
14 Reasons Why : I Hate This System!

sui*ci*de? A Bullying ? A rap*i*st? Violence? It is something that happens all the time and everywhere. This story focuses on the world of a high school girl who feels like she is being hurt by everyone and cannot stand it. She tried to kill herself and let it all go. But there is one person who can't allow this and tries to prevent it, our MC. He tries to enter the girl's world and tries to protect her from everything that hurts her, as well as playing in it. ===== Focusing on the story 13 Reasons Why Ntflx, MC is a transmigator and the world he currently lives in is a modern world like in his previous life. ------ I don't own anything other than my ideas and MC. All characters, events and conversations in this novel go back to the respected author or owner of this 13 reasons why series.

Kapur_69 · TV
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30 Chs

Chapter 10

Support me on pat_reon.com/kapur69 (Delete "_") for 10 chapter ahead

Disclaimer, i own nothing but my own idea and MC, and i will update on monday, Wednesday & friday.


*Seth POV - PAST

"So what do you want to buy?" Hannah asked after shopping and hanging out with me and kat, currently we are taking a break at Starbucks café.

"I want to buy music instruments, guitar, piano or something like that. But I want to redecorate my room first to make it soundproof and not disturb my neighbors" I said as I sipped the iced coffee I ordered earlier.

"You can play music?" Kat asked with sparkling eyes, of course a girl finding out a guy can play musical instruments would think it's really cool.

"Of course I can, I am a dreamy man of any girl out there," I said with a grin on my face, which only made Hannah smile and Kat playfully punch his shoulder.

"So, I will buy some equipment and soundproof foam for my wall…" I said, thinking about what else I should buy.

"Wait... are you going to do it yourself?" Hannah said, surprised, as was Kat.

"What? Do you think I'm a young master who has rich parents and lives in luxury?" I asked with a serious face and getting nods from them.

"Well, if you're not, maybe you're some kind of CEO or something from your company…" Kat said carefully and hopefully, thinking that with a face like Seth's, his life must be very comfortable, as did Hannah.

"Well… you guessed it right, haha," I said with a laugh, ignoring their annoyed faces.

"Ugh, shut up!" Kat pouted, feeling annoyed at being teased.

"That's not funny!" Hannah chimed in, "I thought we offended you…"

"Haha, that's okay, we're friends, right?" I said, looking at both of them and making them smile.

"No, we are not!" Hannah said with a mocking smile on her face. "We aren't?" Kat asked Hannah.

"Aww, I thought we are friends… anyway, I'm really hungry, I didn't have breakfast because of Hannah," I said, standing up from my seat to buy some bread. I approached the cashier with the female attendant there, "Hello again, Katie!" I said with a smile.

"Hi Seth! What can I do for you? I can do anything for you!" Katie said with a flirtatious look on her face.

"Aww, that's sweet, but I'm really hungry right now, I can eat anything right now, you know…" I stared into her eyes without blinking.

"I… I'm working right now…" Katie said very softly, she leaned forward and I could see the bra she is wearing because she deliberately showed it to me. "Maybe… a 10-minute break won't hurt..."

"Well, tempting but…" I whispered in her ear, making her shudder at my breath, "10 minutes is not gonna satisfy me… fuhh"

Of course, our behavior was seen by others, "Katie!" a man's voice behind her sounded, snapping Katie out of her fantasy. She composed herself and took a deep breath, "I'm sorry, customer, what can I get for you?"

I smiled and told her that I wanted to order the double smoked bacon, cheddar, and egg sandwich breakfast menu. "You can put your number on it too if you like…" I said with a smile, making Katie smile too.

After placing the order, I returned to the table where Hannah and Kat were looking at me with open mouths. "What?"

"Why did you seduce her?!" Kat said, pointing towards Katie.

"Yeah…" Hannah also asked.

"Why? She's pretty and I think she's a good person, and she is in legal age…" I said with a smile on my face, maybe she will be my toy as long as I'm in this town, well, who knows.

We chatted for a while with some jokes, and Hannah told us that the party held at her house last night was a farewell party for Kat who was moving. But Kat also wanted Hannah to get to know her new friends at school.

