he left the room without caring about Mika who just gave up with that.

"..... Why did you make those pitchless lyrics oli? Is it for fun?! You just make me work more than ever!!!" Mika grumbled and leaned back, she started to open her email again and replied to the email from oli.


*3rd POV - PAST

"what is he doing?" Lainie, who was working, got a message from Seth. She was quite happy with seth and without realizing it she had opened herself up to seth. It was like she made a new friend and could confide in him about anything.

She unconsciously told him about herself, her family and what happened to her household. She just wanted to talk to Seth longer and pour out her heart to Seth.

Maybe being tired from work and wanting to tell to someone she didn't know and wouldn't divulge her secrets to others was what she wanted to do. So she confided in Seth, a person she barely knew but felt she could trust.

Seth never asked about her family but only responded to what Lainie said so Lainie told Seth about it.

During the time they had been in contact with each other, they had never seen each other again and had only been in touch by text or phone. So she was a little surprised and a little excited by Seth's invitation.

'....sure' Lainie replied to seth's message after thinking about it a lot. What Lainie know is they will be just going to drink and talk, but it crossed her mind that she would do more. That what Lainie thinking about, what happened if they would do more than just drink ?.

And eventually she gave in and agreed. She was a mature woman and understood the consequences, and she was going to prevent those consequences after all she was a wife and a mother. She had a family that she cared about.

".... A little drink won't make me drunk, right?"

Yes, she was just going to chat with Seth and spend the night at the bar. She also wanted to find out who Seth really was and what he did with his life. She wanted to know more about Seth and hoped they could be friends for the family as well.