
The Sun and the Moon

Crickets chirping their ballad

Eyes twinkling like stars

And the moon was never found.

Amidst the night

There was one, and only one

Who sought for the moon.

But alas, he never found the moon

For she kept herself locked in a cage

Unable to go further, he still tried.

Every single day would he leave

A single flower for the moon

And the moon would just gaze at it.

He tried to give her the stars

But she only longingly gazed

As if she were unable to go.

He tried to give her silky clouds

But still she gazed longingly

As if she were unable to accept.

Seeing this as a problem,

He immediately went to the moon

And asked her if she was happy.

The moon cried and cried

And happily accepted his gifts

And thus the sun gave way to his moon.