
Comments of chapter undefined of The Love of a Lycan


At forst im like please dont raise Serafina from the dead!!! Only Rossie!! But now im like what is her reward??? Can we just leave Lilac and Jedreck alone for a lil while??


That was rotten of Serafina to keep Torak and Kace from Raine and Hope just because she was mad about the mate bond! I wonder what her reward is though. It better not be coming back to life. I’ve had enough of her already.

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Giving her a second life isn't a reward itself. So many ppl has died but they didn't get the second chance. I thought from now the story focus will be on the war and Jedrek/Lilac relationship but still its revolving around serefina.


author can u really kill the suspense and not give us cliffhangers...it is so difficult again to wait for a day to find out what is serefinas demand..why is she still there??? and I don't know what you meant when you said the story has a ending which will be liked...except for main leads which also are not sure if they survive we have lost all side characters we loved ..now since rossie is gone..I don't think calleb will be normal...so ultimately we have lost him too...I don't know what I will read next...I think I should just stop thinking and just read..no more good expectations though...sorry I am hurting or not understanding but like I said it disturbs...


Thank god Raine can’t turn back time to bring everyone back to life. I would have been upset if serefina had returned to life. It would have undone the last dozens of chapters and her role in the development of jedrek and lilac. I thought her reward was just to be able to see Jedrek one last time. Now im curious what it is.

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A think shes sitting where Raine Met Serafaina parents for the first time 🤔


I wish these chaPters get Updated faster


A think Serafaina reward of selene is to erase the feelings serafaina and Jedrek had for each other. She is not a stupid woman she knows the mate bond Was to strong for her to find happiness together with Jedrek. She was wrong to do thous things but she didnt want to see the bond first hand . Who knows what we would do in the same sutuation.


See this! I just gifted the story: Potion