
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin

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we are still reading, so make sure you keep on writing!! I will be waiting![img=update]

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A leprosy colony hmmn. seems like some serious issues are coming up. Maria Finally knows about Lily's powers. Though Rosa's remain secret. I wonder how she will act around her now. Also Vincent should reallllllyyyyy get some rest. He's too stressed out. I guess Rosa's spa treatment should help. Yuna YYs acting much more nice now. interesting.

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Poor Little Rosa, she is sporting boy short hair again. Or is it worse like a buzzcut?🤣

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Thank you for the chapter. It's instantly brightened my day and night but now I'm well rested enough to actually write a comprehensible comment. 😅 Part 1 with Rosa and fam. I knew I was going to laugh upon seeing Maria's and Lukas' relationship in action and I was right. 🤣🤣🤣 Big sister understanding perfectly the plight her cute baby brother is going through. Boo ho ho ho, why is this world so easy to break? and the war flashbacks Maria must be going through when seeing the mishap Rosa and Lukas caused. Those gorgeous long locks she always wanted but couldn't have because FLEAS!!!! and her darling thinking of her as a boy and now Freddy 2.0 is staring at her with the buzzcut. Georgie having another great laugh at Rosalia's expense. He may suffer, yes, but he'll die laughing. I wonder how it went babysitting Lilyanne. Same face as the bossy miss but just soooo dumb and cute. Aww, Lily wants to be just like Rosa. She's so cute. Ah, Maria's own trauma is showing. Her insecurities is so deeply rooted. She didn't have a mother growing up and Ronald .... yeah, I don't think he knew how to raise a girl into the kind of lady noble society would have wanted. Gable was a prince but he's been a hermit for so long and far away from the rest of the world. I saw in comments that Maria was the one "courting" Frederick by offering the corpses of dead monsters as though they were both human-shaped felines and she was the one to ask Freddy to marry her. Also, Frederick spent a good portion of his childhood legit thinking Maria was a guy. Which explains why she wants to be a lady so much, why she wants to be chosen so badly and why she's intent on making sure her daughters don't grow up like that and be the real dainty ladies they were meant to be. One day Maria, I know you'll be able to accept the duality of who you are just like you did with Persephone. Also wow Grampa, nice way to drop a bombshell. Geez, Ventrella always going for the kill strike. But Sweet lord Grampa, you just explained Rosalia's adult-like self and her sister's cheat powers like it was the morning news. Cap is killing me in all the good ways 🤣🤣🤣 But the Ventrella's NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! attitude of why is our cute Rosa too much like Freddy is just too damn hilarious. Is her mother that afraid of that vibrant orange shade? GABLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I, too, will jump out the window just to spend a second longer to bask in his awesome presence but alas, I'm mortal so running down the stairs it is AND Shounen boi strikes again and the Lilyanne formula is being corrupted further. ( Gee, I wonder what an impressionable child like Lily is learning from having Amar and Lukas around in her life) Somehow, I should have suspected since the day George said the Ventrella family virtue was insanity that common sense belonged to Frederick's side of the genes and GRAMPA, since when is common sense fatal? One day, Georgie, the memo for future butler in training shall reach you and you'll go -___- should have known all along. Oh Leprosy colony. ( I need to brush up on my history) --- Part 2 with Amar ( Hilarious road trip ) 😄😄😄 NO, not skippable. must read too funny and lots of great insight into several side characters such as Yuna, Vincent and Cass + Amar of course. Especially since it's in Cass' perspective. ( Does she know our baby cabbage's birthday ?) or jumps to Yuna's. truly, not to be skipped. What I learned is that Vincent must be treated like the delicate Victorian lady he is. Too stressed and a drama queen. Prone to fainting at a moment's notice. When he comes back, he's going to be the number one client of Rosalia's spas. He has a crush on George, Lord Ventrella is too scary for him and he misses how Tamera nags at him because ow, ow, ow, his tender heart can't take Cass' sharp words. Send help please. 🤣 Argh, word count achieved again. comment continues below

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Everyone is heading off to an adventure equally fun as it is dangerous. Maria learning that her children have powers originally percieved as only healing and nuff has powered up. It really brings to wonder what gramps has planned. Either he is preparing maria to ease in on rosas rebirth or he knows that maria might have a hard time accpeting the news. We always kind of knew the life maria desired for her children. Nothing like her upbringing. And for all the fond memories she has its harder to be accepted in the noble society which she and her girls live in. Its one of the reasons gramps in another life backed off. ( we also get a bit more insight in the relationship between maria and Ron) Gramps mentioning the girls abilities is breaking past marias desires for her girls. does bring to wonder if freddy knows. he might have? thanks for the update! always brightens my day!

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Omg thanks author num for this amazing(and long!) Chapter❤️❤️❤️ I think if Maria from the first timeline met the current Maria her thoughts on being a*dainty real lady* would change. I like to think that Maria in the first timeline would muse on how she became a dainty lady like she wanted to be but it's not what she expected. At all. If Rosa is ever able to show what Maria was in the first timeline she would hate it. I hope if that ever happens,I hope Maria could work on her dualities, like Persephone. Speaking of Persephone, I've read that there is a rule in the underworld that there are no living thing's allowed so hades built a garden where all plants are made out of jewels. So, future suitors (or doting family members!)of our dear Rosa take note! These are the only flowers the ventralla heir apparent would accept!❤️ Vincent😂😂🥺. Yuna is such a sweetie tho. Totes can see him being a tsundere big bro to our kiddies( he can be doting too). Cass is so intriguing tho and so much fun to read. Amar is delight obviously ❤️🥺 Thank you so much author nim ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (PS I totally remember checking this site around one hour after publication but I didn't find it. Webnovel wtf😑😑😑)

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thanks for the chapter. my favorite part is when maria and ron focused on rosa hair and ignored her knowledge of the future. ron is ( oh just destruction < death and handsome young men THE USUAL) it was hilarious


Omg. Rosa should have Lukas's hair cut ALL off. That boy should be bald as punishment. I am pretty sour over this turn of events for some reason. AND the fact that Maria isn't even mad at the brat. Ugh. Lukas I know you're a kid, but honestly you are getting on my bad side atm.

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Another "normal" day at Ventrella household. I missed Amar though.

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thanks for updating




Keep it up 👍