
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin


Lukas just turned 7. They grow so fast! lol. I'm a bit confused as to why Gable was so mad. Is it because Ron is thinking about Lukas's future even though he's only 7? Or maybe that Ron is suggesting that Lukas will have a dowery, even though he's male? I didn't quite catch the underling message. I wonder when it'll click for Rosa that GablexRon. I wonder how long she'll be in denial when the truth dawns on her, it's not like they hide it from anyone. As for Homewrecker, if it's a tattoo can't he just have it removed? Also, so cute that Rosa was reading to him. I wonder if it was truly annoying or super cute.


I'm curious how it will develop

CCmei:Hmmmm reasons why Gable could be smack smack go sleep outside mad. -he's feeling shy/embarrassed at Ron treating them like a married couple, again -LUKAS IS 7, you're right it's far too soon to be thinking about this kind of thing in Gable's mind. In addition to him being male. Ron is just ridiculous! -Trauma, Gable does not do well with the thought of babies growing up and leaving the nest. He was not the nicest 'parent' before Maria's wedding. Ahahahahha suffer Freddy suffer. Lots of possible underlying messages! Possibly more~ Man Gable sure is doing a bad job of 'hiding' it if that's the case. They're such bffs (BEHAVE IN FRONT OF THE CHILDREN) it's great how many things you readers are seeing that may shoot over and past Rosalia's cute little head. As for tattoo removal. Hmmm it's gonna take some very specific magic or lasers. Tattoos are under the skin and modern laser removal doesn't exist. Also a lot of hints for the rules, natures and limitations to Lilyanne's magic this chapter (spoiler: her magic can stimulate and fuel new cell growth. As well as make the nerves/body feel 'good' But what does that mean really?) Poor Yuna though, listening to Rosa's story time of "terrible" literature. (it was Maria's old romance novels). Who do you root for? The knight? The prince? The other prince? The other prince? The secret prince posing as a monkey trainer? sooooooo many romance options. Rosa may have fun teasing for now but oooooone day in the far future she will have to deal with her own suitors. These stories, like history, are fun to read. Not so much fun to live. Thanks for reading.

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ooh I'm first surprisingly ? so so fun chapter. like omg I was smiling throughout while reading this. Rosa is much more comfortable with Yuna and thus lets her mumbling continue in front of him. so cute. Also Ron x Gable moments are blessed Yuna is slowly coming out of his hissing shell in front of Rosa at least and that's progress. Also Rosa trying to not think about why Gable was not around in the og timeline. I bet there's gonna be something that will shatter the peace again. cause Hama-san is a sadist. Also I really really loved the wholesomeness of the chapter. thanks for the chapter author

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aww rosa got to live out that domestic fantasy she has been craving since the big bird incident. how cuteeee wahhh cleaning a seal must be such a pain because of all that blubber 😂😂😂 poor Yuna. we all love you get well soon❤️ amar my sweet bby boo ❤️❤️❤️❤️ yummmm those apples sound Delish 💕💕💕💕💕 ron stop planning lukas' dowryyy wtfffff 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 thank you for the chapter author nim 💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐💐

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Ahhhh Gable is such a good wife. I just love how domestic he is.

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Love the chapter of family dynamics

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This winter we have lot of snow again so I can easily imagine this snowy scenery, joy of warm milk whit honey on cold day. **. Few of my friends have build smal igloo for their kids to play.


thanks for the chapter


I picked up rosa isn't as sharp as she imagines lol , she didn't notice or won't admit her and her father are the same . even last lifetime . he was and still is very much the villain


wrestling 😳🤭


Is the story she's reading about them? Like she's the princess, amar is the prince, luka the other price, and maybe yuna is the secret prince? 😕

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Ohayo author!!! Long time no see!!! Btw thanks for the chapter!!!




Rosa and Lukas attacking a teary eyed Amar in bed? Oh my, also it's good to see Lily and Rosa doing alright in these mid-flight shenanigans. Thanks for the chapter!