
Comments of chapter undefined of I was Born the Unloved Twin


And this is why there is a strict no eating or drinking in labs!!!!

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Hit the hoody master with the curry pan please, and make him choke on the poison curry everyday but keep him alive just add the poison dose bit by bit. I hate how he abuse amar. Make rosa parent and gwampy so mad at him they make a petty payback the worst kind possible

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I don't see why you would be apologizing to us for the long chapter, unless they're apologies to yourself. As a reader, I know I enjoy rhe long chapters. As for chapter choices, I do prefer Amar's story over Erik. Maybe because it's from Rosa's view, but Prince "Charming" seems more like Prince "Yawning". There's no interesting trait to him and as a character the most fun I get from reading about him is due to the characters around him such as Rosa beating him up. Also, grandpa does need to give Freddy and Rosa more head position to manage the troops. I can see Freddy in charge of the research institute. Reminds me of the industrial revolution when science became a huge thing. The growth was so rapid, safety laws weren't implemented fast enough. Grandpa may be putting out all these new ideas for the normal people to build better "weapons" but there are no laws. I trust evwn if you will put the characters in more pain, it's not something they can't handle. Also I believe they have to go through some tough phases regardless of whether you intend for them or not. It wouldn't be a good story if everyone just have a rosie life, mind you, it's not a Rosa life. I wouldn't be satisfy if it's all fluff and no substance. Even Lukas's fluffy clouds have some substantial substance we have yet to pick on fully.

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I'll choose an Amar chapter over Prince Erik any day. Thanks for the update! Rosa please save my boi Amar from his miserable life. 😭💔

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Uhh cliffhangers are my bane. Just from his one sentence and I could tell that hoody master is so despicable. My fave char after Rosa cried. 😭 I get the feeling he didn't cry when he went through the same thing himself but he cried for his friends when they ate the poisoned food. 😭 Uhh my bb boi Amar my heart breaks for you. 💔 I'll ready myself for the upcoming chapters. I should've known by the chapter's title that this isn't going to be cute fluffy and that I shouldn't read this when I just wake up and have to go to work but oh well, can't help myself. We love the looong chapters! Even if you make it twice as long as this one we won't complain. Ever. Thank you for updating! ❤️

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I want to know more about Amar and I want Rosie to hurry and take everything that brings him pain and destroy it so she can protect him and Lukas And that person I can’t believe that her grandfather has people like that in his territory He should protect them more

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Someone call georgie! I feel that with his wrath alone he can not only take but win against hooded necromancer. And i have never felt instant dislike until that hooded man if only because what he did to Amar and that last comment alone. I love long chapters and the author talks cc if an aangry editor does ever find you, i got ur back 😂😂😂😂


It's a pretty strict entry level of strength (not character, remember Giloh anyone? Wow I'm just really abusing Amar all around, no wonder Phillippe's 'bullying' doesn't bother him. Too smallfry.) I also made it kinds militia & guild like so people can come and go, I saw it on the low end of thousand something ppl allowed in (like a school) but the permanent members/employee/guild are only a couple hundred. The inner troops are ever smaller.

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Well, that was one intense chapter... 10/10 recommendable if you’re looking for a spoonful of sugar and two bags of pure bitterness. Gosh, I love Amar so much though, it’s sad how much he goes through. Also, Rose, please don’t eat strange suspicious food in strange suspicious places. It gives me anxiety lol. Thanks for the chapter :D


Just thought about this, but since Rosalia shoved a whole pot down her bag, she basically has letal poison to use now whenever she needs it


Please make sure Rosalia takes revenge on that hoodie guy for making her team member (Amar) go through this. I want to kick grandpa 🤬for letting this abuse happen even though he promised he will keep an eye

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Honestly, I love long chapters! I’d rather read about Amar than the prince anyways. Thanks for the update!

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I think there are many reasons most webnovels have short chapters. The writer is too busy to conjure something long or they hope to extend the time it takes to complete the story. As you can see most of these stories may end up in loops and same dreadful conflicts so extend the story. This is so the readers will keep paying to read. Not saying it's a money making scheme but it's close to that. I'm happy you're can write such lengthy chapters. I also notice, lengthy chapters are usually the format of actual paper books. If you are planning to publish UT one day, it'll fit the format of normal books.

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What an awful experience you've go through ma baby Amar. I hope the author will give him a big compensation for all of the suffering he had gone through . Maybe you can make him as the ML. This chapter really hit me hard as it made me realize how much suffering the victim of war need to go through. No offense though but those country leader whose policy are all about war and not caring about their citizens welfares r just fuvking retard ah. I know that I'm really off topic here but urghhhhhhhh

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God, that was so unexpected. I hope that whatever is happening gets uncovered soon.

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Cliffhanger should be ilegal q.q give me the next chapter please! °crying°

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I hate the hoody master. 😡 Gramps why are you allowing such things to happen on your troop? 😭

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oh my poor Amar baby!! Let me at the hoody!

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I actually like your QCI titles, they sound poetic and they have this mysterious feels (for me at least). Wow. That brainstorm draft tho. 😂 So much going on. It's amazing though since even if the chapter went from fluffy to bloody real quick, the transitions are well done, chapters are easy to read and well written. UT kinda reminds me of another slice-of-life novel that I like, 'Kenkyo', in the way that they are both slow-paced but compelling (for me) and have this amazing story-telling. **: It's Friday night rn in my timezone. I had curry for dinner and it made me somewhat sad huhu.

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Reply to the part of the authors note I actually read: did you seriously just apologize for a long chapter? ..No. no! Thank you. Bombard me! Overwhelm me with chapters that take me days and days to read! My comments might slow down, but I shall be pure happiness for the length of those days!! Aaaa T~T


Long chapters are good no nead to apologise for them. I cant wait to see what happens next!