
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin

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it hurts so much to read about jj when its a given that they will never be reunited.. some part of me still hopes he will somehow be part of rosalia’s life too… THIS SHOULDNT HURT SO MUCH WHYYYYYYYYY

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I needed time to calm myself as I was crying after reading the chapter. I love how Rosa's memories blend in with reality and how it's sometimes hard to know whether it's memories or reality. I enjoy that. It makes me immersed in the moment and the emotions as they overpower Rosa's control and spill out. After all it's impossible to hold back the ocean with simply a wall and no matter how far you run the waves will crash into you. I always felt something was off with Rosa's reaction to the arranged marriage. The way she was trying to make herself emotionally distant from it. Thinking that she'll be killed or that won't like her. It wasn't just the prince she hates, she hated the attentdants and the people keeping watch when she went to meet the stupid prince. There must be a reason for that. Now we finally get to know why she's so afraid to acknowledge that Freddy is her father. After all she's being 'sold' again to that prince in place of Lily. The reason she's afraid of marriage and why she rejected JJ because she was afraid to repeat the same mistakes as her parents. In this chapter it shows that she believes marriage is abuse as her friends say it in her memories and how she let's it slip that her father sold her to try and keep her mother satisfied cause they didn't have money. So she hates the notion of marriage and rejects Jung Joon even though she knows that he was serious about her. And this explains why she was so strict at work and cracked down upon molesters at her job. That's also why she is trying to convince herself that the Ventrellas are not her parents because they're so in love with each other. She comments that Maria is ignorant or how Freddy is loyal to Maria even when so many women seduce him. She also thinks the pda is gross because she's not used to it and thus tries to ignore the obvious signs that things are different now. I think we need a different characters pov of Rosalia, especially Freddy because he definitely misunderstood why Rosa was so upset. I need one of Maria too. Or Alphonse. I'm sure I'm not a masochist but I want more chapters with trauma feels cause I can definitely relate more to our beloved characters. Hit me the best you can Hamster.

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This story can be a hard read sometimes, in particular when Rosa's pain catches up to her, the hurt is almost tangible. She feels like a living person, and like a little sister you can't help but love and sympathize with, and as hard as it is knowing you can't reach out to her, it's harder watching her unable to accept that her life has diverted so much from that of the first Rosalia's, and that this time she is loved, she won't be forgotten, and she won't be pushed away or allowed to distance herself. I'm really looking forward to her finally understanding, I need her to have that epithany, and I swear to god if it never happens, I will riot!

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Now that I think back on it, Rosalia had an uncanny obsession to money. It was fine just writing it off as just an addiction to money due to not being rich previously, but it made so much more sense because she was sold. For money. This, to a certain degree, explained how obsessed she was over it. Money makes the world go round. Maybe she's making money not jus cos she finds it useful for many things. We all like money. Money is important. Unconsciously or consciously, she might be trying to improve her value, by showing she has/can make money, so that she wouldn't get sold off anymore, since ppl will suffer a lost if they got rid of her. But then she still got 'sold off' to the princr when they had an engagement, so she starts questioning her value, which unavoidably led to the flashback and breakdown. Then again, I could be thinking too much into it. Was that ur intention, author? I don't know. Really not good to stay up late reading. Haiz :P

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So you mean all of us? At this point reading the comments is an extra chapter..we all look forward to and love. I admit reading this chapter there never was a moment my stomach wasnt in knots. There was so much ******* that i just dont know what to do with myself. Its clear that Rosa has a form of Ptsd, the past and present from either lives overlap and your writing does a wonderful job on demostrating it and conveying it to us readers. Its so seamlessly written that we dont know when the past and present overlap and exchange until we are in the middle of it and it just like a sucker punch at least for me. Poor meng, poor Rosilia and poor rosa. This moment has been long coming and little was solved but it never was meant to be solved. Rosa has known that both lives were sort of similar but she has done an amazing job in supressing...her acknowleging it is a huge step. I cried in mengs story and rosas thoughts. Poor fredrick. & rosa. My heart💕😓 Fredrick was suckered punch and without a doubt he must be having bitter thoughts on how he is true to hsi blood and alike to his parents. Ouch my heart CC. Thabks for the chapter and the hurt. The wait is always worth it. Stay safe!✊

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When i first started reading this novel my expectations for it were like 'well this will be like those lighthearted jp transmigrated to otome game novel'.. Then i actually started reading i realized i was wrong it was much much more in the beginning chapters the ******* was very high, normally i don't like ******* but in this one i dived right in.. I wanted to know what happens next.. I cheered MC when she was trying her best.. I wanted to scold her when she belittled herself.. Then came the later chaps which leaned towards being lighthearted.. Did i not like it??.. No a big NO.. I loved it i mean ******* is all good and all but the lighthearted stories are what got me hooked and the feels train that seemed to hit randomly yet at the perfect timing were the best this built so much character.. Not just MC all the characters around her i can clearly imagine what they might look like and how they walk and talk.. *sigh although the story feels a bit slow its not boring at all and there is development not in the story but the characters.. Whatever it is I'll stick to this novel till the end..😁🤓 P. S. I love how long the chapter lengths are because of that i don't complain about slow release rates lol😅

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Another chapter where I cried like a little baby =/ I am ashamed of myself right now

