
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin


Thanks for the chapter . I want a photo of maria hairstyle

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that's one crazy feast...!! did the doukas boy fall for cass ?? does he have some kind of fetish for foreign beauties or is it cass in his previous life too?? and how large was the aquarium for alphanso to dive in it..omg i miss Freddy !!! (and amar and Georgie to ofcourse

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Thx for the chap. --- I prefer the pasta and alfonso fight :D

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All the things a good butler knows how to do.

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I really want to see that pasta castle!

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Also thanks for the chapter Mei. (PS I'm first comment after a long while lol)

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Thanks for the chapter! I am looking forward to Mikhail chasing after Cass - I am sure she could do with some profitable salt mines ;). But I genuinely think they could be a good match, considering he seems to be a capable person, although I don't remember how it works out age wise? On another note, it seems that Greg could still be saved. He reminds me of Lucas, but a very very spoiled one (and he is not as awesome, naturally). Rosa does not seem to notice, but the whole fam is shaming him/his father for her. Her grudge might be the strongest, but she's not the only one who's unhappy with what he did. I have a hunch we'll see more of him in the future, so I am curious how that will go.


YES!!! It's here! And now I'm hungry xD uuuuh potential spoiler alert: Abby and Mikhail?!?!? Is she the servant girl he got disowned for?


Pasta Castle! I would really love to see one in real life, especially the cheesy dungeon and treasure room.🧀 Also the secret guards rowing the flying boat.🚣 I wonder if they'll have a new recruit to their troops who's going to be "bumping" often into Cass. Considering how crazy he was in the previous life, I wonder how he'll be in this one since I'm sure Cass will want someone stronger than her as her partner. Also next chapter will we be seeing Freddy coming home to see what craziness his family has been up to.😂


I knew it! From the description of the foreign commoner that Mikheil was said to have fallen for and what she put him through, combined with the way this story's narrative works, it had to be Cass!