
14 Reasons Why : I Hate This System!

sui*ci*de? A Bullying ? A rap*i*st? Violence? It is something that happens all the time and everywhere. This story focuses on the world of a high school girl who feels like she is being hurt by everyone and cannot stand it. She tried to kill herself and let it all go. But there is one person who can't allow this and tries to prevent it, our MC. He tries to enter the girl's world and tries to protect her from everything that hurts her, as well as playing in it. ===== Focusing on the story 13 Reasons Why Ntflx, MC is a transmigator and the world he currently lives in is a modern world like in his previous life. ------ I don't own anything other than my ideas and MC. All characters, events and conversations in this novel go back to the respected author or owner of this 13 reasons why series.

Kapur_69 · TV
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30 Chs

Chapter 22

Support me on pat_reon.com/kapur69 (Delete "_") and read for 10 chapter ahead

Disclaimer, i own nothing but my own idea and MC, and i will update on monday, Wednesday & friday.


*Seth POV Past

After Hannah left, I took out my cigarette and lit it in my music room. "Episode 2 huh..." I took a deep drag on my cigarette, and took it out.

"What happens if I tell Hannah about her future...?"

[you dead]

My eyes opened wide, looking at the sentence in front of me. There was no comma in the sentence. I looked at the sentence deeply, but there was no loophole in the sentence.


I yelled, cursed, and tried to call the system for 5 minutes without stopping, but all I got was silence. No words came out, no reproach, no anger, no other comment from the system.

I stopped yelling and cursing, there was no point in doing so if all I got was silence. I took another drag on my cigarette and rested my head on the sofa staring at the ceiling.

"There's no other way..." I gave up. If that's what you want to do system, alright I play your game with my own way.

I put out my cigarette and got up from the sofa to get some fresh air, at least I had entered Hannah's world this time.

I went to Monets to see the new employee who would be the manager of my monets. Mika had sent her details report to me earlier, and I approved.

Of course I approved. Who doesn't want a sexy, hot, big boobs girl.

I drove in my car, through this evergreen county California town. To be honest, there's nothing interesting here, other than it's known for being the safest city, but it's a bit boring.

While waiting for a red light, I lit another cigarette but as I lit my cigarette, I heard a voice from the side of my car.


A woman's voice came from the left side of my car, I saw a blonde woman looking at me angrily. "You again?!" the woman yelled at me again, I pointed to my face with a surprised expression but it changed instantly when I found out who was calling me.

"Yes miss?" I said with a smile on my face. The woman stopped yelling and looked at me for a while and shook her head. "You're not supposed to smoke while driving!"

"What? Why?" I said raising my eyebrows, why is it illegal to smoke in my own car? "I'm just driving myself at the moment, it's illegal if I drive with someone"

"Is that weed?" The woman ignored me and pointed to the cigarette I was currently smoking.

"no it's not weed, just cigarette" I said and lifted my glasses and looked deeply at miss Jensen or Lainie. My gaze made Lainie misbehave "wh..what?"

"Have we met before?" I said with a suspicious look, "maybe at a bar? or coffee shop?"

"Really?" Lainie looked at me in disbelief that I had forgotten her and seemed to want to say something else. "We...-"

"Met at the park before... of course I remember you..." I smiled sincerely at her "Oh it's green... have a good day miss Jensen" I told her and threw my cigarette in the street carelessly, pressed my gas pedal and left.

Lainie who couldn't believe what was happening at the moment finally woke up to the sound of the horn behind her car. She hit the pedal and drove behind me and honking her car toward me.

I heard this and pulled over, so did Lainie who followed me. I didn't get out of my car but Lainie approached my car, "Hey!" she tapped on my windshield.

"did you miss me so much?" I said after lowering my windshield and smiled at her. "What?!" she said like a teenager who got a period, her voice screeching loudly.

"Oh my god, stop screaming okey..." I said to her which made her embarrassed, "I am sorry, but you shouldn't have thrown your cigarette on the street like that..."

I looked at her with deadpanned eyes, "Really? that's why you stopped me right here? What are you, a cop?"

"No, but I am a lawyer..." she said confidently and puffed out her chest a little. "Really? You don't look like a lawyer to me" I said and looked at her body from top to bottom, without Lainie realizing it, she was not bothered by my gaze.

"What? I don't look like a lawyer to you? Why?" Lainie said and looked at her current body, she was currently not wearing a suit and was only wearing a normal shirt. "I can give you-" and without Lainie realizing it again, she tried to get recognition from me.

"Look... I want to chat with you as long as you want, but I have a meeting with someone... how about you give me your number and we can schedule our meeting and my faulty here?" I said and looked at my watch without caring about Lainie who was annoyed with my attitude.

"Give me your arm..." she picked up her marker and looked at me sharply, she didn't expect to be ignored by me, a young man, and this made her a little annoyed.

I smiled at her and gave her my arm, she pulled hard on my arm but I didn't care. Lainie still looked at me with annoyance and wrote her number on my arm.

As she wrote her number on my arm, my finger came into contact with Lainie's arm, but she didn't notice or rather didn't care. She could feel my finger on her arm but she still wrote her number on my arm.

"Done... We need to discuss about this young man, you need to call me, what you do is dangerous for someone else" Lainie let go of my hand and looked at me angrily like a mother scolding her child.

"yes mam" I smiled at her, "are we done now?"

"yes... drive safely okey?" Lainie said this time with a smile on her face and walked towards her car.

"heh... what a day huh." I put my glasses back on and drove to Monets.

After a few minutes of driving, I arrived at Monets. From my car I could see the beautiful woman who was staring at the entire monets cafe room and writing in her book.

I got out of the car and walked to the entrance and without stopping I walked over to the table where she was sitting. "Sorry this seat is taken" without looking at me, the woman said coldly.

"Oh really?" I said and glanced at the book she was writing in. I could see and read her writing, she was writing about what can be maximized on these monets.

"yes" the woman said back without breaking her focus on what she was thinking.

I didn't answer her and stared at her writing in the book. The woman sensed that I was not standing up from the chair in front of her, with a frown on her face, she lifted her face and looked at me.

"You have brilliant idea, I will give nice word to the company for you!" I said with a smile, this time I looked at her surprised face to see and hear me say that.

"I am sorry sir!" he said quickly, "I don't know you are from the company..."

"Don't worry, I'm just a supervisor here... I've got information about you, I thought you would underestimate this job" I said with a wave of my hand.

"No sir, I mean, yes... I know that this is a test for me from the company, I have to do my best..." He said with excitement in his eyes.

"Don't worry about it you know... just don't mess things up in here..." I said.

"yes sir..."

"So, what did you write before?" I said and we both discussed the café and of course got stares from the employees, especially from Claire.

I spent a few minutes talking to Sarah, about the coffee, the interior, or the staff. Sarah also told us about herself, nothing too specific, just who she was and where she lived, where she studied and what her favorite things were.

"Here!" Claire came and handed us coffee with a frown on her face, "how can I help you this time?" She said and gave Sarah an annoyed look as if to say 'don't mess with my man!".

"Looks like someone is jealous this time hehe" I said with a chuckle. "Claire, this is Sarah, your new manager, Sarah this is Claire your employee."

Claire who heard this was scared, but she still put on an unhappy face with Sarah. "So?" she said with a small snort.

"Should I fire her?" Sarah said and didn't back down with a glare from Claire.

"hehe get along well alright ladies?!" I said with a small laugh watching the two of them bicker.