
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin

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Thank you for the chapter. Get well soon, CC!

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hey author. this is coming from an insignificant fan of your novel who patiently read the novel from the start and is waiting for the update for 9 months. you're busy, we understand, you've got problems, we understand, you've got a new job or found love, that's great and we understand, something bad happened in your life, we understand. But please don't give up on this novel even if takes you years please don't give up. we are way too attached to rosalia now and I'm definately ready to wait another year if that much time you need to take. your novel is the only novel i come back to this app again and again to check if there's any update. you don't have to write 1000 words for a single chapter, even if you write 100 or even 50 words for one chapter I'll read it. that's how much i love this novel. it's your story author and it because of your talent, wit, imagination and funny story that so many others love this novel. i hope you read my comment and come back, if you want. or give us the update about the future of the novel. if you've decided to drop it then please atleast give it a proper goodbye. even your characters deserve it.

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Get well soon and thank you for the chapter! My thoughts after finishing: AMAR!!! And Georgie is still alive as well! I loved reading about those two ^^ Great little detail with Amar and the cookies. I wonder how he managed to not get himself killed during a sugar crash before? Maybe thanks to the other "homewrecker"? A lot of new characters, set-ups for new plot development and the story seems to blurr and change from what Rosa knows. Very interesting 🤓. Such a shame that it isn't October, yet. I just want to keep reading 😆

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author dearest! please take care of your health... thanks for the chap and i would really like to know what just passed between Beatrice and grandpa about rosaa..?? and i miss Freddy!!! how many months since I read about him 😭😭

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I hope you are better, I like how you are intertwining the stories and how they collide with Rosalia's daily life, it is incredible how you narrate I cannot stop reading and I am left wanting to know more about all those characters that you are creating. I'm curious about the cursed doll, will it be Rosalia's magical pet? 😂 or just something to scare her with, plus I like the dynamic of her and Cass. Get well soon and take care!

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Judt dropping by while doing my daily checking of "ooooh I hope she posted the next chapter" and rereading eveything until then 😁 I hope we get some flashbacks of one of her previous lives in the near future. And of course more antics and AMAR (no I am not obsessed, just immensely invested in the story of this particular little munchkin 😜)

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I once promised to riot if we never got a resolution to Rosa's story- do I have to follow through?

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I hope you are back soon. I love you novel

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thanks for the chapter . i want to know what lord dukes think of rosa and how is the the littlle prince doing?

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We have been blessed by a chapter and I'm delighted cause reading this before my exams gives me some motivation and happiness. (I was having a horrible time but this chapter made me feel happy again) So this chapter was fun and we got to see so many new background characters and have some more Tired™ Georgie and Curious Amar baby. I like how we got Georgie's pov which gives a highlight to his worries and how he actually likes working for Rosa lol. (don't worry Georgie you will survive this) On the other hand there was chaos with Grampa Ron as always and seeing the troops was cool too. Also please give more screentime to the background characters they all feel so interesting. I can already see a budding friendship between Lukas and Lily yes. Also Mikhail joining the troops is cool. Things did get a bit serious with Rosa remembering something bad that may have happened to Beatrix. (I hope in this timeline Rosa does something crazy to keep her safe. That lady is literally the troops' adminstration) Overall very fun chapter Take care Mei and hope you get well soon

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Did you drop the story ? Please say anything


AUTHOR??update?? it's been 2 months??


still here. and I'll keep waiting... great things take time


Hi, CC. How's life treating you these days? As for me, compared to when I first read this, I've landed a new job. I also have a significant other now, and I've returned to studying. It's been a few years with many changes. I just want to let you know that no matter what phase of life I'm in, I still remember you and your novels. I hope you are doing well. :)


I believe I have waited long enough. I am giving up on the story. good by everyone

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Please give us any news

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Dear author, are you still can't get in Webnovel? We are missing you.

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author, how are you now? did you get better?