
Comments of chapter undefined of Being a Cat in a Dungeon, It's not easy


See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

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That sounds like what happens to me when I get unknowingly bored of something (I've got loads of books in my library but refuse to read or remove them out of a strange mix of attachment and detachment of the story)

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I suggest a few months break befor trying to write this try to write something else or stop writing for said time dont force yourself

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Don t worry if you need a rest it s ok ! I really like your story so I am ready to wait for the next chapter until you find motivation ! ❤️ Just please don t drop the novel ! 😉

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Take a break and don’t force yourself to write it bc it lowers the quality of the writing. Just don’t drop it bc this book is amazing. If u want, u can finish this arc quickly and start the new arc outside the dungeon

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I'm not an author but I hate authors block. How dare it get in the way of a fantastic story. 😡😡. ♠️💜

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@AlexzY , think most people have stated what needs to be said and what I wanted to say already... But I'll try to chip in a bit. If I were you I'd take a break for a week or maybe a couple of weeks and try doing some things I find "personally relaxing" in that time. Or in other words find some kind of "entertainment" of sorts for my/ur mind in order to get the mind off it for a while. After that I'd go back to writing when I feel I either had a "inspirational idea" occur to me about the story and where to go with it, or when I feel that I can "make progress" on it more on a day when my mood is up even if it's only a draft that won't be released for til I feel "personally satisfied" with how the chapter feels not to the "audience" but to me myself. In my personal opinion, I feel like the time when a author does the best is when they're writing "from the heart", or in better terms when they find or feel the "passion" from themselves &/or the story that they are creating as they write, think of ideas, &/or get inspired. When I was growing up I'd write essays for my teachers when required, but each time I wrote a essay I would always make sure to take a few minutes or even a hour to gather my thoughts before I got the "inspiration" to begin writing. Many of my story's back then were not good enough to write home about, and the majority of them didn't continue for longer then what a regular short story might be in terms of length. Despite that, I still insisted on thinking it through and finding my own "passion" in it each time. Because if one wants to make a story great.... One of the many key things to follow is to "make the story your own", even if it has nothing to do with u. By finding the "passion" in it you improve upon it. By finding the "passion" in yourself towards it, you "bring life" to the story and create it. By finding the "inspiration" for it, you gain the ability to "modify" and "restructure" it to be even better then you would usually think possible, while also improving your own abilities in writing, as you learn something new from it. You are a great writer, I believe you'll do even better going forward. Keep up the good work, take breaks when needed and for how long u need to, and remember to see things through your own view and not just others, while still taking advice when needed. Wishing u luck. Do your best :)

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Thankyou muchly for the chapter! \(^o^)/ I'm a little sad that you're not really feeling any motivation for this story at the moment but please don't force yourself. Please add more chapters whenever you feel like it! I'll always be happy to read more of Alex's adventures, but to me the worst case scenario is not a hiatus or even a drop of this novel, but rather the worst case scenario is if you start to hate the story because of forcing yourself to write it. So don't feel pressured and take your time! ♡

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The same happens to me with **4 i have 4 new games but for some reason i dont open the **4 and play at pc


this is an amazing book. sometimes we need a break to focus better. i know i will be keeping it in my inventory waiting for new chapters. I'll also watch for any new books by you, you have a lovely writing style this is absolutely delightful to injest. be safe, be blessed with lots of dreams on how this book to should go.

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@AlexzY, Tip from R. L. Stine the writer to help with your Writters block, https://***.youtube.com/watch?v=DrWKxke42BE Start with the Ending, if you know the end you just have to figure out how to get their. Hope this helps :)


Spit...MEOW! That said, "your doing great"! Writer's block happens, you will find the words when it comes times in your flow of thoughts. Ideas are not always in the area. Days can rip the wirds out or ideas can be fighting over which goes first. We await you words....puuuurrrr.

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Thanks for another fabulous chapter about a cat. I have been thinking of writing a story about a cat for a while so your story is very inspirational. And fun to read. I really enjoy how the reincarnation into a cat has changed his personality. I love the cat frayses that you make up like never decline meat that is offered. Or something along those lines. It’s really fun. Ok so for things that I think could happen in the future. Hmmm. Their are a lot of options so I will just flood you with ideas. So ideas about what could happen in the near future. Obviously the kobalts will try to stop him from going into the Boss room. Other things it would be interesting to see what else he makes. And if he will ever learn from the koboles. Ummm. When will he go back to visit his girl? (The she cat). Will it be before or after defeating the demon. I think that it should be after. Also those human that are exploring the dungeon. Will they get to the floor with his girl before or after he fights the demon. I think that I would be interesting if it happened during the fight. Also will the human get the necklace. And will they then become enemies of him? So many things that could happen. Thanks for reading my comment. You don’t need to give me a spoiler on the story. It just sounds like you need inspiration. So I hope I helped. 😋 if you want more ideas then just hit me up.

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thanks for the chapter

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Thank you very much for the chapter.


I'd love this novel but in not sure what happened to the creator

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See this! I just gifted the story: Potion

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See this! I just gifted the story: Lollipop


so author can you please come back? u may forget the story but please consider continuing?


Aye, things do read like you're trying to rush through them now. While waiting is never fun, don't try to rush through it or the whole of it suffers. Might be better to put it on the back burner, and then maybe jot down ideas from time to time as they come to you, until you're ready to continue. Also, I remember you mentioning your distaste for the System. Have you ever played anything like D&D? Did you build a character sheet for any of your characters?


When will he meet the small stripe cat again I kinda miss her