"Here's your order, sir," Katie's voice sounded in my ear and I looked at her face, "Thanks, Katie," and a smile on my face. After placing the food on our table, Katie leaned in and kissed my cheek, "Here's another hot chocolate for you, free of charge." Katie whispered but her voice was still audible to Hannah and Kat.

"Thanks!" I said to her and Katie left, swaying her hips to tease me. I smiled sardonically at seeing that, and my face was seen by both of them.

"Pervert!" Kat said, pointing at my face.

"I'm thirsty, this is mine!" Hannah took the paper cup containing the hot chocolate.



The three of us left the Starbucks café and went to the equipment store. "Honestly, why did you invite me to go shopping? I mean, isn't this supposed to be 'girls time'?"

While selecting items, I asked Hannah about this, as she was helping me choose items and equipment for my soundproof room. Because we had just met, but we were already like close friends that they could joke about anything they wanted. That's weird.

"Hmm, actually, this is Kat's idea..." Hannah said. "Kat is going to leave, move to a far place, and she wants to spend her time here... have fun, I guess... or something like that."

"Hmm... where is Kat?" I asked, not seeing her around us. "Uhh, I don't know..." The two of us searched for Kat, who had disappeared, maybe for a few minutes, but I saw her with a man.

"Who is he?" I asked Hannah, and Hannah looked at them both. I knew the guy, Justin Foley, who is currently Kat's boyfriend.

"Justin, Kat's boyfriend... or ex-boyfriend... let's go," Hannah said, trying to pull my arm, but I didn't follow her. "Let's go!" Hannah looked at me, perhaps she needed backup because from our point of view, we saw the conversation between Kat and Justin was quite heated.

"Well, Hannah... I need to pay for this first," I pointed to my basket. "Then hurry up!"

"Let go of this first," I moved my arm, which was still being held by Hannah.

"Oh, sorry... I'll meet you there, okay?"

Hannah let go of my arm and walked towards Kat and Justin. They talked for a while and Justin seemed not to accept it and looked in my direction.

"Hmm, something's not good..." After I make the payment, I asked the cashier if the items I bought could be delivered to my house because I currently had a car that could be said to have no trunk.

I gave her my address and paid for the delivery of my items. After making the payment, I went towards them.

"Hey... is there something wrong?" I asked the three of them, they all looked at me, especially Justin. "Hey, I'm Seth Olivander." I reached out my hand to Justin. Like a brat, he didn't take my hand and looked back at Kat.

"Let's go home..." He glanced towards Bryce's Range Rover, where I saw Bryce's gang.

"Justin, let's go!" Zach's voice came from the car over there.

"Hey, Kat goes with me and goes home with me too" I said, pulling Kat's hand. "Seth..." Hannah called me and pulled my hand.

Justin wasn't happy with my behavior, he stared into my eyes and leaned his face towards mine. "Oh yeah? She is my girlfriend, who are you, old man?"

"Is he?" I shifted my gaze towards Kat who shook her head. "She is not your girlfriend."

Justin still stared at me, because last night Kat had decided to break up with him because Kat was moving and long-distance relationships weren't their expertise.

"Whatever…" Justin said, actually, I was waiting for him to hit my face... well, I'm not going to fight with a kid over nothing.

Justin left the three of us and walked towards Bryce's car, he turned around and looking at my face. "You can taste that bitch!" he shouted and showed his middle finger to us.

My anger was really... really hard to control right now. I wanted to smash his head right now, but Hannah and Kat held me back. "Don't... Seth..." I looked at them and sighed.

I took out my cigarette and smoked it. They didn't say anything and just looked at me right now. "I don't like him... Hannah, don't hang out with him later."



Clay rode his bike in the night, navigating through the city with the map he held. Hannah had given him the location where he went and where she provided clues or recounted what actually happened during school.

"{Seth already told me not to hang out with you… but Justin, you are my kryptonite…}" Hannah's voice echoed again. Clay knew that Hannah and Seth were friends, and he assumed that Seth would be included in this story on the tape.

Clay rode his bike until he reached the park, the scene of the first incident, the beginning of Hannah's story.