
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin

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bhahahaha!!! thanks for the chap dearest 🐹 author... awaiting your next update ...

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Thanks for the chapter. The best part of the chapter has to be the memories of OG Rosalia and Cosimo. They're both quite similar and Tsundere friends(family). Rosalia doesn't push away Cosimo and she even cares for his safety. Also she warns him of danger and even gets him rations for his travel. Cosimo (miser) gives Rosalia shares of his bank. These all show how much they trust each other even though they give snarky comments to the other. I believe that they will become good friends again. Favorite moments of the chapter 1. Isabel "selling" her son to Maria as a dress up doll (Isabel has fully ingrained the money loving nature of the Biccheiri) 2. Rosa and Cosimo both suffering as dress up dolls. 3. Yuna being forced to play with Lily and Lily's scary stare when he doesn't play with her 4. The Ladies (Maria, Isabel and Aunt Pipa) going off on their own work(an adventure) 5. The chaos that is Lukas and now birds. Somehow Lukas shonen mochi actually managed to talk to the bird. but Amar is hanging on for dear life haha. 6. Lily losing her cheese to the birds and finally revealing a bit of Freddy like nature- the part where she goes take way the big bruders not my cheese. and sulking later. 7.Ron's randomness in appearance? Totally dressed like the greek hero he is. Basically everything in the chapter.

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Thank you for another chapter. Phew, that was a fun one. But, it seem like no one in OG timeline have a happy ending nor a happy life. I love the relationship with the OG Rosalia and Cosimo so much, they have this tiny affection for each other, even though they(at least Rosalia) might deny it. Whether that is them not wanting to admit that the two of them are the only one who generally understand each other in that social circle, or not wanting to get too close with anyone, and be at risk of getting hurt. But, you can see that they both think of each other as someone respectable and a somewhat friend, or maybe even family. These two circumstances just make me cry, Rosalia stuck with having to battle both the society and protect what’s left of her family, then Cosimo has to battle internal and external factor from his family and also protect his family, they really are similar. I just want their Happiness, is that too much to ask for?! Anyway, the rest of the chapter are just sweet, sweet chaos. Poor Lily cheese, will she finally have all the cheese she want with no one taking it away from her. I guess we will see.

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Rosa and Cosimo's previous like was a bit bittersweet.😊😖 I hope you can write a bit about what happened to him in the previous timeline. Like what happened if he survived. Did he join Alfonso to get revenge on the ones who killed her. What happened to his sister as well. It seemed that he was afraid something would happen to her. Anyway thank you for the chapter.

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Theres just something so relaxing about reading this story.

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Oh, I love the part about past Rosa and Cosimo. Happy to know she did have someone close to her age she got along with (since we haven't heard about anyone she could consider a friend up 'til this point)... Plus I live for their dark sense of humour.

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thanks for the chapter . can there be a little spoilers about what happened to cosimo in the original life ?