
Comments of chapter undefined of The Love of a Lycan


Thank you Torak!


I super appreciate your insights dear author!....but Jedrek still sucks and doesn’t deserve to touch the bottom of Lilac’s shoes, much less her heart. Again, props to Serafina’s for her help in the war. I hope the moon goddess blesses her in the afterlife. Maybe she’ll reward Serafina by sending Jedrek’s raggedy tail up there with her and they can be together for all eternity! I know, so heartless, lol.


My understanding regarding Authors comment still protraying the fact that they are in a messy situation and no one had any control over it. Well based on the character development so far, I have not seen Jedrek making any effort to love Lilac and its always Serefina that he cares. And he is selfish, and so is Serefina! Despite knowing that Lilac will be hurt Jedrek went to Serefina again and again. So tell me Author, How would you justify Lilacs suffering in this Novel? So readers who likes her character they would never consume your explanation. Which Wife would like to see their Husband saying “I love you” to their dying first love no matter what they had! And also any responsible Person would not even attempt to go their first love when they are in a relationship when Lilac is his wife. Did jedrek not go to meet Serefina behind Lilacs back and didn’t tell her that he wanted to meet her when they were in the tent! I like this Novel but Im being honest here, Its not about the plot of thiS story or how it is going. Its just as a reader you want to have the similar notions. Consdering your writing skill in the previous 2 books, this one lacked a lot of things. You know, it was never about that Jedrek loved Serefina or vice versa! Its just that you as the creator of Lilacs character you never even considered your own creation Lilacs emotion and wellbeing! As Jedrek could’ve let Serefina go after their marriage but that never happened! Jedrek obviously cheated and cheating on her which she doesn’t deserve. Author you mentioned that Jedrek understands he hurt Lilac but what did he do to not hurt her? Tell me this?? If no misunderstandings, but understanding something and not acting upon to rectify your mistakes is what this Jedrek’s character is lacking. Also why Serefina had to die for Jedrek to be with Lilac? Author you never even considered doing a proper justification to Lilacs character! At the end! Lilac should be strong to let Jedrek go. He doesn’t and will not deserve her.


the best thing that could happen in this book is lilac leaving jedrek 🤞


What got me riled up was that jedrek has made a vow to lilac during their mating/wedding ceremory but all those vows has all thrown out the window by now. It wont make sense for them to be together after this... unless lilac is super forgiving... Plus, jedrek would have to get over the dead serafina... which not sure how many years/decades that would take Imagine when a husband has cheated on the wife and then come back be a docile husband after the lover dead?? Another posibility, the human side of jedrek will be dead along with serafina and the beast take over the human, like Kace. Maybe they will have a better ending?? Anyway... its just a story.. cant imagine how much we have emotionally invested in this. Cant wait for the author to end the story. it gotta be interesting.

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First of all, I want to thank you for reading this so far, as we are almost at the end of the story.   It has been a truly extraordinary journey with you and reading your comments filled with emotions makes me grateful that you read with your heart and immerse yourself in the characters in this book. I am moved.   Whether it's criticism or words that convey your emotions, I love reading them.   And here I want to get things straight from my point of view.   Yes, the story of lilac and jedrek is different from the other two donovans, because they started things differently too.   Kace and Torak do not have lovers when they met their respective mates, but Jedrek had serefina and at that time, he depended on her emotionally when he went through a difficult time in his life.   First love makes you stronger and better but last love completes you.   Jedrek chose lilac because he thought, with the strong mate bond between them, he could forget about serefina, but of course jedrek couldn't just let serefina go, especially when she was dying for all the things she had done for him, to keep Jedrek safe.   Serefina chose to be resurrected because she wanted to be sure of Jedrek’s safety.   And in my opinion, there is no major misunderstanding between Jedrek, Lilac and Serefina, because they realized their own feelings and their loved ones as well.   Lilac understood that Jedrek loved Serefina but couldn't get away from it because of the mate bond between them and Jedrek understood that he had hurt Lilac because of his decision.   Serefina knew that she was only in between the two of them, but at least she wanted to be with Jedrek at the last moment when she thought, she would die alone.   Jedrek loved lilac, but circumstances make him unable to ignore serefina.   All of them made wrong decision because they thought it was the best choice for them at that moment.   And yes, Torak looked displeased when Jedrek hugged Serefina because he didn't have the same attachment to the witch as his two brothers.   I try to make them act and make decisions based on their respective characters as well as jedrek and serefina.   Both of them look selfish, because their characters are like that and they both almost have the same character, but the presence of lilac for jedrek can complement what he lacks as a king.   (Psst, can you imagine Serefina as the queen with the same personality like Jedrek?)   Maybe these are some points that I didn't explain well in the story.   So I hope you guys enjoyed the story.   Don't fight, because my tender heart can't take it.   My inner self: Tender heart my a **! You killed many people!   Also me: ...

Author liked the comment.


why again a cliffhanger..what's next now..will atleast now jedrek wake up from his Dreamland and face the reality of his and lilacs relationship or like author hinted he will never find his happiness as they will be drifted apart from now...and he will let lilac go... although I don't want that to happen but now I am totally confused whether author really wanted their love story to be there...I am just getting upset with the thought that my most anticipated couple don't have a future at all...


yes and can someone come back from the guardian angels power atleast rossie...I love callebs character and can't imagine he being like a serious no emotion person...


I love Torak😍he truly the brother of reason.


Honestly i could care lass about lilac, jedrick, serefiNa, it will work its self out. im devistated about Rossie n Calleb!!! Bring ROssie back PLEASE


A love her Torak am so glad you do Jedrek because she did everything for you . War can be very painfull and so can love at times.


also author is there a second part for this Novel I read someone mention it..if yes..will it be available immediately after this novel or how..also don't u have any discord link where we can connect more..all the readers as well


yeah thats my fave donovan torak the best


I havent been able to read anythiNg for months, keeps saying its downloading but nothing ever apears, anyone any suggestions


grrr makes me so mad at him gawd get over it shouldn't be like that to lilac


Author without wanting to offend, you have a lot of talent in love stories, but not in a love triangle as is the case between Jedrek, Lilac and Serafina.