
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin

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I miss you so much, hope you are well and safe.

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cc you don't owe us an explanation. your health and comfort comes first. please know that we are always here for you and ut 😭😭

CCmei:Bless, I wish I was better, I really do. Fingers crossed I get a new job that doesn;t drain and use me like this so I can make more content for myself and you guys. So many stories in the head, no time or energy to write them. bleck

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Thanks for the update you had me so deeply impacted into the world of this story that I can help but feel hurt for children I know Amar may have some of his mother powers to me whatever she did in the past the adult in this situation needed to leave room for the fact that this is a child they're dealing with . Amar is not his mom

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does anyone else want a pov from the secret guard?

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Thankyou for the new chapter, it was really good! And I really hope her father does pay for that, because man does he get away with a lot. I wish they took Rosa more seriously too, and I hope that she is able to figure more things out and fight back a bit better against whats to come. But I cant wait to see how this story unfurls. Good job!(also take your time in writing, we dont mind how long it takes, as long as you stay healthy and safe)


At least Amar is not alone where ever they were sent to.

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Wow!😭 This chapter was quite intense. I hope Rosa manages to reunite with Amar and Georgie soon. As for her punishment to her dad, it'll be interesting to see what she'll do. If I was Rosa I might leave home. It'll be nice to see Rosa back at Gable's and her granpa's home.


At the end there I can help but feel that Rosa father lost the trust of his daughter 💔😢😔This what happened when there no communication

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Thank you for the chapter CC. ❤ If one day I had a choice to travel back in time or to travel to the future, the list for reasons to go to the past would be endless while the list for reasons to choose the future would only contain reading UT's and QCI's updates. It's been a while before this update that I felt nostalgic after reading this chapter. I remember first reading UT in 2019 and wow it's been 2 years now and I feel that it's amazing since I'm not the most patient person nor the kind who sticks to something for so long. And I'm also amazed that you don't forget things (or maybe you do lol) since there are so many minute details in this work. Thank you for sticking with writing all these years and thank you for making UT a part of our lives. Really. You may not know but your work has accompanied me a lot-during my long hours of commute from work to home, on rainy days when I want to relax, on nights when it's hard to sleep, during moments I need something fluffy to read through trying times, when I'm too happy and feel like I wanna be tortured by Mr. Hama and be sad lol. Thank you. For making me feel. For a piece of writing to be able to immerse their readers is a feat in itself. (Huhu my bb boi Amar pls be safe.) I rarely leave comments now but with this long full of drama comment pls know that I'm grateful and that you're always remembered.

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I misshuuuu [img=update][img=recommend]

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I miss this story so much! usually the slow pase will be difficult for me. however yours is just right. my only wish is that you life gets easier so I can enjoy your talent more.

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Man, what a chapter. Looks like Fred's no longer Rosa's favourite adult family, and I wonder if that will actually affect him in any way? About time grandpa got *some* recognition too, for all that he acts the fool, he definitely cares, and shows it too, something that can't be said for his son in law. Not sure how much it means to Amar that his friends tried to stop him being sent away, but at least he's not totally alone in a strange new place.

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Rosa screamed for the both of us. It really makes me wonder why Amar is getting the back end of the stick. Even if he is his mother's child. I REALLY hope he gets a better life after this, my boy suffered too much for this. As for Rosalia's powers she feels so similar to a conduit. She channels magic from other people and somehow makes it her own? Not sure. But I'm so glad that you're again. I hope you feel better and thank you for the chapter

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wahhhhh😭😭🤧 I cried a lot lot 😢😭...

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I just cant express how much i love this novel. Its just so heartbreaking. The more it goes on, the better it becomes. Please take alll the time you need, Im willing to wait, but please dont drop this, its just too beautiful.

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Small mercies that Amar has Georgie and Georgie has his satchel 😭😭😭


Just wondering if you had a timeframe for when you expect the next chapter to come out. I’m dying for more

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aye now I'm going to work with my heart all bruised.


Finaly the story really advance, after so much time Rosa power are shown


need a update!!🥺🥺🥺 it's been over a month👉👈


please please please update.... I really am waiting for this big time... please... T.T