
14 Reasons Why : I Hate This System!

sui*ci*de? A Bullying ? A rap*i*st? Violence? It is something that happens all the time and everywhere. This story focuses on the world of a high school girl who feels like she is being hurt by everyone and cannot stand it. She tried to kill herself and let it all go. But there is one person who can't allow this and tries to prevent it, our MC. He tries to enter the girl's world and tries to protect her from everything that hurts her, as well as playing in it. ===== Focusing on the story 13 Reasons Why Ntflx, MC is a transmigator and the world he currently lives in is a modern world like in his previous life. ------ I don't own anything other than my ideas and MC. All characters, events and conversations in this novel go back to the respected author or owner of this 13 reasons why series.

Kapur_69 · TV
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30 Chs

Chapter 17

Support me on pat_reon.com/kapur69 (Delete "_") and read for 10 chapter ahead

Disclaimer, i own nothing but my own idea and MC, and i will update on monday, Wednesday & friday.


*Seth POV Present

After leaving them, I drove my car to Monets and waited there. Sarah had already closed Monets and the other employees had gone home. I waited for tony to come and of course he did.

The sound of an old car could be heard, it still sounded very cool to my ears. After what his father had done there seemed to be some upgrade there.

In his car, tony saw me leaning against my car, he knew that I am the owner of Monets and he knew I would be there. Tony parked the car and turned off the engine.

"... how much do you want to sell this car again?" I said and smoked my cigarette deeply while looking at his car.

"Like always... it's not for sale..." Tony got out of his car and looked at me sharply. "What are you doing there? In the park.."

"What?" I said back "is that your park?"

"Don't play dumb with me" Tony said and approached me. He clenched his fists and looked at me sharply.

"Like I said... is that your park? Did you own it?" I said and wasn't afraid of Tony. I didn't care if he was a gangster or a punk but if he hit me I will hit him back.

Tony was silent and still staring at my smiling face as if i didn't care what i did and said.

"...I was already there before jensen" I said calmly and smoked my cigarette, "what do you care tony?" still staring at his eyes and smile in my face.

My answer was unexpected by tony, tony thought that I followed jensen and intended something bad for him because he feels me being in the park was not a coincidence to him.

"Why?" Tony asked, "Why were you in the park?"

"Why are you the only one asking questions here? Why was Clay Jensen in that park?" I asked Tony back and glaring at him a little bit.

"We just talked something..." he said and made excuses.

"Don't give me that bullshit tony..." I said and put out my cigarette. "Clay knows something about hannah right... so do you..." and looked at tony sharply. This time my gaze was serious and tony sensed that I wasn't messing with him again.

"tell me tony... Hannah is my friend too..." I said to tony.

Tony was silent... he didn't want to say it. he kept it a good secret...

"Is there... something that Hannah told to Jensen and you?" I said and baited Tony. This time Tony's body flinched and he looked away from me.

"I see..." I said reading his body and his face. I cornered him again "Is that... Hannah's will or something?"

"Stop it..." Tony said and shook his head. "You don't need to know about this alright. This is... something that only the people involved should know about."

"... Am I not involved in any of that?" I said and Tony shook his head.

"...No you are not" Tony said But now that I clearly see him, I see him as someone who is lying in front of me, his body language, his eyes, his mouth, I see it clearly that he is lying to me. "You are a terrible liar" I said and snorted at him. "Maybe you're keeping Hannah's secret. Or maybe something she said. I know it. "

Tony was silent for a few seconds and then said "... just stay out of this... I promise if this is over I will tell you all of it..."

Tony said and walked away from me towards his car. As he started to walk away from me, I said something that made him stop.

"...is it still 13 reasons?" my voice wasn't very big but it was still audible to Tony. He stopped his steps and turned to look at me with a surprised look on his face.

His mouth opened and closed but didn't say anything. "I say... is it still 13 reasons why Hannah did something like that?"

Tony looked back at Seth who said that with surprise on his face. Hannah herself said that she recorded these tapes without anyone else knowing, so how do I know? That's what Tony was thinking right now.

But he didn't say that and still looked at me with surprise, a few seconds later he said "... Yes".

I watched as his face lied to me again. "Like I said... you are a terrible liar"

"Good night tony"

I said and get into my car, without saying anything else and left tony still looking at my car.


*Seth POV - Past

Morning has come, or can we say it's noon? Anyway the sun looks very fierce today. It shines on my face as if to say that I should get up and start the day with a smile.


I got up from my bed wearing only my boxers, this is my house okey. I wash my face and brush my teeth. Last night was quite tense, I could have finished off Justin, but Hannah didn't want me to do that.

Yes, I went to the park where Hannah and Justin had their kiss, which started this Hannah drama. I wanted to take precautions against him, but what I saw was nothing like what I saw in the series.

Justin was pushing just to do something...yes of course it was sex.

But Hannah didn't want it, it was rape. So I took my cell phone and recorded the incident. What? Am I going to go over there and beat the shit out of Justin? No I don't think so. I need a proof first.

Hannah put up a fight, but Justin kept forcing her and kissing her. I don't know why Hannah refused... I mean is that what teenagers are supposed to do? full of hormones and stupid right?.

Yeah I misjudge Hannah.

After a few seconds of me recording the incident, I turned off my phone, and honked at the two of them.


The sound of the horn startled them both, and Hannah straightened her clothes and Justin moved away from Hannah and glanced at my car who honked at them.

I opened my car door and walked towards them, Justin was surprised to see me, as was Hannah.

"What the hell?" Justin said because he didn't expect me to be here. "what the hell are you doing here creep!" justin angrily walked towards me. He pulled my shirt and looked at me, I looked at his arm and looked back at his face. " Let go of your hands." I said quietly and looked at him sharply.

Justin didn't take his hands off my shirt and was still staring at me. He tried to lift my body but couldn't and could only pull my shirt up.

Seeing that Justin didn't let go of my shirt, I pulled his shirt and lifted his body. "What the..." he was surprised by my actions, especially by my strength as if I could lift him easily, which was very easy and light.

"What the hell are you doing you rapist..." I said with venom in my words. "I could kick your ass and break every bone you have..." I looked at him with a smile and eyes that glared at him. Like a demon or more humanly is like a psychopath with smile on my face but my tone that said dangerously.

Seeing me staring at him like a psycho, Justin felt fear again. What he felt before when he first met me, he felt again. This time it was in front of his eyes directly.

His face turning pale, he tried to look at Hannah who was still shocked by all this. "Hannah...." He called out to Hannah with difficulty due to the emotions he was feeling at the moment.

Hannah who heard Justin calling her, she woke up from her reverie. "Seth let him go!" Hannah said and ran to my side. Hannah grabbed my hand and tried to pull it away but couldn't.


After Hannah called me back, I let go of Justin who fell on the ground. He was coughing from earlier.

"Let's go!" I said to Hannah who glared at me but still followed me to the car. She looked very angry with my actions just now but didn't say anything to me.

We both left the park and drove to Hannah's house. I didn't drive her to her front door, because I knew that her parents wouldn't want that.

Hannah get out of my car without saying anything and walked to her house, of course only anger on her face.

That's what happened last night. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I looked for my pants, just then I heard my doorbell ring.

*Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding Dong

The bell kept ringing like the person in front of my door couldn't wait to get inside my house.

"wait a second..." I yelled and walked to my door.

As I opened it, I was surprised to see Hannah in front of my house. Her eyes were red and I could see tears in her eyes that were already welling up.

"Hannah..." As I said that, Hannah hugged me who was only wearing training pants and no clothes at the moment.