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The plot might not be the best(heck is there even a plot?), the pacing might not be the best, but this story has caused me to feel so much. It has brought out the most... Inexplainable feelings within and I will keep coming back for that. For while it might not make the most sense, it has so much feelings


Unloved Twin is the a novel where reading the comments is as important as reading the actual novel. The "behind the scenes" stories, the discussions by readers and dear Author at the end of each chapter is absolutely amazing. I'll stay to the end. 🥰

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Honeslty author-sama, I break a little bit more when you say your draft is terrible. Its really amazing. I cried and laughed so much that I thought I was crazy. I laughed because its crazy that you feel like your writing terrible and I realized that its true the worse critic you will ever met is yourself. I have felt that same way when it comes to working on projects I tend to be harsher on my own work. I wouldn't believe others when they said my work was good. Also please excuse my cringyness your last comment about your story being trash really got to me because I really love your work. As for how I feel about the latest chapter.I loved it!!! I am pretty sure everyone has that one toxic person in there life that they love so much but continously hurts them more and leaves deeper scars. You can't help but to wonder why and hate yourself for still loving them and holding on to them. I feel like your really protrayed rosalia trauma in this chapter truthfully because scars take longer to heal. Thank you for continuously writing good stories, I feel like I can cope with life a better today. Also they better give you the best offer and a damn good editor. If not I will definitely spam webnovel forum about them not giving you the best treatment you deserve!

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I seriously wasnt expecting any of that. I cried towards the end even though i got nothing to cry for. The way you write is just so immersive that salty water comes out my eyes... (BlackCat,2020) I’ve been so busy from school stuff recently that i think my brains been half fried already. So sorry if stuff dont make sense. I think Rosa has been a strong girl, given all her experiences of suffering and pain. It’s kind of good to see her cry, to see that shes started the healing process. Despite what others say, crying is actually a lot more healthy than keeping evrything inside and letting it fester until it causes unhealable damge to yourself and people around you. So cry! Cry your heart out when things are bad, cry when ur heart broken, cry when the last donut from your favourite bakery was bought by the person infront of you!... 🤔 It’s ok to cry when things are bad, so let those salty water droplets fall, and dont hold back. (BlackCat,2020) I hope that someday Rosa eventually learns how to deal with those emotions that have been festering inside her for two lifetimes. With the help of the whole crew of course! They’ll have a counseling with granpa fridays where everyone talks it out and cries together. They’ll have snacks and hot drinks, some grape juice, perfection! Once again, thank you very much for writing this wonderful story CC, and I hope you have a wonderful day/week/year/decade/century ahead of you. :) Is this enough to get me a spot in the end credits of that fantasy anime your working on? 😅 maybe evwn a short cameo??? ✌️🤣

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Now her cutesy obsession with money speaks a lot. I thought it had something to do with trauma and struggling to be financially sufficient. But I didn't think that it was to do with her father selling her off. I also sometimes hope that the father in the Rosa dimension wasn't actually going to sell her off? His untimely death was a reason maybe. It's tough really. As a third person I'm hoping that Rosa's past was really really really ****ty parenting. As a child I can't imagine the emotional turmoil and trauma she went through. Hope, hunger for love and acknowledgement, mixed with grudge, anger and deep anguish. The duality of the same event in both of her lives just adds onto this. Plus she knows that both of her fathers are different but Rosa's past life and her life as Meng makes it difficult to differentiate. She was betrayed in both of her lives and the 3rd time takes a lot of courage, a leap of faith

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Ugh there are waters coming from my eyes. How can you do this to us beloved author? I really want for JJ be reborn in this world. Our dear author, you are like father Freddy teasing us like how he teases Rosalia. Giving us a peek of these sweet moments between JJ and Mengy but we all know well that there is no future for them. Then all of a sudden you make us cry 😭 ugh the roller coaster of emotions. Dear author, do you feel happy teasing us? I swear this novel should not be read when one is in public.


Meng is someone who fell into the whole filial piety. Quite interesting it's a concept that's more known in Asian culture. So even when her father was horrible, she doesn't blame him. It takes an outsider who can see the situation as wrong to save her. She wouldn't have the heart to run away on her own even if she feels it's wrong.

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I really want to read the modern timeline, with a happy ending!! I may have fallen for the bros.. while heartbroken for mengmeng..

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I can't stop crying, I can feel her pain, as if her trauma was my own. I relate to her statement about how sometimes your close family member is just horrible and how you hate them but also can't help but love them. This chapter is a masterpiece, one of the best ones I've read.

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Freddy and maria are both dumbass not realizing their mistakes and just putting rosa in death bed, everyday. She just actually said i will never marry him and he dont understand?????? Duddeeeeeeee just throw lily to that prince she sure loves it Idk why but lilyanne pisses me of, so much. My gad.


Why does Amar think the serpent is his mom?

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I didn't know sadness can be addicting. I'm looking forward on being hurt again by your chapters. Thank you.


Oh wow. Influx on chapter comments! I'm excited. It's always nice to see what others would ask. I've been meaning to ask, doesn't Amar notice the snake? Maybe he doesn't feel it as dangerous, or maybe he feels it's quite similar to his mother.

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CC you made us cry 😭😭😭😭😭😤