
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin


am so thankful for this chapter cause I can see the Rosa and Amar are starting to get better... thank God!!!!!

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I love amar. hes so dang cute. little burrito baby. i like how hes opening up to Rosa. she Doesnt realize it though. CC this girl needs another awakening...more Grandpa talks i say!

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Agajaj awed zlz (my internal screams) oh my gosh so much character development holy hell. Amar baby opening up to Rosa and Rosa darling telling him that its his choice what to do. My heart just went kaboom(yes pun intended) Also boy do I love having some black tea with ginger in winter as I'm wrapped around by blankets. (yes I'm a tea maniac too) Also Yuna is more comfortable with Rosa now (somewhat thanks to Georgie) But Georgie is truly getting a bit too sidetracked with his desires lolol Also why did you have to smash a perfectly good orange. (my favorite food) Seriously though Rosa really needs to accept that she's stuck with the doll. (it's hilarious how Lukas just greets the doll normally) Like she can't just freak out every time right? Anyways have a lovely day [img=recommend]


And there is the Doll. Just waiting.

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omg my baby boo amar I love him so much I love the fact that these two can communicate to some extent. it makes me feels so warm that these kiddos have friends this time around Rosalia low-key overworked herself and was stabbed in the back amar died down the path of revenge and power Lukas was alone on his throne but this time around at least they have eachother all three of them love eachother in their own ways and will go out of the way to save eachother( rosa and Lukas running into a burning building to get amar,lukas breaking into the ship,amar feeding his friends his blood) on a lighter note, ponyo-cora-annabelle ahhhhh I love her I do she's legit my fave side side character. lily lol I hope this serves as a good learning experience 🤣🤣🤣 Georgie and Yuna 🤣🤣 I can't such babies . I know for a fact that Yuna is juuuust a lil bit soft on the inside and he too loves this crew. abbey just wants her young miss to live a little

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I'd say the chapter was exciting, Lily had a 'near death' lesson and Rosa got to say hi to Ponyo-cora-annabelle again. Now that makes Yuna and Lukas noting her/its weirdness. Thanks for the chapter!


Not a very exciting chapter?!! It was very exciting! what was that development with Amar? what was it what???? He remembers a modernish past life. How could Rosa not catch that??


How to be a Villianess 101 book, author a 3+ year old super bright cutie (Rosa). First rule - choose your minions wisely. They have to be malleable/trainable to obey you. Second rule- no matter the size always show that you are the boss. Show what would happen if your rules are not followed i.e. no bonuses 🍩😒🤑 Third rule - make sure your unofficial mentor does not catch you or he will steal your ideas. However, its okay for you to steal and take ownership of his. Fourth rule - you come up with one


Just thought to this now but Rosa was training before no ? With a whip ? Did she keep training or did that was totally forgotten for food and clothes ? ------ Also, Rosa power, we don't have any more info on this ? Lily is OP and can do all she want with hers, we know, but Rosa ? She can break barrier and be a kind of battery for Lily, what else ?