
Comments of chapter undefined of The Love of a Lycan


My tears can't stop reading this novel...but i love it. YOU are a great writer


Whose crying? Your crying😭Lilac and Jerdrek FINALLY got what they needed. In truth Lilac and Jerdrek both questioned their love for each other. Selene removed the mate bond to give each couple real chance at love. It took 14 years but better late than never🤩😍Thank you author. I have cried so many tears and felt full frustration but I truly enjoyed this story😍🤩


Whoa. Thats it?!? Are you kidding me?!? This is the end we get?!?! I’m sorry if i seem harsh but i fully believe that as fans of this story we got screwed!


I have to say that I’m glad Jedrek and Lilac ended up together. Author, you made me a believer although I was a fanatic Jedrek hater, lol. The last scene was sweet and beautiful, but I do wish we could have had more-a conversation with the two of them, time shared with healing, a family...it ended abruptly. After all they had been through I wanted to see their earned happiness. I’m happy Jedrek realized the true meaning of love though. As a side, I would have liked to have scene electrifying love scenes and kisses. Not smutty, but sensual and toe curling, that vibration of feeling off the page that leaves you breathless...I liked the excitement, but read the book for the romance, which the book lacked. People in love touch, feel, there is heat. The book lacked romantic heat, a thrum off the pages and there was too much death of main characters as well. Everybody didn’t have to die. If I wanted realistic, I live it everyday. We want the good people happy and the bad people annihilated in the end. The writing was good, but if you’re going to write a romance, write a romance with vibration, heat, feeling and a true happy ending for the main characters so we feel like we journeyed with you to see and realize the ultimate happiness and love. “They made love all night,” is boring and lackluster. Saying “he skimmed his hand over her smooth inner thigh and she made a breathy inhalation, as he trailed burning kisses down the side of her neck,” is something all together different. Paint us a scintillating picture to remember...


Oh, no. I really wished for Lilac to be happy and Jedrek to pay for everything he did. Through the story he was selfish and hurting Lilac over and over again. He killed her when she was a baby and he killed her again when he chose Serafina, and he tortured her in between. Sorry, but Jedrek doesn’t deserve a happy ending.


I have truly enjoyed this story but not going to lie I feel that after all of the build up, the story just sort of ended and is left hanging. I really feel if this is the end then there needs an epiloge or something to really give it an end, especially the way Jederik was with the baby. It would be nice to see him with his own child.. Thank you for the stories.


Am I the only one who wanted jedrek to suffer tho🤣😂


Not gonna lie, this ending needed work. as a reader I would’ve loved to see things such as: follow up conversation between Jedrek and lilac, Lilac becoming queen and how the lycanthropes feel about it, Raine and Hope birthing their children (at least their first one), Lilac and Jedrek uncomfortable moments after finally meeting each other after 14 years, Jedreks reaction to the birth of his baby, did serephina find peace?, and then a follow up/bonus chapter about the future, a future where they are still soulmates but without the matebond (sparks and Initial attraction). I also would have loved if you clarified what the mate bond meant in this book. for example in my eyes the mate bond or soulmates if you will, are two souls who were born from the same stars, two souls who are made to complement each other in every aspect, two souls who need each other to continue to live. by taking away the matebond you only took away the spark and attraction, but you cant take away the fact that they are still soul mates. Even the moon goddess couldbt control that, the only thing she can do is make you oblivious to the bond by taking away the sparks and instantaneous attraction. Also I would have loved if you could clarify whether the donovans were reincarnations of the first lycans that fell in love with the guardian angels. I dont know if you are reading this or not, but this book feels very incomplete without these IMPORTANT things. Im sorry.


But thanks for wrapping it up before privilege ends, lol!!!


Thank you author for this happy ending after so much discussion arguements and all of it. .I can't believe I am reading the last chapter...but one small request..can't we have atleast one chapter more for jedrek and lilac...it's a request..like the other two couples had some moments ..please

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Theres 2 new Chapters released and a Would have to Pay privliged again a feel thats very unfair to the loyal readers . As the last week we wear only geting 1 chapterr a day . A havent moaned once in this whole book a just t feel this is very unjust Author very disappointed .


Why cant i read the updated chapters? I paid for the freaking privilage.


And all lived happily ever after !!! I’m a bit disappointed with the end . It was done in a rush , like the author couldn’t wait to end this story . Anyway , thank you for a lovely story. All the best !


I wish we could get just one more chapter... 😢 so sad to see the end.


thanks a lot for a wonderful writing I enjoyed every chapter


I love this story and thank you for your wonderful efforts, I am reading now and the tears in my eyes Jedric make me sad and thank you

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I cant find your new novel??


thank you Author for a wonderful novel , It was an amazing adventures 😚😚😚😚😚😚


Please let us know more about Jedrek & Lilac. He found her and she still loves but is she willing to give hIm another chance? She apparently moved on to started and run a successful business. Has she moved on in other ways as well?


Thank you author for the happy ending! I loved that Jedrek Still loved Lilac without the mate bond. And im really happy that Jedrek and Lilac ended up together. Im glad all the Mate bonds were taken away because it made the love feel more real between torak/raine, kace/hope, and jedrek/lilac. Lilac was always my favorite and im glad she got her happy ending


Thank you Authour for this wonderful story . It has kept me captivated from the first chapter . Am so happy in the end Jedrek found happiness a always felt he deserved it . He had a tough life and had to live it all on his own with no one to trust or to turn to . You cant please all of your readers all of the time . We all want diffrent endings a supose . A grew to love Serafaine a would have loved her to be with Jedrek . But am happy she got her wish in the end and was held in his arms one last time . Am also glad to no that Jedrek truly loved Serafaina her as well with out the mate bond. This might seam silly but a wish them all happiness and to enjoy the Simple things in life . Family children . Torak and Raine wear my favourite couple he treated Raine like she should have been treated always respectful always Putting her first . A had a real big soft spot for jedrek he to deserved happiness as well a didnt always agree what he did but a tryed to understand him . Any way a could talk about this book all day long and not get bored but will end up boring other people. A loved this book and a will miss reading about my favourite Charicters . 5stars to you ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Thank once again 👏🙌👏